The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
The black Wombn is GOD! Our Yoni and womb are POWERFUL in ways we dont even know.
I have organized a Telecomference class teaching on the Yoni and the Womb. Click here for the link. Divine healing of the Yoni and the Womb are vitally important. Wombn sacrifice our BirthRite repetitively for:
So many fears... This stagnates our Divine Growth and experience as Wombn. It costs us tremendously to live in fear, love from/due to fear, lack due to fear. The yoni stores pleasure and pain memories, and our wombs are the "purse" that holds our akashic Memory. When Wombn have been injured, have been abused, have been denied pleasure, had their sexual/sensual interests denied? It stagnates our creativity. Our quality of life suffers due to diminished sexual, sensual, pleasure. The difficulty? How do we, safely, engage males sexually! In a global climate of male entitlement, male violence and male domination of Wombn, it is overwhelming to consider. Sign up to gain access to our month subscription to the Yoni Eggstress: Remembering the Divine Womb TeleConference. The Calls will be archived as well so you can access it at a later date. The TeleConference begins August 13th at 7pm EST. I am not a pigeon. Pigeons represent the home and hearth. Pigeons are very sacred representations of Mother and Nurturing. And it isnt my Primary Totem. My Totem is the Hawk and Falcon. They See best from a Distance, they are Distance hunters. They have VERY keen eyes and see the shyt coming. They have no attachment to the message as delivered. And this is our lesson! Hawk Eyed People have to learn that the message means nothing to us but everything to the one hearing it. We have lost our way, or we would recognize young Hawk when we See it. The lesson is, temper the heat of the message with the Heart of the Matter. We will make many stumbles along the way. Have you ever watched a baby Hawk learn to fly? I bet not. If so, Hawk Spirited folks would make more sense. They Wobble. Up and down. This is to teach them that they can DIP and soar. They have to learn that FIRST! Because, unlike other birds, they are Natural Borne Hunters. This is how they Live. So baby Hawk dips and bobs. Getting used to its weight and its wings. They become skilled and gifted very quickly this way. Nature is amazing! If you shut up you can learn so much!
![]() This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022