The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
You do not need to starve yourselves or be on a strict diet if you want to lose your belly fat. All you need is to quit or change some habits. You will notice great results within several days.
New beginnings? Yep! Deva Fiyah is on her way to conduct a HEALING RETREAT overseas! Angry Devas is now INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN to rock tha microphone. Revitalizing the Feminine Frequency in JAMAICA!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooohoooo I am honored to have been asked to facilitate. And i am thankful for the sisters who await my arrival. Soon come, i am taking an American Delegation with me to JAMAICA! Deuces Boston! See ya sooooon. ![]() Celebrating the Divine Feminine In us all today. I awoke this morning and went into Meditation on Female Sexuality and Female Sexual autonomy as we each usher in this New Age (to us lol) of Feminine Honor, Respect, Wisdom and Gnosis. The unfortunate piece, is we have all been cultured and conditioned in a functioning and thriving system of patriarchy. This patriarchy has divorced our loving connection to the Divine. And most especially, the Divine Feminine within us all. So what do we do with that? Our beloved Suns, Brothers, Husbands, Lovers have been tragically divorced from their own Inner Feminine gynergy. This is the basis of all male oriented issues (this divorce of themselves from the Divine Feminine Internal.) Whether those male-oriented issues are those of abuse of women, to the fragmentation's of their mental/emotional/spiritual self; the physical representation of the masculine is, tragically, lost even to himself. Our beloved dawtas, Sisters, Mothers and Lovers have, accordingly, been tragically divorced from their Feminine. When men aren't connected to, seeking to honor, or even possessing a worshipful state of mind toward the Feminine; they work overtime to keep the Divine Feminine small. In fact much of what we perceive of as feminine are actually the result of fragmentation and out of balance operations. These things are the social, spiritual, and economic consequences of being female in patriarchy. The Earth Angels have descended here in the Form of our Starseeds. We have come to this Planet to usher in the new consciousness or rather, helping humanity to re-member, to call BACK the fragments, of who we truly are. And as we embark upon this Soul evolution Journey, we are to emerge with greater Honor, Love and Respect for the Feminine at large. Including, honoring the expectations, boundaries and Sovereignty of the Divine Feminine in the Female Form. Through this act of Honor and Reverence? Our Divine Masculine is free to emerge from the hyper-masculine/diminished masculine persona presently occupied. When the Divine Masculine Ascends from the disposition of hyper-masculine/diminished masculine; the former need to (and thus the actions intending to) keep the feminine wounded thus small enough to fit into his patriarchal anti-feminine world, cease. We might never live to see this, en masse, but by Goddess we can certainly learn to tolerate it less and to recognize it before it happens. Our male counterparts and our female cohort must alchemize the two gynery/energies to be in Wholeness/Oneness. In fact, in the movie The Matrix? This is what we saw with the characters of Neo and Smith. Neo was the "light" masculine. Smith was the "dark" masculine. And in the end? They were "One." The overcoming of one pole was possible ONLY through a Mergence or Re-convergence energy. They faced one another and Neo was the One who realized that he was simply fighting himself; as the light masculine and the dark masculine are pos/neg charges within us all. Remember, there is medicine and poison to all things; which serve the purpose of aiding our health and wealth centers of being. To keep us in the flow and out of stagnation; for that which does not grow is dead. Channeled Message from Enki, the Masculine: Re Integrating this energy in our daily awareness is the key to success! Click here to sign up for our 3 day teleconference: |
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Most ancient cultures knew that women could reproduce “the old way”. Ancient patriarchs who built the world of separation - them and us, rich and poor - also knew about it and, in order to assert their power and dominion over everything, destroyed all knowledge of it. The great library at Alexandria, for example, was burnt to the ground by early Christians because it contained recorded texts of the secret history of women’s gift of parthenogenesis. The burning of this great library, it must be remembered, coincided with the rise of Christianity. As the worship of a male-centred God rose to power, Goddess was beaten down in equal measure. Early Christianity’s unrelenting destruction and dismantling of paganism and the worship of Goddess, (it still continues today), was patriarchy’s answer to rendering womankind “amnesiac”. If women themselves had no knowledge of their magical power to procreate, they would see men as necessary and as co-producers, sexually speaking.
Only the patriarchs who built this world of illusion know the truth, though: the average man on the street has been domesticated into believing that women are powerless. To the few hundred embittered and insecure males who control everything, women - contrary to the myth they got started - are not powerless at all, but all powerful. The few hundred males who run the planet are only too aware that women are the secret power behind everything. They know about “the old ways” in which women could “dream in” a new-born. They keep the ancient knowledge deeply hidden and distract the world from the truth through false myth and disinformation. Pandora’s Box does not contain “all of mankind’s ills”, as they would have you believe. Pandora’s Box is a metaphor for the potent magic held within a woman’s womb - the magic that contains both egg and seed to create a new life. Pandora’s Box is the holy grail of reproductive power – it represents the essence of what it means to be female. It represents the power within every woman to become union consciousness itself, and be a channel through which a being of the highest order can enter.
6 is the Sacred Number of the Mother. The 666 "mark of the beast" is the Code of our Dark Mother the Divine Dark femin9. As that Triple Dark 6 when added becomes the Divine Dark 9.
1 The Dark Mother represents wise conscious indulgence, instead of subconscious fearful abstinence!
2 The Dark Mother represents a life dedicated to ones own vital existence, instead of one filled with concern for the spiritual and emotional pipe dreams of self and others!
3 The Dark Mother represents Undefiled Wisdom and Dark Gnosis in application to oneself, instead of hypocritical self‐deceit and repetitive negative self-aggrandizement!
4 The Dark Mother represents kindness to those who are deserving by display of their reciprocity, instead of love wasted on ingrates thieves and losers!
5 The Dark Mother represents Restitution and Compensation in vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek and hoping they "get theirs!"
6 The Dark Mother represents the abundant extension of responsibility to the responsible, instead of over concern for lazy shiftless psychic/emotional/financial vampires!
Angry Devas © 2014
The Mother Wound 2 New Pop Culture Internet Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | The Mother Wound 3 Online Pop Culture Radio at Blog Talk Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
Writing is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3
Witty, Wise, Fierce, Fiyah Personified! This Bitch Godis everything you feared, all you wish to avoid, and everything about yourself you hate or wish ya could be. ;)
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Black Feminism
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Black Image Politics
Breeding In Captivity
Dark Wisdom
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Female Complicity
Female Complicity
Female Expression
Female Sexuality
Fe Male Vs Wombn
Fe-Male Vs Wombn
Male Sexual Terrorism
Mother Is The Root
Mothers Fail Sons
Mothers Of Sons
Mothers Of Sons Are The ENEMY Of Women And Girls
No Verbal Blow Jobs
Patriarchal Divisiveness
Penetration As A Political Weapon
Policing Female Existence
Politics Of Expression
Sexual Abuse Survey
Sexual Violence
Spiritual Self Defense
The Penis Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
White Man B*tch
Womb Hatred