The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
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Today i broke down beautifully how the men win and thrive. And why they will always keep womanhood defeated. Men are: Uncreative Draining Not able to spark your awareness
For many years I wondered about the real reason why earliest patriarchs had created a world that was built on the demonization of women. I was like a dog sniffing for a bone – I just couldn’t let it go. Why would one half of Earth’s population, I kept asking myself, invest so much time, energy, and money trying to exclude and destroy the other? I didn’t buy the line that women were disempowered because they were different, or an easy target - the gentler sex after all. No, there had to be a much deeper reason why patriarchy would go to such extraordinary lengths to render womankind invisible – if someone is powerless, how can they be a threat? I had my suspicions, but they were too left-field to entertain - but entertain them I did. No sooner had I found the courage to open to the unthinkable, than a new, illuminating presence appeared. One night as I journeyed to spirit, an unspeakably beautiful female ancestor named “Coral” introduced herself and told me that she was going to give me all the answers I hungered for. “Charly”, she said, “You are absolutely right. There has been a cover-up - your conclusions are bang on. Mankind has been mixing things and deliberately sitting on the truth of what women truly are.” “Is it to do with women’s power of parthenogenesis?” I asked. “Exactly that”, answered Coral. “I thought as much”, I added with a sigh. After many days and nights spent with Coral in spirit, the truth is out. It’s a tough pill to swallow – truth all too often comes wrapped that way. It seems that it isn’t womankind’s lack of power that has got mankind trying to annihilate her, but her gift of it. The old, terror-based, twisted patriarchs who run the Vatican, for example, long ago sealed the door tightly shut on the truth about women being able to reproduce on their own. They’ve kept the secret hidden since their inception by teaching everyone that women are not only inferior, but the cause of humanity's every ill, (Pandora’s Box – more on that later). Christianity blaming women for “original sin” is another way of making the sacred feminine deeply unattractive to dabble with: women who hold a lot of shame are less likely to think themselves worthy enough to start clawing back stolen power and soul. And keeping women out of all positions of power within the church is another obvious way of making sure that women remain too spiritually crippled to even begin “remembering” the magical powers of reproduction that they once knew about. Ever wondered why the Vatican considers the ordination of women within the church as equal in sin to paedophilia within the church? A “demonization of women” technique designed to make damn sure that no one ever discovers that women don’t need men to reproduce. There are clues to women’s gift of being able to reproduce “the old way”. The ancient tradition, for example, of the vestal virgins is one of them. In the pre-patriarchal world, women would come together under the guidance of a high priestess and learn how to bring new life into the world through parthenogenesis. The colour associated with vestal virgins was white – it symbolized the purity and heightened frequency needed to conceive this way. What was ancient tradition became “myth”: patriarchs made sure that this knowledge was suppressed – it was deliberately steeped in myth and vagueness to stop anyone picking up the scent. Patriarchal religious efforts to stop the world knowing about women’s inherent gift of parthenogenesis have their parallels in the wider world: the workplace – another manifestation and creation of patriarchy – has subtle measures in place to disempower any woman who dares to enter it. It’s all part of mankind’s conscious erosion of the feminine spirit: with womankind’s power and soul stolen, they are far less likely to start asking awkward questions. Most ancient cultures knew that women could reproduce “the old way”. Ancient patriarchs who built the world of separation - them and us, rich and poor - also knew about it and, in order to assert their power and dominion over everything, destroyed all knowledge of it. The great library at Alexandria, for example, was burnt to the ground by early Christians because it contained recorded texts of the secret history of women’s gift of parthenogenesis. The burning of this great library, it must be remembered, coincided with the rise of Christianity. As the worship of a male-centred God rose to power, Goddess was beaten down in equal measure. Early Christianity’s unrelenting destruction and dismantling of paganism and the worship of Goddess, (it still continues today), was patriarchy’s answer to rendering womankind “amnesiac”. If women themselves had no knowledge of their magical power to procreate, they would see men as necessary and as co-producers, sexually speaking.
Only the patriarchs who built this world of illusion know the truth, though: the average man on the street has been domesticated into believing that women are powerless. To the few hundred embittered and insecure males who control everything, women - contrary to the myth they got started - are not powerless at all, but all powerful. The few hundred males who run the planet are only too aware that women are the secret power behind everything. They know about “the old ways” in which women could “dream in” a new-born. They keep the ancient knowledge deeply hidden and distract the world from the truth through false myth and disinformation. Pandora’s Box does not contain “all of mankind’s ills”, as they would have you believe. Pandora’s Box is a metaphor for the potent magic held within a woman’s womb - the magic that contains both egg and seed to create a new life. Pandora’s Box is the holy grail of reproductive power – it represents the essence of what it means to be female. It represents the power within every woman to become union consciousness itself, and be a channel through which a being of the highest order can enter.
For all we who remained childfree. With no fucks given to the broads who did not! As a child I was afraid of being the wrong black girl stereotype. I never wanted to be the baby mama black girl. The girl with no value because she has babies and no husband. I actually was so deeply afraid of not the damn label of baby mama but the FULL ON REALITY of the baby mama, i didnt have sex until i was 21. Then i only had sex whenever i was so fuckin horny i couldnt stand it. Still do to this day. So i am seeing now two anti-black woman stereotypes:
I never feared the stereotype I DID end up having brandished at me, though:
Though I was called plenty (all kinda really) of prudes by whorish men who wanted my virgin pussy... It never bothered me. Because I knew they and their turned out cheerleaders (the girls who also jeered at Virgins and taunted our "Prized Status" among the boys) only screamed prude because they were pissed they couldn't scream "whore" or "baby mama slut" at me. I knew that all the females who joined the males would be the very product they were attempting to bully me into. And I also knew that all would be well in my world. I knew that the pressure to be a black unwed mother (the default setting of black girls who have unprotected sex in their teens at the time when i was a teen) was too great to give into. I focused instead on my education and my Religious studies. After I established myself as a budding successful young woman, I looked around... And I see the ashen faces of my cohort. These formerly vibrant women were now tired, beat down, with at least 2 babies a piece by random negros who went "Swayze" on their asses when the chick came up pregnant. I am watching women in their 40's scramble to recapture their lost, wasted, squandered years. And I say I would rather the prude and "man-hating lesbian" verbal assault... Than the lives of women who now have unwanted babies they have to learn to love and rear appropriately. Which i see far too little of, with way too much resenent, hostility, anget and jealousy directed from mother to daughter. I am an elitist in my own life. I see no problem with the term. I do think that women who have children made silly choices based on emotional whims without one thought to their future. Or worse their child's future. All my life? The only person i wanted to be better than is my mother. Who gave birth to me at 28... After fucking her best friends husband... I am 29 with no babies. Base Mission Accomplished. #DevaFiyah #ILoveTheMasculine Yall know i hate men. All men. Every race and age and size. Man is a myth. It is not real. As all "men" are merely a genetic mutation, degenerate females all. But oooooohhhhhh weeeee i LOVE the masculine. So i saw this list and had to post it. _________________________________ 21 Lost Gentleman Traditions That Still Apply Today 1. He stands when she walks in the room In the old days, men stood out of respect when a lady, dignitary, or elderly person walked in the room. It was a sign of respect and humbleness. Today, men stand out of courtesy when a guest visits a meeting. A gentleman will stand from his table when he’s introduced to a guest. Standing for her shows you are attentive and you care. 2. He walks by her on the outside, closest to the street Why is the pea coat symbolic of the gentleman? Before our drainage systems, a man stood on the outside of the sidewalk in a long coat to protect her from the dust and sewage that could splash up as horse carriages passed by. Sewage was common in the streets. The picture of the man laying his coat over a puddle for her to walk over meant he was protecting her feet from fecal material more than rain water. Today, a gentleman might stand in the way of puddles splashing up from buses, or in the event a car veers onto the sidewalk. Symbolically it might mean he’ll always be by her side, through thick and thin, and will protect her from anything. 3. He opens the door for her A gentleman would help her up into the carriage as a sign of his protection and strength. Women would hold their dresses up as they were often long and heavy. The gentleman opened the door for her so she wouldn’t have to drop her dress in the dirt. The modern gentleman helps her in and out of the car to stand in the way of creepy gawkers. Opening a door for her is not a sign she is weak, but a gesture of affection. 4. He never criticizes a home-made meal An out-loud criticism of a meal as a guest was considered disrespectful to the host. If anyone takes the time and effort to make a dinner, they are your host. Honor them. Smile and chew. 5. He doesn’t LOL “Frequent and loud laughter is the characteristic of folly and ill-manners…”Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman (1746). He might write an “LOL” over text in the present, but a gentleman doesn’t have to be loud to command attention. He commands attention through his strong character. 6. He pulls out her chair It was common for the gentleman to pull out her chair and allow her to face the open room. Today, the gentleman pulls out her seat, and sits facing away from the crowd and the TV because he doesn’t want to be distracted from his priority when he forgets to take his Ritalin. 7. He sits after she sits “…and at the table wait until she is seated, indeed wait until every lady is seated, before taking your own place” The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness (1860). Talk show hosts continue this tradition today by waiting to sit until after their guest has taken their seat. If Oprah does it, so can you. She’s your guest. Allow her to sit first. 8. He helps her put on/take off her coat Up through the Edwardian period, women wore multiple layers, and beneath them a restricting corset. A gentleman would help his lady put on and take off her coat because of her restricted movement. Corsets are not common today, but many women still enjoy the help of a gentleman. 9. He doesn’t walk ahead of her Because ladies wore long dresses and could trip on them, the gentleman walked behind her when climbing a staircase. Tumbling down a flight of stairs isn’t a good way to end a date. Today, the gentleman follows this etiquette rule because she might be wearing long heels or a long dress. This is another sign of him protecting her. However, she may want him to walk up stairs first if she’s wearing a short skirt. 10. He gives up his seat to her if there is only standing room A gentleman offers his seat to a lady if there are no other seats on the bus/train. I’m talking to you…the dude who wouldn’t give his seat up to the pregnant lady. 11. He carries her bags A gentleman will help her carry her bags today, and when flying, will assist others in putting their luggage in the overhead compartments. 12. He picks up the check An English gentleman never split the meal with his date. The English used the term “go dutch” in “derisive application,” as they stereotyped the Dutch as being cheap, or “stingy.” Today, the gentleman always picks up the tab, especially on the first date, and with no expectations. 13. He holds an umbrella over her when it rains It was common for a younger person to hold an umbrella for an older person. When it rains, the gentleman holds an umbrella over her and doesn’t mind getting a little wet (even if he’s a bigger star as demonstrated by Leonardo). 14. He gives her his jacket A gentleman pays attention, and if he notices her shivering, he gives her his jacket to wear. 15. He keeps her secrets A gentleman will always keep a secret, especially the one entrusted to him by the woman of his dreams. Should a break-up happen, the gentleman can still be trusted. 16. He walks her home or to safety A true gentleman will walk her to her car or home to this day because he’s concerned for her safety. 17. He listens to her “To be a good listener is as indispensable as to be a good talker…” The Gentlemen’s Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness (1860). A gentleman always listens because he wants to deeply get to know her. 18. He’s on time A gentleman is his word. Traffic is not an excuse for being late to a date. A good man plans in advance. Don’t keep her waiting. 19. He compliments her She spent a lot of time getting ready, so a gentleman always compliments. He doesn’t play on her insecurities. Negging is for creeps. 20. He would never dream of hitting ANY woman “…the greatest man would justly be reckoned a brute if he were not civil to the meanest woman” Martine’s Handbook (1866). The same rules apply today. It doesn’t matter if you are Chris Brown or Ray Rice, a gentleman finds no excuse to hit a woman…no matter what. 21. He asks her father for her hand in marriage In Victorian days, a gentleman would have to show his coat of arms, or his credentials to her father to show he was a worthy man for marriage. The 21st century gentleman asks her father for her hand because it’s respectful and courteous (Via - Deva is not a "hard ass" because she is some hurting broken bytch. Oh honey no! Get ya life! I know how vitally important it is to own your weaknesses and to address them but do not wear them. I know that people have no heart for your healing. They make references to healing to silence you. To control you. I know that people are CONTENT with breaking YOU if it means THEY have to be accountable. And they would rather break you and get you to accept some bullshit, than admit they screwed up! This has been proven to me too many times. Most people will preserve themselves over preservation of you or their relationships to you. Which is why i am ruthless and i accept no apologies. I will see a change in your behavior or ACCESS DENIED you go! We black women are hurting, yes indeed. We have many things to heal from, to "get over" and to push though. But along the way, we are also supposed to do it in a way that accommodated everyone else. Absolutely not. There must be boundaries, and we must also have compensation and restitution for what we have been made to go through. People have to pay! I will not be asking you to remove your boot from my neck and back. I will be cutting your legs off to free myself. I wont be asking you to protect me and mine, i will be doing so by ALL means necessary and available. I will not be begging for your fucking permission. And i certainly wont be asking for your damn forgiveness. Life is mine for the taking, for the living. For the making. If i want Joy, i have to find it! If i want peace? I must create it. If i desire love, i must make it. But Black Wombn let us stop begging! Let us no more beg for help, for validity, for a voice or a clue! Remember who you are! You alone are God of all existence! We are hosting a Healing the Walking Wounded teleconference. In this teleconference I will go over:
It is my honor to be present presence with you. Sign up Here |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022