The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
Source Here by thesovereignmoor This article was NOT written by the Angry Deva, though I found many interesting components therein. I, unlike most, know how to sift for the pearls. Give it a shot.
Raising Boys Wrong… In the state of Georgia, as in most urban areas, two thirds of the Black children born, are born to unwed mothers. Most of those boys will grow up to be unproductive men in our society. For irrefutable proof one only needs to examine:
Am I blaming society’s ills on single mothers? No! Am I attacking or demonizing single mothers? A thousand times no! I am dealing with a critical issue that has devastated multiple generations. One that has not been properly dealt with for too long. I have watched this particular group of single mothers reek havoc and sow seeds of discord in the lives of countless children. I had one incident in which a woman, (I’ll call Racine ) was dating a man, she got pregnant by him and they moved in together. Like many women who give themselves to dishonorable men, Racine assumed that she could change him and that he would eventually marry her. She was so convinced of her abilities to alter his conduct, that she got pregnant, AGAIN! You should know that Racine was in the church while this disgraceful chain of events took place. After their second child, her live-in boyfriend just up and left. He coldly and calculatedly abandoned her and both of their kids. It is no secret that this is the norm for single women who get pregnant by their boyfriends. But like many women, Racine chose to ignore those irrefutable facts. She somehow believed her situation would be different than the countless single women who are left pregnant and alone every year. Before bolting, her enigmatic lover prepped his family, friends and co-workers not to divulge any information of his whereabouts to his ex. For three months Racine pleaded with his family and friends to tell her what happened. After constantly listening to her forlorned cries, one of his family members couldn’t take it anymore. She broke down and told Racine the truth. Her Night In Pining Armour had dumped her and hurriedly married some bimbo. When Racine heard the heart traumatizing truth, she promptly joined the (BSMC), Bitter Single Mother’s Club. She turned into an angry and vengeful single mom. Her means of getting revenge against her ex was to physically abuse both their children. She would do things such as force them to sit outside in the freezing cold for hours at a time. She would choke her older son, ( I’ll call Joseph ) while swearing at him and cursing his father. Because of her physically and verbally abusive behavior, Joseph learned to hate females. Because of how his mother abused him and his little brother, Joseph detests the female gender with an unforgiving passion. Like his mother had been drilling in his ears for years, he followed in the footsteps of his father. He got a female pregnant while in high school, but instead of abandoning her and baby like his dad, he married her. Not because he loved her, but to prove his mother wrong. Joseph had taken on the same vengeful and abusive spirit as his mom. In less than two weeks after saying, “I do!” he physically assaulted his new bride. He has been abusing her ever since. Even at my behest, his wife refused to file charges. She felt as though she could change him. Their little girl will be 5-years-old in 2004 and Joseph has never held a conversation with her because of distrust and hatred of all females. The only things he has said to his daughter is, “Shut up! Didn’t I tell you… No! Sit down and, go get me a…” Joseph kicked her across the room one night when she attempted to stop him from physically assaulting her mother. Did you comprehend what you just read? You just read how generational curses are started. Even worse, Joseph’s daughter is a likely candidate to believe that all men are dogs and become an angry Black female. What you are reading are not aberrations. These incidents happen everyday. I could share with you so many other cases and incidents such as the large number of single mothers who for various reasons refuse to divulge to their kids who their true biological father are. These women don’t realize how their callous insensitivity has damaged their children. I realize that what I’m sharing may be painful and may open up some festering wounds. It may even spark some dissenting and harsh responses. However, until we openly deal with this issue by shining the Light of God’s Word upon it, healing can never come. And the devastating curse of misogynistic men and angry boys will continue. Some of you will read this article and say, “What about the things the men are doing and why didn’t you mention how daughters are affected when they don’t have a dad?” I’ll deal with the dishonorable men, deadbeat dads and daughters in another session. I cannot cover all of life’s issues in one article. Right now, our focus is the ten harmful things certain single mothers do to ruin their son’s lives. If you are a single mother, this is an opportunity for you to look in the mirror of life and ascertain that you are not setting your son up for manhood meltdown. If you answer “Yes” to any of these test questions, make no mistake about it, you are indoctrinating your son for failure. He will develop a corrupted view of manhood, so take these test questions serious. 1. Do You Poison Your Son’s Mind Against His Biological Father? As they reach adulthood, these harmful traits make men become societal undesirables. As a single mom, you must make seeking out strong godly male role models for your son a top priority. Start with your child’s father. The only reasons you should keep your son away from his biological father is because his dad:
Barring none of the above, you should not prevent your child’s from interacting with his dad. After the child’s biological father, look at the men in your family, church, after school programs and organizations that are passionate about raising boys. Be clear on this irrefutable fact: your son needs honorable men in his life if he is going to properly transition from boyhood to manhood. If he has no godly strong male role models, your son will go from boyhood to adulthood, while skipping manhood. Don’t deceive yourself into believing that you can raise your son without men, you cannot. I leave all single mothers with this final charge. Malachi 4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Did you take note of what the Lord is doing? He is restoring the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Don’t become a stumbling block against this powerful move of God. If you have bitterness, unforgiveness or hatred in your heart toward the child’s father or toward the entire male gender, let it go! If you are hiding a dark secret such as: paternity fraud, you gave birth to a child by a married man or you really don’t know who the father is. It may be painful to come clean, but you must. Lying to your family, deceiving you friends and defrauding others only exasperates the matter. In the end, your deception will come back to haunt you. Most likely when you least likely expect it. The Angry Deva Approves of great portions of this messageFeel free to discuss or critique.
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I am a Black Daughter recovering from an abusive, neglectful, demoralizing Mother Wound based relationship with my mama.. As such, I have Vowed to not have any children. i have decided to dedicate this lifetime to the work that no other woman in my bloodline has ever accomplished. The Journey to the Center of the Soul Self. In embarking upon this journey? I have slowly but surely taken little bits of myself back! I have reclaimed things that we are expected to just hand over for free. Like motherhood, and birthing. I do not agree that men should be blessed with children for free. I firmly believe that if women charged men to birth, the rape, murder and abandonment of children by men would drastically decline. But that is a topic for another day. ;) When i was but a child of 13, i said: "this stops with me!" Little did I know, at the time, that this simple statement would prove to be the Catalyst for change; not only in my life, but in the lives of all around me. It changed the relationship between me and my mother. I no longer looked at her as an innocent, and ignorant, victim of her life. I began to view her as a willful agent of oppression and complicit participant in her own misery. The magical thing about such a revelation? It meant that in being able to see her, I could see my past and how it had the Power to shape, mold and make my future. However, at the time, I was much too young, too battered, and too underdeveloped to really process the weight of this revelation. It became a life long journey; one that has molded my work, birthed this Angry Deva's thang, and brought us together here, Dear Reader. This relationship, this mother wound, infected my life, during my formative years, and has made it near impossible for me to trust another black woman. On the one hand, this is great! Because in this world, trust must be EARNED and well kept! Yet on the other hand? It means I simply prefer the Hermit life, to that of engaging other women. It is so much simpler to Walk Alone! To be the Solitary Witchy Bitch Godis! The sad part? I am not alone, here. And many women actually want and even need these vital connections to one another. The best piece of advice i can offer: Keep your circle small. Vet the bytches, often! Close them out in certain seasons of your life, realize the value they each add, and subtract, to your life! We do not value our love, and accordingly we hand our love, inspiration, brilliance, gifting, anointing to undeserving viper beasts in female flesh. Gird your loins, learn your craft and tap dat azz, when necessary! Many, countless, girls and women are subject to this manner of abusive early childhood formation. In fact, this is the NORM for black motherhood. Abuse of black girls by black women is normal. Destructive picking, sabotaging advice, dream dashing, jealous criticism, fanatical inability to introspect, hostile projections, this is the absolute normal way black mothers relate to their daughters. And what is worse? Is that black mothers refuse to see, own, address this. My own certainly hasnt and likely will die never having done so, but i made a vow that it ENDED with me! So I am focused on that which, in practice, grants us the ability to truly heal and actually see what is going on around and within us. What has helped me, in understanding and application, is the realization that there are only TWO types of people on this planet. Mothers and CHILDREN of The MotherIf you are NOT a MOTHER you are a CHILD of MAMA. Though, I find this to be a PRIVILEGE. It is a Privilege to be a Child of the Mother, as well it is a Privilege to be a Mother. Women, regardless of sexual orientation, marital status, relationship status, are privileged for being Mothers over women who are not mothers. Their Womanhood is validated and accepted, yet maligned and heavily policed, in ways that we Child-Free, or Children of the Mother, arent granted. This privileging of women for breeding has long since driven a deep wedge between women. The forced "choice" to breed in captivity has had innumerable consequences on women as a class. And black women in particular bear the greatest cost of all as this dis-ease is manifesting in our health even. The mother dawta relationship is the SINGLE MOST important relationship in a womans life. Unfortunately, due to this false "father is necessary" cultural myth; black women privilege the relationship to her dick-of-the-day over the one to her daughter. This shouldnt come as a shock though! Because she was encouraged, very early on, to devalue the relationship to her Daughter Self (her inner daughter or Maiden) to secure this "relationship" with a dick. (I am purposely reducing men to penises. Because they simply serve no other purpose in a womans life. It is on purpose that I dehumanize these creatures. Because we privilege a thing we dont know or understand, based on antiquated ignorance passed off as "right and exact") If her MOTHER is jacked up in RELATING to her, it screws up ALL OTHER RELATIONSHIPS. This places an undue burden on the dawta, on womanhood, on maidenhood. And this is the crux of the issues black women face today. Oh yes, its real cute to call black women "cray" and "rachet" or "angry"; not quite so cute to admit that our unchecked rogue black motherhood is damaging the daughters and thus the Quality of Black womanhood. No one wants to deal with the Angry Daughter, yet we do want her to go away. To shut up; to act right and make us look good. We want her to deny her womanhood, close her legs and oh god dont have no babies. We tell them dont get pregnant! Not till you are being too successful, then we will encourage the babies; a sick pathology that is inherent in blackness and among black women. In fact, strange women i dont even know often inquire about "when you gone have you one" and "ya gotta have at least one." We have turned our daughters into nothing more than baby factories! Black Motherhood is a simple broodmare agreement. She is in heat, the stud is available, and 9 months later "we" have a baby. We value her ability to breed black, regardless of the quality of black person such breeding produces. Most Mothers, in the black community, only know how to be the slave masters overseers. If we will be honest, ya wont though, black people arent raising their children, the dominant white culture is! White culture has told black parents how to raise, relate to, and manage their children for the past 80 years. They, white dominant culture, have used the:
to color, define, restrict, influence, and manipulate entirely, the ways that black folks relate to their children. The children go to the school when and where Mr. White Culture says. They work when Mr. White Culture says. They pay taxes because Mr. White Culture told their parents they had to, they go to college to "get a good job" because that is also what Mr. White Culture told them to. Black folks beat their children, to encourage high performance in Mr. White Cultures education industrial complex, and to discourage their entry (which is a failed concept entirely from start to finish) into Mr. White Culture's prison industrial complex. There used to be a time when we NEEDED to LORD over our children to keep them safe. Now? With the SUPERIOR avatar children being borne? With the Starseed, Starwalker, God Being energy being BIRTHED. We must admit that the CHILD of the Mother is the TEACHER of the Mother as well. I know we THINK that the mother should know better. SHE DOES NOT. She can only repeat what her mother was to her, which is a model to her daughter (and thus yet another Generation of Black womanhood) that this is the way to be Black and Female. Someone has to break the cycle, and it is NOT a work that can be done in the LIGHT and blind arena. This is some DARK shyt. This type of work requires entering the deep recesses of our mind, consulting Dark Wisdom and completely embracing the ugly truth. The truth about how we have repeated these detrimental ways of life and living to our future generations chagrin. When the Elder feminine is out of order, when she is touting how she's "a grown ass woman, not some 20 something" what we need to see is, she is reacting to an absent Mother Force Presence in her life. When we Young Maidens have absolutely no consideration for the "feelings" of others via our expressions? This is yet another reaction to an Absent Mother Force Presence in her life. We who grew up black and female grew up without Mothers. Regardless to her presence and work, she was never a mother. She was a broodmare, a domestic servant, but never a Mother. Women arent truly allowed to be MOTHERS in this patriarchal society. No, the Soul of the Mother has been scooped out by the culture of anti-womb centrality; long before that woman ever have birth. And deeper still, as we each carry our future generations into the world WITH US; each generation of women and girls to come has also been contaminated by the anti-womb centrality culture. When you KNOW SOMETHING, you stand BOLDLY on it. No matter HOW MANY folks run to their inbox to talk shyt about you. No matter HOW MANY people try to reduce your GNOSIS to some bs to fit THEIR bonked understandings and lack of FUSION in Matriarchal CURRENCY, STAND. The Mother Dawta relationship is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP ON THE PLANET. Unfortunately, that means that the females who are phallus strokers PLAYING matriarchy are a part of the problem. Their presence means an every day Unending War on your Quest for Sovereignty. We have to be WITH one accord, (within! Remember: out of self comes all else) and because we cannot accomplish THAT, we ain't about to do SHYT as a collective. INDIVIDUAL black women will win. the masses will NOT.
![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022