The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
Breeding in Captivity: Daughter's aid and Help is not a Replacement for Male Duties to the Family11/3/2014 One thing elder bw DID teach me: If u have babies; you are all by yourself even married. Its what i saw all around me. I also was told this on several occasions. Most of which were replies to my bitching about being expected to babysit for free lmfao Married women who were single mommies. Women in relationships with men who were single mommies. Wouldn't be so bad if they had nannies. But the black community doesn't need nannies when the eldest daughter can be leaned on to help mama cope with her poor decision to breed with low caste maledom. Hence the phrase "women raise their daughters and love their sons." Most often? She simply raises her daughters to be her replacement workforce. They exist, simply, to make her life easier as a domestic slave and broodmare for her "husband" aka herder. YES, I called it out! Black women get their daughters to aid them in making the load of their poor decision making, lighter. Its sad and needs to stop. This is exactly what was done to me, so this is actually my "realm of experience" to discuss. (directed at the cattle who try to silence.) It is not on your eldest child to help u care for the fruit of your sexual pleasure! Don't breed till u can afford a nanny. Or be God enough to do it alone. We need competency tests prior to breeding. Like u need a license to possess and operate ur car... Good credit to be qualified for a home. Good work ethic to keep ya job?
You should have to pass a breeders examination for mental spiritual financial and emotional fitness. But then.... There would be no slave class to do the menial labor for the big wigs. It is a systemic pandemic. And the beat goes on. Our choice to mother deserves more than this. So much more. Hence why i got's none... zero children. Its a HUGE job! And not one u can quit or transfer! It is a thankless job, that requires a ton of self sacrifice. It saddens me, to hear women discuss the unfairness of 4 legged animals in zoos. Yet watch them flat out refuse to see how we are all in the Zoo, and women are nothing more than Cattle in this realm.
Listen... I won't write a friggin dissertation like some. Promise! This is no different than the Zoe Saldana bs as Nina Simone. And as long as we, Black Wombn, dont own our image? They will continue to use mixed race women as the sole representation of blackness. Light skinned women are privileged over dark or even brown women. Always have been. Always will be so long as those women are allowed to don the faces of True Black Wombn. This page, this movement, it isnt for the "women over 30." Its already too late for most of you. You have already been carved up by patriarchy and your loyalties divided. It isnt for women who have children either. Doesnt mean you cannot be present or helpful, but this isnt for you nor toward you.
No one except me the Angry Deva. Most of these women over 30 and more often those closer to 40 have been in this trap so long, we who believe in freedom sound crazy. Be ware of these older black women they have an invested interest in keeping you in the trap with a dick between ya lips. Especially a black woman with a son. She isnt really thinking about you or about helping you. Her interest? Is in shaping the cows her son will stud, milk and breed later in life. Dont be his cash cow! This morning I woke up, turned on the morning news and immediately had to change the channel. The headline story read something along the lines of, “Best Anti-Aging Creams: How to Turn Back Your Face’s Biological Clock.” Really? Some woman’s non-existent smile lines are more controversial than gun control? And yet, to my dismay and utter confusion, when I switched the channel to a different news outlet the top story was, “No Money Necessary: Be Beautiful At Every Age.” Huh? So which is it? Am I supposed to remain youthful for the rest of my life or embrace aging gracefully? It got me thinking. This was just one small instance out of many daily occurrences in which women are bombarded with catch-22s and conflicting ideas on what we should and should not do as females. There are countless rules imposed on us, each one negating the other. I, and many ladies like myself, simply give up listening. We’re sick of being politically correct. We’re sick of people telling us what words we can and cannot use to describe us. Let us just be. These are the 72 paradoxes of being a woman (insert a big middle finger here). These are examples of two dueling ideals pushed on us by society that just can’t reconcile with each other: 1. Banish “bossy”; be a lady-boss. Article Source HereI issue the following challenge: On this page, and every thread therein, blog posts and our Black Feminist Radio Show "Angry Devas Show" THERE WILL BE NO VERBAL BLOW JOBS! When you feel... Compelled, to "my daddy/brother/baby-daddy/cousin/granddaddy/dick-flava-of-the-month, all over a thread!? Delete your comment. Go meditate and ask yourself why you have to begin your expressions with a penis in ya mouth. The following will NOT be tolerated: I know plenty of good black men Great for you. Go find him, suck him off, and cease subjecting the rest of us to it. I am not a voyeur. I do not get off on watching black women issue Verbal blow jobs Cyber blow jobs Mental blow jobs Religious blow jobs To men. Of any race. Run tell dat! There is a NEW SHERIFF in town. And she is an ANGRY GOD! Black men don't like when we blame them. They don't like when we take responsibility either. They especially HATE the Angry Deva's solution: STOP BIRTHING MALES! If black men are pussy hounds who fuck and chuck women. And women cannot raise sons to be men: why shouldn't she CEASE birthing sons until black men decide to be MEN not boys? See you want us to take the responsibility you assign. Like most men and wo-men. Miss me with that. Black woman, your problems are here because ya have birthed sons. Black women with sons shouldn't even complain, but i get why they do. Gotta get it out their system. Women, if we really loved em, we wouldn't want em having babies. Not till healing and restoration has happened. But the black men who "love black women" don't love us enough (or aren't smart enough) to get that insanity is doing the same thing, again and again, expecting a different result. Black women will see black men turn around, when we stop handing them sons to allow/encourage to disrespect women and girls their own age too. When we cease letting the men turn your alleged "ma-sun" into sons of man. I refuse to verbally dick suck immature infantile black manhood. Not when the ugly truth is staring is in the face. Many women will verbally suck ya dick "i love men" "i dont hate men" and all that. I dont give a fuck. Whether I, the Angry Deva, verbally suck you off or not, at the end of the day you are still a clueless man. And your existence on the planet means black women have failed. Failed to produce Gods. We now birth "sons of men." Other black women? take heed! your verbal blow jobs, cyber blow jobs and religious blow jobs will not get you one iota closer to married and "happy." Published 8/10/2013 I challenge conventional ideals about certain spiritual laws and certain applications of the same. I do it because I have seen how it is wrong and inaccurate. How it manifests despair and lack in the lives of those who are unaware. Have you ever given your very best effort to make a situation clear and bring it into harmony; only to have the other party(ies) continue to act an ass? Does that mean your vibration is off? That your vibration isn't loving enough to magically make others loving too? Or is it evidence that no matter your best effort, some are intent to remain stuck, hateful and evil? I'm up early, just back from meditation/trance and considering these things based on what i saw. If i lose fans for this... oh well! I don't believe in feeding fear or pretending that something faulty is functional. You are free to leave, the message is not for you yet. And when it is you are free to return humbly and with honor. The truth is, not all are going to ascend. Many will be stuck in the 3rd dimensional "reality." And you WILL encounter these people. The raising of the Vibration is a gift to those who have done their work. And brings gifts to the same. We must invest in ourSelf. I liken it to Neo in the Matrix... When he first went back in to see the Oracle... And as they were driving through "his old neighborhood" simulation, all the familiar places, he realized, were a part of an illusion he once believed himself to belong to. Before he awakened to Oneness Within. Yea... Its exactly like that. Morpheus said to Neo: if you're not us you're them. Pointing out that "agents" of the matrix mind prison could be anyone anywhere. At anytime! The people still plugged in.... They cant be any different right now. Wisdom is realizing that and protecting yourself. The first law of nature is self preservation. The Second is know thyself. If we cannot be good stewards over the FEW why do we deserve the more? We must be diligent in our efforts to keep our vibration intact and not go into the Matrix. Do not expect unawakened people to get it or understand your new gifts/life/self. Its terribly difficult for them but you deserve to go for self. It is the reason i say: Vanity is Salvation! focus on yourself! Do your work! Ignorance... It is not bliss; It is the cause of all misery!
I am so thankful to the Queen Mother Ifama for her posts. Please enjoy these videos. The Time Before the Men Came: By Pearl Cleage
I totally get what ol Eddy KANG JR was tellin this snake. But Eddie, unfortunately, didn't understand that HE was the one who was HANDING his Spot to FLASH. Flash was a proper vulture, in that, when he saw Eddie, slow, walking along life's highway; he did what any other vulture would. Flash swooped in to feast upon the dead carcass. Vultures don't prey on the living. They prey on the dead, they just walk along side ya, waiting for you to realize your number is already up. Let this be a metaphor for your life. Some of your "friends" and the broads you think are "sister-friends" are merely VULTURE SPIRITS, walking along side you... waiting for you to give up the ghost. They will descend upon you and devour your carcass. Its in their nature. I can see thru yo jive ass like GLASS nigga. Stealin my MOVES, my STYLE, nigga even tryina riff like me. They Say: Pride cometh before the FallIn the end of the movie, Eddie, a CHILD OF LUCK, did get his life together. He had his woman, a classic patriarchal theme, and his "god" (another classic patriarchal theme) and his health. Flash had, what appeared to be, a career successfully cooning; if you let the movie tell it. But in the end?
It all really depends on your definition of SUCCESS. What is Success to you? hmmmm.... I am thinking about the Politics of Image and Illusion this morning. In the "who is the most womanly" game for black women? we have to contend with: The Cage of Black Wombn's Oppressioncolorism: light to dark, we are all heaux in this system shapeism: body proportions, women injecting themselves with botulism and other poisons to comply with the male ideal of Feminine Beauty. slutisms: which is the pro and anti arguments regarding Female Sexual Servicing of Male sexuality. this applies only when women are engaging men sexually. and keep in mind, it is the Official Position of the Deva that ALL WOMEN WHO FUCK MEN are sluts. this is a title that is assigned to we who are of heterosexual identity. sizeism: thick, fat, obese, overweight, morbidly overweight all classifications aimed at making black women feel small regardless of their health or vitality. this conversation is rarely about the health of the women being discussed. it is always about what we think looks best. hairism: natural vs weave vs creamy crack bullcaca Black Heterosexism: which in this case would apply to the expectation that women be sexually available for men. in our case, that Black women, regardless to their own lived horrors or the truth about black men, must have a sexuality that is exclusively available to black maledom. it is also the assumption that any woman who chooses a non black man is less than, dirty, or crazy. I have heard women say: "no matter what a black man does you still shouldn't discount him as a mating choice" which i vehemently disagree with. But I hold different views from most other folk about relating, mating and dating, anyway. Heterosexuality is not natural. Heterosexuality has roots in rape, and is a sexual identity that has been assigned to women to ensure patriarchal rulership over us all. motherism: the valuation of a woman based on her choices to breed. conversely the valuation of a woman based on her choices NOT TO BE BRED by some man. it is also the ascription of MOTHER to female Sexual identity as a CONSEQUENCE of female sexual expression. which is valid, because babies are a CONSEQUENCE of man fucking. it is a sexually transmitted disease we decided to privilege along the way. note again: all man fuckers are sluts and judged as such due to their choice to relate to males sexually. whoreism: the shaming of black womens Relationship choices when they fall outside of fuckin black men. the shaming of black womens SEXUAL AUTONOMY and RIGHT to self define that autonomy without a bunch of man fucking women coming in to "denounce" her right to reject the hetero identity. the shaming of black women's children out of wedlock is the shaming of her sexuality as well. So, as I reviewed these isms, these political prisons of black womanhood, and not only review them but review the "conversations" black women are engaging in regarding these issues; i'm just underwhelmed at the level of analysis being offered on the topics. None of you are saying anything cutting edge or anything we don't already know about these topics. Most women? they are merely ripping off what other women do and say. they are parroting back the shyt we already done heard. Yes, we know that most people judge you based on what you look like outside. Gabby Sidibe, I am sure, is aware of how deeply black women hate her for daring to be a fabulous fat woman. She continues to shine and love herself. And fat black women are also thankful for her. I mean, even though the "skinny divas" all celebrate Lupita and her "black beauty" she is the type of black beauty we love to celebrate. Her near european physic and stature is something black women can look at and celebrate as their own, because she is wearing the right colored costume. Gabby? She never had a chance to be hailed as the it girl for dark skinned glamour because she doesn't fit the fuckability requirement that black heterosexist women demand. Let's just be honest, none of you give a fuck about a woman's size or shape. you ONLY CARE that she looks good. (See Pam Oliver's Hair Hat fiasco) Over on Angry Devas? Over here? With me, the Triple DARK GOD-is? Who don't give a flying FUCK about convention, tradition, alleged codes of conduct and "normal" ways of communicating and engaging issues? We do none of that bullshit. Don't believe me? Check my track record. Check out the Website: check out our Blogtalk Radio Show: And the WONDERFUL THING about it all? is it CHALLENGES WOMEN to face the shyt they been hiding from. I know it does because it challenges ME to examine, speak on, address all the shyt that I haven't been addressing and checking into. It has aided me in standing back up again after a terribly devastating set of blows in my life. and accordingly? Many MANY MANY women write me, call in, send notes to our site saying: THANK YOU FOR SAYING WHAT NO ONE ELSE IS SAYING. Because of your show I left that no account mf who hated me. Because of your show I decided my life was worth living. Your show gave me life! Your show really helped me deal with something I am processing in my own life, thank you. THIS MAKES IT WORTH IT! additionally: I AM A BETTER, MORE HAPPY, MORE SURE AND SECURE WOMAN. A WOMAN OF STRONG CONVICTIONS WHO REFUSES to back down, yet has learned the WISDOM in shutting the fuck up when necessary. When it is necessary to STFU? when the shyt don't apply to you. when it isn't YOUR TRUTH when there is NOTHING you can do about it. But for my life? I am standing on what I got and who i am! I am simply teaching ME. anyone along the way who should so happen to be encouraged and empowered? GREAT! GRAND! but this is a VERY SELFISH endeavor. This is a VANITY IS SALVATION endeavor: Angry Devas. this is about Self-Centered Focus. Building and sharing and healing too. Living outloud and on purpose according to my way. Submitting to no truth but my own. Living according to no CREED but my own. Not the mule of the black community.... but the GOD OF MY OWN LIFE. I want to encourage MORE WOMEN to be trail blazers. to be WONDERFUL to be honest when themselves. Speak your truth, stand on your Square and don't listen to these blackistani haters. Nothing will ever really make them happy as a group, to be honest I don't think black folks WANT HAPPINESS as a collective. I think, black folks en masse, are addicted to scandal, drama, traumatizing others, and being abusive in our relating to one another. In order to survive the-blackistani -think-tank, you HAVE to have the Backbone of a Sycamore and the Skin of an Alligator. You will have to be prepared for the massive amounts of ignorance, arrogance, judgment, hatred and down right disgusting animalistic assault of those who, quite simply: hate you cuz they aint you! Be encouraged, inner-powered and FLY =FIRST LOVE YOURSELF |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022