The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
I issue the following challenge: On this page, and every thread therein, blog posts and our Black Feminist Radio Show "Angry Devas Show" THERE WILL BE NO VERBAL BLOW JOBS! When you feel... Compelled, to "my daddy/brother/baby-daddy/cousin/granddaddy/dick-flava-of-the-month, all over a thread!? Delete your comment. Go meditate and ask yourself why you have to begin your expressions with a penis in ya mouth. The following will NOT be tolerated: I know plenty of good black men Great for you. Go find him, suck him off, and cease subjecting the rest of us to it. I am not a voyeur. I do not get off on watching black women issue Verbal blow jobs Cyber blow jobs Mental blow jobs Religious blow jobs To men. Of any race. Run tell dat! There is a NEW SHERIFF in town. And she is an ANGRY GOD! Black men don't like when we blame them. They don't like when we take responsibility either. They especially HATE the Angry Deva's solution: STOP BIRTHING MALES! If black men are pussy hounds who fuck and chuck women. And women cannot raise sons to be men: why shouldn't she CEASE birthing sons until black men decide to be MEN not boys? See you want us to take the responsibility you assign. Like most men and wo-men. Miss me with that. Black woman, your problems are here because ya have birthed sons. Black women with sons shouldn't even complain, but i get why they do. Gotta get it out their system. Women, if we really loved em, we wouldn't want em having babies. Not till healing and restoration has happened. But the black men who "love black women" don't love us enough (or aren't smart enough) to get that insanity is doing the same thing, again and again, expecting a different result. Black women will see black men turn around, when we stop handing them sons to allow/encourage to disrespect women and girls their own age too. When we cease letting the men turn your alleged "ma-sun" into sons of man. I refuse to verbally dick suck immature infantile black manhood. Not when the ugly truth is staring is in the face. Many women will verbally suck ya dick "i love men" "i dont hate men" and all that. I dont give a fuck. Whether I, the Angry Deva, verbally suck you off or not, at the end of the day you are still a clueless man. And your existence on the planet means black women have failed. Failed to produce Gods. We now birth "sons of men." Other black women? take heed! your verbal blow jobs, cyber blow jobs and religious blow jobs will not get you one iota closer to married and "happy."
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022