Please enjoy this video of me singing Beyoncé's Speechless.
In this song, I found myself Channeling Beyoncé. She is very sultry and sounds naturally breathless, so it was challenging but fun. The Muses have been with me all my life, they've returned in full force this season
Singing helps heal depression by helping to rewire our brains. The elation may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing, which is associated with feelings of pleasure. Or it might be from oxytocin, another hormone released during singing, which has been found to alleviate anxiety and stress.
Either way? Sister, it is time to sing more. Lift up your voices! It's time to embrace your power. Even if you don't think you can sing, your voice has power and the Muses desire to help you connect to your gifts. Our Voices possess a rich capacity to heal, and the Siren Muse will teach you the Sacred Lost Art of Womb Singing. Join our Siren Muse to learn how to tap into the power of your Throat Chakra. Luna Pierce is a Trained Singer and Vocal Instructor, who is presently being Initiated in the Ancient Art Dhrupad with a Vocal Coach and Sacred Master of Tones and Music.
Below you may select from lessons in singing and lessons in Re-Birthing yourself. Rebirthing is a Dark Divine Feminine Gift, and the Mystic Muse, Luna, is gifted in helping women recreate themselves by reconnecting to who they were destined to be.