Vanity is Salvation; Let is look to the Mirror. Mirrors are both a necessity and convenience. We use Mirrors every day to reflect physical images. We make use of rear-view Mirrors in our vehicles to alert us of potential dangers and cautions behind us. We station Mirrors at corners of buildings and hallways to "see" what is around the corner. And, of course, we spend a fair amount of time every day standing before our personal Mirrors while we preen ourselves prior to going out into the world.
However, when we consider the esoteric, or mystic, Symbolism associated with The Mirror we find that it alludes to a much higher and sublime purpose...Spiritual Reflection!
Just as a physical Mirror is a reflection of how we currently appear, and how the world around us currently appears, so too does our Spiritual Mirror Truthfully reflect the Consequences of our actions along with the Karmic rewards, or punishments, which the consequences of our actions have brought upon us.
Our Spiritual Mirror reflects back to us our external surroundings. In other words, our Spiritual Mirror shows us the people, places and Events which are currently a part of the life we have created for ourselves. By gazing at our external surroundings we are looking directly into our Spiritual Mirror. Join us for this Class on Mirror Magic Wisdom.