The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
New beginnings? Yep! Deva Fiyah is on her way to conduct a HEALING RETREAT overseas! Angry Devas is now INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN to rock tha microphone. Revitalizing the Feminine Frequency in JAMAICA!!!!!!!!!!! Woooooohoooo I am honored to have been asked to facilitate. And i am thankful for the sisters who await my arrival. Soon come, i am taking an American Delegation with me to JAMAICA! Deuces Boston! See ya sooooon.
Celebrating the Divine Feminine In us all today. I awoke this morning and went into Meditation on Female Sexuality and Female Sexual autonomy as we each usher in this New Age (to us lol) of Feminine Honor, Respect, Wisdom and Gnosis. The unfortunate piece, is we have all been cultured and conditioned in a functioning and thriving system of patriarchy. This patriarchy has divorced our loving connection to the Divine. And most especially, the Divine Feminine within us all. So what do we do with that? Our beloved Suns, Brothers, Husbands, Lovers have been tragically divorced from their own Inner Feminine gynergy. This is the basis of all male oriented issues (this divorce of themselves from the Divine Feminine Internal.) Whether those male-oriented issues are those of abuse of women, to the fragmentation's of their mental/emotional/spiritual self; the physical representation of the masculine is, tragically, lost even to himself. Our beloved dawtas, Sisters, Mothers and Lovers have, accordingly, been tragically divorced from their Feminine. When men aren't connected to, seeking to honor, or even possessing a worshipful state of mind toward the Feminine; they work overtime to keep the Divine Feminine small. In fact much of what we perceive of as feminine are actually the result of fragmentation and out of balance operations. These things are the social, spiritual, and economic consequences of being female in patriarchy. The Earth Angels have descended here in the Form of our Starseeds. We have come to this Planet to usher in the new consciousness or rather, helping humanity to re-member, to call BACK the fragments, of who we truly are. And as we embark upon this Soul evolution Journey, we are to emerge with greater Honor, Love and Respect for the Feminine at large. Including, honoring the expectations, boundaries and Sovereignty of the Divine Feminine in the Female Form. Through this act of Honor and Reverence? Our Divine Masculine is free to emerge from the hyper-masculine/diminished masculine persona presently occupied. When the Divine Masculine Ascends from the disposition of hyper-masculine/diminished masculine; the former need to (and thus the actions intending to) keep the feminine wounded thus small enough to fit into his patriarchal anti-feminine world, cease. We might never live to see this, en masse, but by Goddess we can certainly learn to tolerate it less and to recognize it before it happens. Our male counterparts and our female cohort must alchemize the two gynery/energies to be in Wholeness/Oneness. In fact, in the movie The Matrix? This is what we saw with the characters of Neo and Smith. Neo was the "light" masculine. Smith was the "dark" masculine. And in the end? They were "One." The overcoming of one pole was possible ONLY through a Mergence or Re-convergence energy. They faced one another and Neo was the One who realized that he was simply fighting himself; as the light masculine and the dark masculine are pos/neg charges within us all. Remember, there is medicine and poison to all things; which serve the purpose of aiding our health and wealth centers of being. To keep us in the flow and out of stagnation; for that which does not grow is dead. Channeled Message from Enki, the Masculine: Re Integrating this energy in our daily awareness is the key to success! Click here to sign up for our 3 day teleconference: |
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Black women are bitter
Black women are angry
Black women are jealous
Black women lie
Black women steal
Black women cover up
Black women pretend
This is the dominant narrative, the predominant picture and description afforded to black women. Of all women on the planet, our rage, our hate, our disgust, our outrage is the most feared, policed, dismissed, of all women on the planet. When we are OUTRAGED, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be someone out there defining it. Your outrage, enrage, anger, pain, lived-experiences themselves are already named, judged, dismissed and ignored. Both by society at large:
But especially by other black women!
It is nearly impossible to approach black women about things that upset you. Double it if what you find to be troublesome, is something SHE is engaged in as a lifestyle. She will defend, to the death, her right to continue on as she is. She will, frankly, name the ways that her choices have manifested ill in her life. She will also, viciously, defend her right to carry on at the expense of women and girls.
One thing I have experienced in the last year is this concept of the "ma-sun" being preached by black women. I witnessed a comment a few months back on a video featuring Busta Rhymes, where he went to africa, hugged a black woman and kissed her, he shed a tear and said its good to be home. He shared some pretty heartfelt, deep seeming, expressions. The kinds of things that black women with sons crave to hear, or even black women who have been abused or maligned by black men. Suddenly, the women were shouting, praising the Great Mother and calling him a "Ma-Sun returned home."
No one should be shocked to learn it disgusted me, and that I spoke on it. I found those women to be foolish, this man can make millions of dollars selling black women's image to the world for his profit, kiss one black womans face and suddenly he is redeemed? This is all it takes for the horrors that men have subjected women to, to be absolved? A black man need merely be videotaped speaking 6 kind words about one black woman to absolve his lifetime of disrespect, for his profiting from rap(e) culture, for sport-fuckin-thru-women, female degradation for male empowerment/culture/rap and more.
When I pointed out that he had done NOTHING redemption worthy, or absolution worthy, much less had he atoned for shyt he has done.... the attack was on me. I was the evil, bitter, black man hater who simply needed to get some "healing." This seemingly is the full depth of black women's analytic ability. Much less an ability to engage in a cogent discourse about our own Divine Right to Name and set precedents. Even we black women have learned to tune one another out, to dismiss and reject, as valid, the expression or experience of our sisteren. Oh we TALK a good game about "sisterhood" but we certainly don't often back it up.
All women are psychic.
All women are healers.
But not all women are DOING the work! Often times, those with the greatest passion, also are warring great battles. We see this, we judge it (jealousy, bitterness, anger, immaturity, just to name a few) and package it away. In our lives, in the lives of one another, we have to be so careful! Everyone you see is fighting a great battle. Even you, yourself, are fighting a great battle; we wake up daily at war with forces/people/situations/doubts/fears/health-issues.
This makes it very difficult to reach across that isle. One thing I make very clear, during my speaking engagements, on the Angry Deva's Radio show, and in my Private Work with sisters, is:
Our rage is our power. This is untapped power, in our lives. Many black women are depressed and in poor health, simply because they have endured for too long, in silence. We are so tailored, so in need of being contained and appearing to be "fine" that we are busting at the seams.
The squeaky wheel gets the most oil.
* healing the rage of trauma
* checking the negative committee
* how to tap into your Anger as Power vs Poison
* How to mine for Peals
* Divine Timing lessons
And more.
The reason i do this? Is because women are still, for all our alleged freedoms of speech and movement, under attack! Our expressions are attacked, our right to express ourselves, the articulation of our thoughts and more. I have recently been subject to heinous attacks by mothers of sons. Why?
For the simple act of admitting that there is no value in birthing men. And that they are kidding themselves to believe that rebirthing man is a worth while prospect! I was informed i shouldn't talk about it! Because i am not a mother. See how so we cease being cows in patriarchy, when no one can wake us up!? What the hell tells them that they can speak on gay marriage and a litany of other topics they themselves have absolutely no worldview on by realm of "personal experience." I forgot, they have dickism to back up their, inherently patriarchal, need to pontificate regurgitated jizzm.
Do you really think, for one second, that these "sons" are your golden ticket? Oh honey, that's funny! For thousands of centuries they have been the bane of our existence. How quickly we forget logic and wisdom for the all too fe-male emotional, illogic and screaming fits that are preferred by privileged women when being challenged by women of less (or no) privilege over them. Hell i was even informed; by the mothers of sons, that they will win this war they waged against womanhood. And they are right, because so long as women birth men, unchecked, girls will be raped. And as long as girls and women are raped, mothers of sons win! I wish i were making this up... But yes on the open air i was told by mothers of sons that they would win the war against us and that their sons would fuck us all up! This, (male sexual terrorism) unfortunately, is what they mean.
Their ultimate goal is to be god through their son. Due to an ill fated believe that they are nothing without him. And this ill fated belief, this antiquated mythos, has permeated our culture. So now these men feel entitled to our girls, and their mothers are always right there, explaining their right to do so. Their sons are god and in control of all things. Including the cattle excuse me, the women.
Something we all need to be aware of:
The bearer of the Womb is the Sun of mama or the Ma-Sun.
Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone.
This can be Self-Destructive,
Perhaps the most Important Advice in Life.
🐊 Never Tell Ur Problems to Anyone.
20% will not Care
80% will be Glad that U have Them.
🐊 Life is similar to Boxing Game.
Defeat is not Declared when U Fall Down.
It is Declared when U Refuse to Get Up.
🐊 Always WRONG PERSONS Teach the
That is called LIFE EXPERIENCE.
🐊 Faith is taking the 1st Step,
even when U dont see the whole Staircase.
🐊 Keep Ur Face to the Sun,
& U will not see the Shadow.
🐊 Everything is Valuable only at 2 Times:
1: Before Getting It.
2: After Losing It.
🐊 2 Things brings Happiness & Success
in Life:
1: The way U Manage
when U have Nothing.
2: The way U Behave
when U have Everything.
🐊 2 Places are most Valuable in the World:
1: The NICEST Place is to be in
Someone's Thoughts.
2: The SAFEST Place is to be in
Someone's Prayers.
🐊 'FEAR' has 2 Meanings:
1: Forget Everything & Run.
2: Face Everything & Rejoice.
Choice is Ours.
🐊 ATTITUDE at its Best:
"My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL.
Kindly Say whatever U have by FACING ME".
🐊 What is SUCCESS ?
SUCCESS is, when Ur Photo's are Uploaded on 'GOOGLE' instead of FACEBOOK.
🐊 'EGO' is the only Requirement
to Destroy any Relationship.
Be a Bigger Person,
Skip the 'E' & let it 'GO'.k
I am not a pigeon. Pigeons represent the home and hearth. Pigeons are very sacred representations of Mother and Nurturing. And it isnt my Primary Totem.
My Totem is the Hawk and Falcon. They See best from a Distance, they are Distance hunters. They have VERY keen eyes and see the shyt coming. They have no attachment to the message as delivered.
And this is our lesson! Hawk Eyed People have to learn that the message means nothing to us but everything to the one hearing it. We have lost our way, or we would recognize young Hawk when we See it.
The lesson is, temper the heat of the message with the Heart of the Matter. We will make many stumbles along the way. Have you ever watched a baby Hawk learn to fly? I bet not. If so, Hawk Spirited folks would make more sense. They Wobble. Up and down. This is to teach them that they can DIP and soar. They have to learn that FIRST! Because, unlike other birds, they are Natural Borne Hunters. This is how they Live. So baby Hawk dips and bobs. Getting used to its weight and its wings. They become skilled and gifted very quickly this way.
Nature is amazing! If you shut up you can learn so much!
I dig the hawk. In fact this regal bird hangs out in my consciousness as both a guide and messenger. But I am certainly not a special "chosen few" by the hawk. I know this because I get a staggering number of emails from folks around the world telling me they've been graced by the hawk either physically or energetically. These emails go on to report the hawk consistently exhibits a bold presence, leaving a lasting impression upon those they've visited.
It makes sense. The hawk is a prevalent raptor, with widespread populations and a diverse array of preferred habitats. With an average 3+ foot wingspan, measuring in at two feet tall, piercing eyes and lethal looking claws, the hawk is an impressive figure. To be visited by it is bound to stir awareness, get one's attention and make one start asking questions about symbolic hawk meaning.
I can't attribute the hawk's healthy populations and frequent appearances as the exclusive reason for so many stories emailed to me about profound encounters with the hawk. There's more to it than numbers. I mean, there are millions of squirrels running around the world, but I don't get weekly emails about meaningful encounters with them like I do the hawk.
So what is it about the hawk that touches so many people? I suspect part of the reason is the hawk's companionable partnership with humans as early as the 600s, BC. This relationship is falconry, an ancient art of symbiotic synchronicity between human and raptor.
It's not just falcons that are used in falconry; hawks were, and still are trained today. In fact, there's a big debate in the realm of falconry about hawks vs. falcons. Which raptor is the best? Hawks have been championed as the best in the sport due to their off-the-charts intelligence, and wicked-keen eyesight.
Debate aside, there's no argument about the hawk's intelligence, eyesight, and a natural partner to mankind.
I'd like to explore the idea of partnership in connection to the symbolic hawk meaning.
Namely, falconry is more than a sport - it's a bond between human and raptor. Originally, it was a means of survival and defense for humans. Hawks were trained to catch prey and return it to their handler. This enabled humans to have another source of food, which (particularly essential for the desert-dwelling Bedouins). Hawks were also trained to attack enemies, and thus served as a serious defense system.
The process of training a falcon or hawk is a process in which handler and hawk develop an intense relationship. Ideally, a mutual respect is met between human and hawk. This is not unlike the ancient relationship between humans and dogs.
Over the course of a few millennia, the relationship between human and hawk becomes an engrained evolutionary phenomenon. Hawks (more than humans, I think) retain the cell memory of their bond with humans. At least, this is my theory backing the frequent visitations of hawks to humans, and their often profound effect on us. Like dogs, hawks inherently know they've shared a bond with humans since ancient times. They retain this connection, and with it, they retain the concept of providing and protecting humans as a latent objective.
Symbolic Hawk meaning is rich and varied, but it's more distinguished characteristic is focus. I think focus is another reason why the hawk is such a regular visitor to humans.
At the time of this writing (2013), our world is more complicated than ever before. Every moment is plugged up with countless distractions that were a non-issue as short as 50 years ago (much less 100 years ago). I believe the hawk is aware of humanity's modern tendency (and habit) of becoming distracted. In essence, I believe hawk visitations are a clear sign for us to become more focused. The hawk encourages us to suspend the habit of distraction, and become more aware of the present moment.
We've talked about two prime symbolic traits of the hawk: Partnership and Focus. Here are a few more highlights of character the hawk offers us...
Symbolic Hawk Meanings
- Vision
- Power
- Energy
- Rebirth
- Strategy
- Intensity
- Attention
- Protection
- Teamwork
- Intelligence
- Concentration
These attributes are clearly seen throughout history. And since I've talked long enough about my own discoveries about hawk meaning, this is a good time to explore hawk meanings from cultural, mythological, historical perspectives.
Hawk Meaning as a Soul-Carrier
Got soul? You betcha. So does the hawk. Historically, there is a broad association with the hawk and human souls.. Specifically, its keen concern with the soul's journey in the afterlife. Here are some examples of how the hawk demonstrates it's got soul...
- Valkyries transformed into hawks, swooped down onto Norse battlefields and carried souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla (see more under "Valkyrie" entry below).
Souls of emperors were illustrated flying from the earth into the heavens in the form of an eagle. Hawks would fly with their souls and take them to be with the gods at the time of their death in ancient Rome.
Charon, god responsible for navigated souls in Ancient Egyptian beliefs. Charon was a hawk-headed boatman who ferried souls across the river Styx. He was originally known as Khu-en-ua, and later morphed into Charon during the Hellenistic era.
Horus, sun god of ancient Egypt, was also connected with souls. As in ancient Rome, the hawk was released during at the death of important figures (like pharaohs) to show the soul being released from the mundane into the afterlife. See more about this under "Horus" entry below.
Native American wisdom of the Plains region in North America held the belief that the hawk embodied the souls of ancestors. Ancestral soul-hawks were known to be invoked by warriors for the purpose of receiving tips on how to be better fighters and hunters. In essence, braves would receive ancestral "downloads" from spirit hawks.
Aztecs in Central America held the hawk as a divine liaison. As an intermediary, hawks were like traffic cops between the gods and the souls of the newly deceased. Hawks were also messengers of the gods in Aztec wisdom.Learning about which deities are connected to a bird, animal or insect is highly revealing about the character of that creature. I find this aspect of animal totem research to be fascinating. We can learn a lot about our totems by the gods and goddesses they hang out with. Here are a few deities associated with the hawk...
Hawk Meaning Associated with Mythological Gods
As Greek sun-god, it makes sense the hawk is one of his sacred symbols, because the hawk is a solar bird. Meaning, the hawk is affiliated with the sun, which gives it Apollonian qualities such as: Radiance, Clarity, Intelligence, Growth, and Healing. As sun symbols, Apollo and hawk are symbolic of renewal, as the sun rising each day is iconic of daily rebirth every morning. Apollo, and his companion the hawk were also considered to have powers of protection, and were called upon to shelter Greek citizens from harm.Horus:
Egyptian sun god, the peregrine falcon is often associated with Horus, but so too was the hawk. Hawk and Horus have specific connections with death ceremonies. According to historical accounts, a hawk was released at the time of interment to illustrate the flight of the soul through the realms of the afterlife. This hawk-release was typically performed for royalty, and definitely for pharaohs. In this facet of cultural belief, as with Norse, the hawk is a representative of the soul.Valkyrie:
Although not goddesses, they were immortals. Beautiful, bold, warrioresque women of Norse mythology, Valkyries gave vital assistance to Odin. Their primary function was to return the souls of fallen warriors back from the battlefield and into the Norse 'homeland', Asgard. The hawk is connected to Valkyries because these immortal women were reputed to be shape-shifters. Valkyries preferred to take on the form of swans, crows, horses guessed it...hawks when morphing from human to animal. They transformed themselves mostly to disguise themselves and slip through enemy lines in order to gather up the souls of their brethren in arms who had been slain. In this light, the hawk is symbolic of transformation, and by association with Valkyrie shape-shifting, receives the title of "protector of souls". We also pick up on that strong element of partnership with the hawk allowing these Norse beauties to take their form and return fallen warriors back to Hall of the Slain (Valhalla).
Hawk Meaning as an Animal Totem
Hawk totems are extraordinarily effective at protection. They are kind of like raptor-angels. They keep watch over those who hold an affinity for them (and vice versa). They tend to arrange energy in such a way so that danger or bad choices are either made known to their people, or are avoided altogether.
If the hawk is your totem, you are extremely perceptive. You see things others miss. Your vision goes beyond the physical too - you have a knack for seeing into the souls of people you deal with. You might call it a gift of intuition.
You just have a sense, or an 'aerial view' into what is going on in the hearts of people. This is a great trait, but the downside to hawk people with this gift is that you tend to be way too forthcoming with your observations. Being naturally direct and candid personality types, hawk-people will make pointed statements about very sensitive issues that they've picked up by their powers of perception. Word of advice: Be delicate and diplomatic with your deductions.
Perhaps it is their unyielding honesty that makes hawk-people admirable partners. People who have hawk as their totem make outstanding mates, friends, co-workers, lovers, sister, brothers etc. They are loyal, honest and direct. Typically, you always know where you stand with a hawk-person, and others find this refreshing in a world of mind-gamers. Hawk-partners are also very protective, and will defend their compatriots to a fierce degree.
Those with the hawk as their totem are also visionaries. They look above the problem (another 'aerial view'), for solutions. They are expert problem solvers because they aren't part of the problem - they aren't stuck in the issue. Rather, they rise above it, and in an elevated state they are able to see answers most might overlook.
Hawk-people are very sharp, witty and intelligent too. This of course helps in addressing daily challenges, and further secures them as a 'great catch' in partnerships. There's a downside though. Sometimes hawk-folks get big for their britches, and have a bit of a superiority complex. It's easy to understand. These are regal people with confidence, acuity, drive and focus.
They are often over-achievers, and accomplish amazing tasks. Nevertheless, if you identify with these traits, it might behoove you to come down from the heavens and spend a little time on land. Being humble, and practicing humility is one of hawk-people's greatest challenges.
Every bit of the list applies to we Indigo StarWalkers of today. I am so thankful to have met those along the way who know the Indigo Ray and could help me better understand myself. I am more grounded and centered. Knowledge is power. And having an understanding of who you are; that is also validated and reflected back, is powerful. It is life changing, when you have confirmation and affirmation of your being.
One of the very best things about the confirmations?
Its totally the "me too" reassurance. :)
Are you an Indigo?
“Indigo children” is the name given to the new type of human being born in this generation. Displaying amazing feats of intuition and intelligence beyond their years, these indigos have started to become a much more common concept within the spiritual community. This is a list developed by play therapist Jan Yordy, a former elementary school teacher and child counselor who has been working with parents and children for 25 years.
As we go over the list, see if you resonate with any of these traits:
1. May be strong willed independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents
2. Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience
3. Traditional Parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome.
4. Energeticly, Indigos are vibrating at a much higher frequencey so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)
5. Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced
6. Are creative right brain thinkers, but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brain school system
7. Often Indigos are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused.
8. Indigos are very intuitive, and may see hear or know things that seem unexplainable.
9. Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more finely tuned.
10. When their needs are not met, these children seem self centered and demanding, although this is not their true nature.
11. These children have incredible gifts and potential, but they may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted
THIS is what an indigo child looks like in action!
"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhaue
Are you a truth sayer?
Do you like to tell the truth?
Do you think truth has fractions?
I know plenty of good black men
My man is wonderful
Dont you have black men you love?
This truth about bm is "self hatred"
I love my bm
Dick is great (on threads about RAPE)
What would the world be like, if women that have or desire sons (this is basically a willful choice to birth the future face of rape and murder for women and girls) raised their sons to be good. Not to be "men who work and provide" alone, but whole and healed as individuals. Who then have something to offer women? What if they raised their sons to respect and honor women? Instead of raising them to lord over women or to game on women sexually, financially, emotionally, spiritually etc. What if they raised their sons to not be entitled to the flesh of girls and women? Would we need burkas? Would little girls be raped? Would women be blamed for a v-neck when she is raped?
What if the women, who create males and thus maleness, raised them males to reverence, honor, respect, and worship women as God personified? What if Mothers of Sons didn't drag their future rapists into the women's bathroom, thus teaching him he has a right to exist in women's only space? (and we wonder why trannies want into the bathroom now...)
What if mothers didn't drag their children into misogynist houses of worship? What if mothers instilled to their children that SHE is their God, as the Single Force that cultivated and laboriously birthed them into existence? What if mothers didn't teach their sons that man and god were synonymous? While also teaching them that the Creator of Human Life (the female) is a tempestuous jezebele, inherently sinful and cursed? What if Mothers didn't teach their sons that it is ok to sport fuck through women, so long as its the "low ones?"
What if mothers taught their daughters to be Strong, inner-powered, go getters, self starters, and aware that They alone are the center of their universe?
What if women, mothers, of male children actually had to be accountable for what their sons do!? What if, after failing to turn out a non-rapist/non-abuser/non-misogynist; the mothers of sons were made to be punished for their treason against Wombn and Girls? What if every single time a man beat, raped, murdered a woman his MOTHER is the one who had to account for her choice to birth him? And I mean deeper than the "well where was his mama" commentary on facebook. What if, as a society, we made women account for the product of their wombs and its impact on society? What if women were jailed for birthing rapists and murderers?
What if we actually addressed the real problem?
The problem isnt men.
The problem is the women who have/will/want to give birth to them. And this has always been, our problem. As long as women are the sex-class, the class of humans reserved as sex and for sex, this will continue. Mothers of Sons ensure that we all remain enslaved so that they can "try" to be god. The War between women was waged by mothers of sons, who refused to cast away their degenerate products anymore. Instead they warred us, so that they might raise these beasts and try to become Gods by making him more than an animal. To this day, all women and all girls pay so that Mothers of Sons can try to be god over animals.
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Ut Oh, she's Blogging again! Hide yo kids! Hide yo WIFE!
Something Maya Angelou's Death helped reveal to me: Maya needed to be taught how to communicate after having been raped. I am observing, in myself, this very same need being developed. I am a very BLESSED MESS, and I own it! Unlike most women who parrot regurgitated jizzm, I own my Mess! Now, I ceased writing at all after having been raped a few years ago. I couldn't do it, it literally hurt me to write, to communicate. I am, right now, reteaching myself how to communicate with others. But, clearly, as is evidenced, MOTHERS are interested in RAISING daughters to be the help while LOVING HER SONS. Because not one ounce of compassion, or consideration, has been extended to me.
Nor will it be, because Mothers of Sons are the enemy of women. Especially raped women. We all have to contend with "you can't hate all men cuz one or 5 or 8 of them raped you," as they say. They are willfully invested in keeping Daughters Small and Silent they are willfully invested in the forgiveness myth. Because if women cease relating to men? Their sons will have NO cattle to prod and breed. They cannot stand our (the daughter's) truth, which is why we have to push all the more to express it and NEVER accept the abusive mother's word for it! Reject her! Reject her lordship over you, mother is a product of patriarchy and she is the gateway/gatekeeper of the patriarchy. Pearls of Wisdom come from anywhere, and if you let her, these broodmares of patriarchy will credit your Pearls and your Wisdom to another. It is the way of these people, rob the daughter to make room for the "son of man" and his mama. Even still, these broodmares of patriarchy have many great pearls if you sift through all the sinking sands.
Part 1 New Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 2 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 3 Current Pop Culture Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
Photo sourced from
I have listened to young women crave the wisdom of their mothers all through their lives. I have seen mothers pull back on connecting with their daughters when a man appears in their lives. Mothers! Your daughters will need your guidance until she feels ready to take on her own womenhood, but we just dont know what age that will be. Teach them to believe in themselves but teach yourself first.
~ The She Oak
Keep your circle small. Vet the bytches, often! Close them out in certain seasons of your life, realize the value they each add, and subtract, to your life! We do not value our love, and accordingly we hand our love, inspiration, brilliance, gifting, anointing to undeserving viper beasts in female flesh. Gird your loins, learn your craft and tap dat azz, when necessary!
- *Education industrial complex
- *Prison industrial complex,
- *Medical industrial complex and the
- *Military/police industrial complex
Self Centered Focus is the All! ~ The Oracle Shaman
Writing is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3
Witty, Wise, Fierce, Fiyah Personified! This Bitch Godis everything you feared, all you wish to avoid, and everything about yourself you hate or wish ya could be. ;)
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Breeding In Captivity
Dark Wisdom
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Female Complicity
Female Complicity
Female Expression
Female Sexuality
Fe Male Vs Wombn
Fe-Male Vs Wombn
Male Sexual Terrorism
Mother Is The Root
Mothers Fail Sons
Mothers Of Sons
Mothers Of Sons Are The ENEMY Of Women And Girls
No Verbal Blow Jobs
Patriarchal Divisiveness
Penetration As A Political Weapon
Policing Female Existence
Politics Of Expression
Sexual Abuse Survey
Sexual Violence
Spiritual Self Defense
The Penis Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
White Man B*tch
Womb Hatred