The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
#ToxicMasculinity "Dress the way you want to be addressed." This is presently the male response and reaction to women's requests to be regarded as human, vs a series of holes that exist just for men to penetrate. It would appear that, in our case as black women, black men fully recognize their right to exist and not be deemed thugs or dangerous based on their clothing choices. However, when we make requests of them to show the same courtesy, they are unable to hear us and proceed to suggest "logical" reasons why their refusal to listen is valid. Among these "logical reasons" are "don't dangle meat in front of dogs and be mad when they bite" or "don't wear a Ho's attire" or "you must have wanted the attention" and other such "pearls of wisdom." These men believe, unfoundedly, that they are noble in telling us to "cover up." Louis Farrakhan was recently heralded as a "real man" for offering "protection from the NOI" to Beyonce, after Florida police refused to do detail work for her concerts. However, he had also just recently given an edict to Jay-Z to "tell his wife to cover up!" Interesting intersection there. Science has proven that males are incapable of actually hearing the female voice and taking her seriously. The guys could easily hear and understand other men’s voices. However, women have a greater natural melody in their voices and possess a more complex range of sound frequencies than a male voice. I recently was speaking with a sister healer and mother of sons, she explained to me the great difference between raising males and raising girls! She explained to me that a conversation she had with a psychologist revealed that in order to get males to register her voice as WORDS and not just sounds, she needed to clap or. Make a noise to get his attention. Men apparently would rather "listen" to the "energy" our outfits emit than the energy of our voices saying no, I'm not interested.
What I find to be most intriguing; our foremothers and forefathers were well dressed, yet made to suffer gross indignities in this nation. Martin Luther King was wearing a suit and tie when he was murdered/lynched. Malcolm X was wearing a suit and tie when he was murdered/lynched. Countless black women and men in suits and looong dresses were turned into strange fruit all around this nation. Therefore, I posit, that in addition to a genetic inability to hear and process the far more complex feminine voice, male culture itself is desirous of stagnation. The Diminished Masculine's perpetual and cross racial inability to review history and adapt/reform, means we are doomed to remain trapped in a never ending story of collusion with oppression and citation of attire and other presentations as "the reason" it has happened. (Sidebar: I'm not surprised by Farrakhan! The man still rocks Brooks Brothers suits and Stacey Addams shoes! He still got that conc, he will never change lol) It is an unfortunate reality that far too many of these toxic and diminished masculine are out there. We need to learn how to recognize them, what are the signs and symptoms of the Diminished Masculine. Only then can we begin to alleviate this sickness, that seeks to keep the Divine Feminine wounded, in our interpersonal lives. Unfortunately, I do not believe that men en masse can or will be changing this of their own volition any time soon.
Breeding in Captivity: Daughter's aid and Help is not a Replacement for Male Duties to the Family11/3/2014 One thing elder bw DID teach me: If u have babies; you are all by yourself even married. Its what i saw all around me. I also was told this on several occasions. Most of which were replies to my bitching about being expected to babysit for free lmfao Married women who were single mommies. Women in relationships with men who were single mommies. Wouldn't be so bad if they had nannies. But the black community doesn't need nannies when the eldest daughter can be leaned on to help mama cope with her poor decision to breed with low caste maledom. Hence the phrase "women raise their daughters and love their sons." Most often? She simply raises her daughters to be her replacement workforce. They exist, simply, to make her life easier as a domestic slave and broodmare for her "husband" aka herder. YES, I called it out! Black women get their daughters to aid them in making the load of their poor decision making, lighter. Its sad and needs to stop. This is exactly what was done to me, so this is actually my "realm of experience" to discuss. (directed at the cattle who try to silence.) It is not on your eldest child to help u care for the fruit of your sexual pleasure! Don't breed till u can afford a nanny. Or be God enough to do it alone. We need competency tests prior to breeding. Like u need a license to possess and operate ur car... Good credit to be qualified for a home. Good work ethic to keep ya job?
You should have to pass a breeders examination for mental spiritual financial and emotional fitness. But then.... There would be no slave class to do the menial labor for the big wigs. It is a systemic pandemic. And the beat goes on. Our choice to mother deserves more than this. So much more. Hence why i got's none... zero children. Its a HUGE job! And not one u can quit or transfer! It is a thankless job, that requires a ton of self sacrifice. It saddens me, to hear women discuss the unfairness of 4 legged animals in zoos. Yet watch them flat out refuse to see how we are all in the Zoo, and women are nothing more than Cattle in this realm. The Angry Devas 6 Statements of the |
The Mother Wound 2 New Pop Culture Internet Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | The Mother Wound 3 Online Pop Culture Radio at Blog Talk Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
White Man B*tch pt 2 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | White Man B*tch pt3 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
This page, this movement, it isnt for the "women over 30." Its already too late for most of you. You have already been carved up by patriarchy and your loyalties divided. It isnt for women who have children either. Doesnt mean you cannot be present or helpful, but this isnt for you nor toward you.
If it isnt already abundantly clear, because adults are simply over grown children, this message is not for the bleating sheep of patriarchy! No one is trying to wake you fools up! I want you asleep, ignorant and out the way. If the Patriarchy has its loyal Cows it will not chase us all down and Lock us up in baby factories. No need when the breeder class is eager to exist in perpetual poverty of mind, body and spirit. (SARK)
This message is for the women under 30. Those of us who still have a shot at this life without struggle and having to mammy. We who are tired of the typical black-tholic religified ways of trapping black women. We are over being the broodmares for nothing ass (black) men! We are over the expectation that we hold ourselves "chaste" and pure for men who are worth less than chewed up bubble gum!
This is for the daughters. And truth be told, given the way this world is: all of you over 30 are the anti-black-daughter. You, like the men, would be perfectly happy to watch us all go down. Then ever be the aid in some women escaping the hell you exist in, and attempt to privilege as normal or "god-like". Struggle aint cute, being a black mans baby mama aint cute, letting some nothing ass man pump your belly full of his genetic waste material aint cute.
Every generation of women before Ours has failed us all. They have failed to stop womanhood from being mere cattle of patriarchy and in patriarchy. Each generation of women married or were mothers for free. No black woman has told you:
No one except me the Angry Deva. Most of these women over 30 and more often those closer to 40 have been in this trap so long, we who believe in freedom sound crazy. Be ware of these older black women they have an invested interest in keeping you in the trap with a dick between ya lips. Especially a black woman with a son. She isnt really thinking about you or about helping you. Her interest?
Is in shaping the cows her son will stud, milk and breed later in life. Dont be his cash cow!
Do not fall for the okie doke.
And if ur over 30 and take issue: you are the problem. Thank you for exposing yourself.
What would the world be like, if women that have or desire sons (this is basically a willful choice to birth the future face of rape and murder for women and girls) raised their sons to be good. Not to be "men who work and provide" alone, but whole and healed as individuals. Who then have something to offer women? What if they raised their sons to respect and honor women? Instead of raising them to lord over women or to game on women sexually, financially, emotionally, spiritually etc. What if they raised their sons to not be entitled to the flesh of girls and women? Would we need burkas? Would little girls be raped? Would women be blamed for a v-neck when she is raped?
What if the women, who create males and thus maleness, raised them males to reverence, honor, respect, and worship women as God personified? What if Mothers of Sons didn't drag their future rapists into the women's bathroom, thus teaching him he has a right to exist in women's only space? (and we wonder why trannies want into the bathroom now...)
What if mothers didn't drag their children into misogynist houses of worship? What if mothers instilled to their children that SHE is their God, as the Single Force that cultivated and laboriously birthed them into existence? What if mothers didn't teach their sons that man and god were synonymous? While also teaching them that the Creator of Human Life (the female) is a tempestuous jezebele, inherently sinful and cursed? What if Mothers didn't teach their sons that it is ok to sport fuck through women, so long as its the "low ones?"
What if mothers taught their daughters to be Strong, inner-powered, go getters, self starters, and aware that They alone are the center of their universe?
What if women, mothers, of male children actually had to be accountable for what their sons do!? What if, after failing to turn out a non-rapist/non-abuser/non-misogynist; the mothers of sons were made to be punished for their treason against Wombn and Girls? What if every single time a man beat, raped, murdered a woman his MOTHER is the one who had to account for her choice to birth him? And I mean deeper than the "well where was his mama" commentary on facebook. What if, as a society, we made women account for the product of their wombs and its impact on society? What if women were jailed for birthing rapists and murderers?
What if we actually addressed the real problem?
The problem isnt men.
The problem is the women who have/will/want to give birth to them. And this has always been, our problem. As long as women are the sex-class, the class of humans reserved as sex and for sex, this will continue. Mothers of Sons ensure that we all remain enslaved so that they can "try" to be god. The War between women was waged by mothers of sons, who refused to cast away their degenerate products anymore. Instead they warred us, so that they might raise these beasts and try to become Gods by making him more than an animal. To this day, all women and all girls pay so that Mothers of Sons can try to be god over animals.
Published 8/10/2013
The first law of nature is self preservation. The Second is know thyself.
She came to set the captives free! The Spirit of my foremothers with me! Freedom fighters in all times!
Ut Oh, she's Blogging again! Hide yo kids! Hide yo WIFE!
Something Maya Angelou's Death helped reveal to me: Maya needed to be taught how to communicate after having been raped. I am observing, in myself, this very same need being developed. I am a very BLESSED MESS, and I own it! Unlike most women who parrot regurgitated jizzm, I own my Mess! Now, I ceased writing at all after having been raped a few years ago. I couldn't do it, it literally hurt me to write, to communicate. I am, right now, reteaching myself how to communicate with others. But, clearly, as is evidenced, MOTHERS are interested in RAISING daughters to be the help while LOVING HER SONS. Because not one ounce of compassion, or consideration, has been extended to me.
Nor will it be, because Mothers of Sons are the enemy of women. Especially raped women. We all have to contend with "you can't hate all men cuz one or 5 or 8 of them raped you," as they say. They are willfully invested in keeping Daughters Small and Silent they are willfully invested in the forgiveness myth. Because if women cease relating to men? Their sons will have NO cattle to prod and breed. They cannot stand our (the daughter's) truth, which is why we have to push all the more to express it and NEVER accept the abusive mother's word for it! Reject her! Reject her lordship over you, mother is a product of patriarchy and she is the gateway/gatekeeper of the patriarchy. Pearls of Wisdom come from anywhere, and if you let her, these broodmares of patriarchy will credit your Pearls and your Wisdom to another. It is the way of these people, rob the daughter to make room for the "son of man" and his mama. Even still, these broodmares of patriarchy have many great pearls if you sift through all the sinking sands.
Part 1 New Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 2 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 3 Current Pop Culture Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
*Owning they are immature asshats
*Focusing on their own inability to control their penis
*Mastery of their sexual expression, outside of these gay ass "i put it down" circle jerk sessions they have.
*Refusal to measure their worth, value, and power by the wake of broken hearts, abused yoni's, and tortured wombs left behind them.
Writing is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3
Witty, Wise, Fierce, Fiyah Personified! This Bitch Godis everything you feared, all you wish to avoid, and everything about yourself you hate or wish ya could be. ;)
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Black Image Politics
Breeding In Captivity
Dark Wisdom
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Female Complicity
Female Complicity
Female Expression
Female Sexuality
Fe Male Vs Wombn
Fe-Male Vs Wombn
Male Sexual Terrorism
Mother Is The Root
Mothers Fail Sons
Mothers Of Sons
Mothers Of Sons Are The ENEMY Of Women And Girls
No Verbal Blow Jobs
Patriarchal Divisiveness
Penetration As A Political Weapon
Policing Female Existence
Politics Of Expression
Sexual Abuse Survey
Sexual Violence
Spiritual Self Defense
The Penis Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
White Man B*tch
Womb Hatred