The rules of
the realm
When I began? I had one rule. That one rule was just so not tell anyone you’re talking to a priestess or working with the Spirits.
Your protection. See people are ignorant, petty, small and afraid. They are emotional and reactive. They lack thought and forethought. They are incapable of introspection. And the vast majority will never:
Level up
Live happy lives
Follow their dreams
Discover their talents
Discover their own anointing
And so they will come for yours. They will smile in your faces. And then wonder “is she doing magic against me?” Suddenly! Every stupid thing in their life? Is your fault. It’s because you "doing witch craft." It’s because you are messing with “evil” (🙄 see. Ignorance) that they stubbed they toe. Lmfao insane.
But it is going to happen. It is. This is human nature. So many good things pass you by. Because you shared it with unworthy, unready, unstable, people. The ignorant and uninitiated are the cursed. For ignorance is a curse. Ignorance is never an excuse. It is always a curse.
We KNOW how deeply impactful the curse of ignorance is.
We do not play that.
We do not play fair.
I am not responsible for what happens to you, when you go against yourself. Or when you break your covenants.
Your protection. See people are ignorant, petty, small and afraid. They are emotional and reactive. They lack thought and forethought. They are incapable of introspection. And the vast majority will never:
Level up
Live happy lives
Follow their dreams
Discover their talents
Discover their own anointing
And so they will come for yours. They will smile in your faces. And then wonder “is she doing magic against me?” Suddenly! Every stupid thing in their life? Is your fault. It’s because you "doing witch craft." It’s because you are messing with “evil” (🙄 see. Ignorance) that they stubbed they toe. Lmfao insane.
But it is going to happen. It is. This is human nature. So many good things pass you by. Because you shared it with unworthy, unready, unstable, people. The ignorant and uninitiated are the cursed. For ignorance is a curse. Ignorance is never an excuse. It is always a curse.
We KNOW how deeply impactful the curse of ignorance is.
We do not play that.
We do not play fair.
I am not responsible for what happens to you, when you go against yourself. Or when you break your covenants.