The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
#ToxicMasculinity "Dress the way you want to be addressed." This is presently the male response and reaction to women's requests to be regarded as human, vs a series of holes that exist just for men to penetrate. It would appear that, in our case as black women, black men fully recognize their right to exist and not be deemed thugs or dangerous based on their clothing choices. However, when we make requests of them to show the same courtesy, they are unable to hear us and proceed to suggest "logical" reasons why their refusal to listen is valid. Among these "logical reasons" are "don't dangle meat in front of dogs and be mad when they bite" or "don't wear a Ho's attire" or "you must have wanted the attention" and other such "pearls of wisdom." These men believe, unfoundedly, that they are noble in telling us to "cover up." Louis Farrakhan was recently heralded as a "real man" for offering "protection from the NOI" to Beyonce, after Florida police refused to do detail work for her concerts. However, he had also just recently given an edict to Jay-Z to "tell his wife to cover up!" Interesting intersection there. Science has proven that males are incapable of actually hearing the female voice and taking her seriously. The guys could easily hear and understand other men’s voices. However, women have a greater natural melody in their voices and possess a more complex range of sound frequencies than a male voice. I recently was speaking with a sister healer and mother of sons, she explained to me the great difference between raising males and raising girls! She explained to me that a conversation she had with a psychologist revealed that in order to get males to register her voice as WORDS and not just sounds, she needed to clap or. Make a noise to get his attention. Men apparently would rather "listen" to the "energy" our outfits emit than the energy of our voices saying no, I'm not interested.
What I find to be most intriguing; our foremothers and forefathers were well dressed, yet made to suffer gross indignities in this nation. Martin Luther King was wearing a suit and tie when he was murdered/lynched. Malcolm X was wearing a suit and tie when he was murdered/lynched. Countless black women and men in suits and looong dresses were turned into strange fruit all around this nation. Therefore, I posit, that in addition to a genetic inability to hear and process the far more complex feminine voice, male culture itself is desirous of stagnation. The Diminished Masculine's perpetual and cross racial inability to review history and adapt/reform, means we are doomed to remain trapped in a never ending story of collusion with oppression and citation of attire and other presentations as "the reason" it has happened. (Sidebar: I'm not surprised by Farrakhan! The man still rocks Brooks Brothers suits and Stacey Addams shoes! He still got that conc, he will never change lol) It is an unfortunate reality that far too many of these toxic and diminished masculine are out there. We need to learn how to recognize them, what are the signs and symptoms of the Diminished Masculine. Only then can we begin to alleviate this sickness, that seeks to keep the Divine Feminine wounded, in our interpersonal lives. Unfortunately, I do not believe that men en masse can or will be changing this of their own volition any time soon.
Today's broadcast of Angry Deva's brought in a classic case of "white man b*tchism." The "willie lynch nigga" who came into our chatroom today with his "gripe" against feminism came to divide. When Black Wo-men cease allowing men of any race and creed to dance all through their threads, blogs, fan pages, and radio shows, perhaps we can build something that causes Socio-Political change in OUR favor. However, more often than not, black men believe that they should come in, speak and be heard. Black women, too often, are accomodating and make room for them and everyone else. The Angry Deva does not. Period. I am not here for your feelings, for your opinions on our movements either. I don't particularly give a shyt what men think of femnism, black feminism, radical feminism, black radical separatist feminism or really anything. Men need to concern themselves with the complete eradication of:
Until we see men making moves on these fronts, and others, i truly could care less about their concerns and views. We have been made to listen to men pontificate, regurgitate and out right obfuscate TRUTH and fiction for centuries. Men of all races. Black Wombn, as we are the MOTHERS of the Globe, it will be OUR resistance that offers the GREATEST change to the powers that be. This is why we are consistently being divided against self-preservation and self-worth as well as self-esteem. NOTE the key word here is self. When we re-turn to self-centered focus and reaffirm our Rightful Position as God, Priest, Oracle, Shaman, Healer of the globe, as the ORIGINAL MOTHER, the entire WORLD will return to Order from Chaos. Angry Deva's Radio Show The White Man B*tch pt 1 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022