The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb! Someone asked if I wanted to go to Africa and help rape victims. And while my heart goes out to women EVERYWHERE OF EVERY COLOR who have been subjected to Male Sexual Terrorism: No. Because there are plenty of traumatized black, brown, white, yellow, red women HERE who NEED and deserve our help. I think its interesting how mf always wanna go to Africa. My people are American. We came here (my Matriarchs) to escape black maledom anyway. And then they came here too and brought white men with em. And destroyed our home here too. We, as a collective, arent invested in American Women. Least of all, those who have been sexually assaulted. "Those Women" are disrespected, judged, cast aside, accused of jealousy and more. "Those Women" are barked at "you need healing" by the very bytches who should be invested in that healing. Women, if we dont do it? If we arent invested in our sisters? No one will be! The healing will never come if its not done by women. Angry Devas mission is to aid Women, all women of all colors and creeds, in healing from Rape. And this is the work I do privately behind the scenes. Its not a big show for likes. But it is a big effort for FEMALE RESTORATION! May all women be free from rape May all women be in-formed about its origins and effects May all women be freed from the burden of male sexual terrorism May all women be free to explore her own destiny!
The single most POWERFUL thing I ever did... Was FACE my darkness. Oh I ran. Like a mug!! i think we all do at first, and in some way or form. I tried to hide, deny, and abide by everything that wasnt me. I prayed, I cried, I begged. I made offering lol. I did all kinda shyt. The Scandal was Me, though. And I wasnt able to see and admit this. It took me a little while. But then, i got the hang of it. The pendulum began to swing the other way! It was an awakening for me. Because, everything I was running away from, was the very thing i really wanted. I wanted the freedom to express myself. However i deemed worthy, whenever I so desired. I had to face the Beautiful, Dark, Witty, take-no-shyt, cussin, fussin, Musing, hilarious, SHOCKING BITCH GODIS that I Am! It was amazing! This in-formation i was experiencing. I flirted with my sensuality, enjoyed it. I flirted with my Femininity! Doing it MY way! And enjoyed that. I created businesses! And developed them to make money! Good money! And they continue to grow. Along the way? I met certain sisters, we exchanged information. They in-formed me. And I, accordingly, in-formed them! It was... Brilliant. I created a group and we further in-formed one another. Created the Angry Deva's Radio Show and learn from other Women every day!! It has evolved into each woman being a Priestess of In-Formation. Having the ability to in-form yourself; to tap into your own in-formation.
When we admit that something isn't working for us, we free ourselves. Many of us women have been caged birds for so long. We have performed for our church, our family, our friends. We have work mask after mask, and at the end of the day are unhappy and unsatisfied with life. Satisfaction, pleasure, is our birth-rite. The ability to make manifest whatever we dream is ours! The Priestess of In-FormationIs a private 1 on 1 Session dedicated to redefining our understanding of what is within. The only way OUT of your present situation? Is to go WITHIN yourself for the answers. This is a Spiritual and Soul based working, as above so below/as within so without. Many of us are searching, we are looking for our way out! We want to set the INNER captive Free! This kind of work, however, is simply too important to broadcast openly, yet how can someone get the opportunity unless it is made available. I totally get what ol Eddy KANG JR was tellin this snake. But Eddie, unfortunately, didn't understand that HE was the one who was HANDING his Spot to FLASH. Flash was a proper vulture, in that, when he saw Eddie, slow, walking along life's highway; he did what any other vulture would. Flash swooped in to feast upon the dead carcass. Vultures don't prey on the living. They prey on the dead, they just walk along side ya, waiting for you to realize your number is already up. Let this be a metaphor for your life. Some of your "friends" and the broads you think are "sister-friends" are merely VULTURE SPIRITS, walking along side you... waiting for you to give up the ghost. They will descend upon you and devour your carcass. Its in their nature. I can see thru yo jive ass like GLASS nigga. Stealin my MOVES, my STYLE, nigga even tryina riff like me. They Say: Pride cometh before the FallIn the end of the movie, Eddie, a CHILD OF LUCK, did get his life together. He had his woman, a classic patriarchal theme, and his "god" (another classic patriarchal theme) and his health. Flash had, what appeared to be, a career successfully cooning; if you let the movie tell it. But in the end?
It all really depends on your definition of SUCCESS. What is Success to you? Lemme tell you something about "loyalty" To these over grown man-children, "loyalty" means you tolerate all that i do. And ya like it. It means, lock your sexuality away when i go to jail, to play rectal ranger games wit da fellas. It means, dont have sex with someone else even though i am a he-whore. It means, if you do express Sovereign Expression of your Sexuality as YOUR OWN, i wil l call you a whore/slut/bad-woman/bad-mother etc. It means, cow-tow to what MEN have historically defined a "good girl" to be. Or a "good woman" or "wife material" which basically means, his secured watering hole. So he can go play his game of 9th hole, sexually. It means that as long as women are sharing themselves with men, sexually, men will feel entitled to control of it. Whether its "you should fuck the beta man or he will kill you" or "you need to be celibate till marriage" or "you have children, oh well. Pussy dead!" All of this BULLSHYT is designed to keep MEN from: *Owning they are immature asshats And so long as we women continue to sexually service men (all sexuality expressed towards or involving men is inherently patriarchal complicity, unfortunately. We don't gotta like the truth, ts still true. WOMEN'S SEXUAL EXPRESSIONS WITH MEN is female endorsement of male supremacy, abuse and tyranny.) the problem will only grow worse.
The expectation of female sexual submission, sexual servicing, sexual gratification of male ego, desire and definition of sex is, LITERALLY killing us. Wake up! #tabootuesday #angrydevas Listen To Religion Internet Radio Stations with Musing in the Madness on BlogTalkRadio CAN WE REALLY check and BE our Sister's Keeper? Is it possible, when black women are refusing to be accountable for what they do? I have had falling outs with black women SIMPLY for correcting their vampirism. It immediately became an attack against ME for my tone in checking her ass. There is a vampiritic thief out there now, mad at me because i told her YOU are out of line. Many women DO NOT WANT TO BE CORRECTED or ACCOUNTABLE for their lack or failure. Black women are the WORST at this.
All these black christian women? you are out of order. You are CURSED and this is why black women FAIL. you cannot SERVE TWO MASTERS! Black woman: CUT THE PHALLUS OUT OF YOUR LIFE and go with THE TRUE LIVING GOD, then be BLESSED by the Most High Highest vs cursed for living your life. Listen to this WISE CRONE! Her Teachings are ON POINT, ya ain't gotta like it.
Rest in Power, your work always inspired me! And i am so very thankful for our meeting. You have no idea... When it hurt to keep writing, because my writing partner assaulted me during a "writing session" he requested, it was this poem that have me strength. That kept me going, even though it hurt. Accordingly, here is my tribute to you! In honor of your Grand memory! Ase Dear Mother.
The solution is simple. But women dont want solutions. They literally want to argue with black men. I recognize this. See, you ever fuck a man... Then watch him act like a straight up Asshole? What did you wanna do, back before ya knew betta? You wanted to claw his eyes out. He had no respect for what you offers. You were enraged and started talkin shyt. To expel, to exorcise that nigga up out ya system. Except, black women, non-stop, every damn day Want To argue with black men. Moreover, they have given birth to sons. Yet STILL bytch about black men and what he is or aint doing. Its an addiction. I remember, at the height of my HATRED for black men, i wanted to and did argue with them. I couldn't seem to STOP myself from ARGUING with these mf beasts. Any thread i was on? I would absolutely go the hell off and cuss em up one side and down the other! Accordingly? I was ENRAGED to see that black women:
And i realized.... Black women, at large, arent really ready to change. They dont want to change. I began saying that, that black women themselves dont want to change. I also, back in 2010, began saying: stop having sons. One of the most present parrotlets of my "stop having sons" doctrine, opposed it then. She said: "black women will always remember their sons as lil boys. As adorable, loving, chubby faced children. So they (she included herself as she is a mother of a son) will never stop having sons" And accordingly, to that sister and all like her, you all will fail. By the time i was 9-10? I was candidly aware that mothers of sons are the enemy of all women. From having been beaten to the ground at 9, so the boys could feel my budding breasts, to mothers bringing their little rapists in training into female only spaces like the bathroom, women with sons are the problem. Their entitlement to intrude on women and girls space is dangerous. When their sons act on his inherent rapist instincts, she will retort "boys will be boys" or blame the attire of the female victim of his Sexual Terrorism! Mothers of males are the ENEMY of all women! They alone are the gateway and gatekeeper of patriarchy! We who have no male children? We actually have a shot at this sovereign thing. No divided loyalties. Accordingly, this is for women who havent already been colonized by men and patriarchy. To save our Daughters from the curse of the mother. Yes motherhood is a curse upon women, in a thriving patriarchal structure. So we Wombn who are Sovereign and not conquered broodmares of patriarchy have to maintain and sustain that God Power Within. The Angry Deva has always had a private group of women she works with. In my Private forums, we discuss: Black Wombn Sovereignty Black Female Value Black Wombn's Spirituality! The Value/Cost of Birthing Black The value/cost of birthing for black men The risks associated with relating to black men and women The fact that most black people are simply slaves and ignorant slaveship at that. Ways out of the trap Mental spell breaking And more. The Angry Deva's High Priestess of In-Formation is not open to all. But those who inquire (inbox or website only) will be considered. The message aint for everyone. The method either. Not all will be saved. Many are called, few choose to answer the call. Blame it on the Black Woman: |
![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022