sacred whispers blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
“It seems strange that the Mother of the race should be made the Slave of the Fruits of her Womb, It appears peculiar that she should have no privileges except those received through her son. It seems illogical that the God Principle of the Universe, in its infinite wisdom, should endanger the existence of the Race by making the Mother of it the weak, cringing underling of her husband.” HILTON HOTEMA “There is a parallel resemblance in the sexes that proves and show’s their conformity in essential parts to some remote ancestor or progenitor, which preceded them beFore division of the sexes.” CHARLES DARWIN Origin of the Species “Mellaart’s report, written in 1966 before the completion of the excavations, shows that Catal Huyuk, whatever its name n.ay nave been ten thousana years ago, was not only a matriarchal but a utopian society. There had been no wars for a thousand years. There was an ordered pattern of society. There were no human or animal sacrifices: pets were kept and cherished. Vegetarianism prevailed - . . the supreme deity in all the temples was a goddess.” ELIZABETH GOULD DAVIS THE FIRST SEX “All female animals yield their regular ovulation, but it is not accompanied by waste or loss Lof vital fluid]. Woman only is cursed this way. But let the female brute lose the control of her procreative function as woman has been deprived of hers [under male rule], and let her be subjected to the unbridled passion of the male, as woman is I Gen. 3:16, and she will soon begin to feel the curse. It is through woman’s freedom only, and her resumption of her natural queenship in the domain of sex that she and man can be redeemed. Where is the female animal that wastes her life away at every changing moon? There are none such, save perhaps among the monkey tribes, and the fact exists there for the same reason that it does in woman. No animal that has intercourse for reproduction only, is cursed as woman is.” VICTORIA W000HALL EFFECT OF DIET AND LIFE STYLE ON MENSES Throughout nature, the biological superiority of the female is evident. Only the civilized female “seems” to be inferior physically to the male. This condition is brought about largely by the debilitating effect of the menstrual hemorrhage. The increased consumption of animal protein (doubled in the last 25 years) and ‘of processed foods by civilized humans is causing the menses to appear earlyer each generation and to last longer. According to Dr. E. L. Wynder, president Am. Health Foundation, “diet is related to the increasingly early age of menarche, the start of menstruation - six months earlyer among girls every decade since 1850.” (Boston Globe, Dec. 5, 74, p. 50). In my prattice I have met girls who started menses at ten and the flow lasted for as many as 15 days. Because of more natural living, low protein diet and seasonal sexual practices, menses is less of a problem to the uncivilized woman. Among many of the primitive races and in technologically undeveloped countries, females work side by side with males; many employers have shown preference for female laborers because of their superior endurance and strength. In the United States, in spite of the menstrual and social handicap, female longevity exceeds that of the male; a larger proportion of females reach the century mark. Hardening of blood vessels and high blood pressure are more common among men than women. There are fewer miscarriages and stillbirths of females than males; the female brain has a finer texture and more complex organization, and, relative to body weight, is 25% heavier than that of the male; her thyroid gland, which has three lobes, is larger than the two-lobed one of the male. During childhood, female physical size and performance in school exceeds that of the male. This phenomenon is well known to school teachers. With the onset of menstruation and the great loss of essential body fluids, the rapid development of the female is brought to a premature slowdown. —168-- Loss of calcium, which is so essential to develop bone and muscle and to stabilize the nervous system, result in slowdown in skeletal growth.; Loss of iodine, lecithin and vitamin E has a detrimental effect on brain development. Loss of hormones, which are more concentrated in menstrual discharge than in the bloodstream, speeds the aging process. Many females are anemic because the monthly hemorrhage causes a reduction of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier. This has a significant effect on further brain development and nerve activity. Were it not for menstrual losses, the initial superiority of the female would persist in all later stages of physical development. Historically, menstruation appeared in females after the family unit had migrated to a cooler climate and/or adopted an unnatural diet and increased sexual activity. The development of the family in an unnatural environment involved many hardships. Males very readily used the services of females to do the most unpleasant, monotonous, physically strenuous tasks, while they engaged in the arts- of hunting, philosophy, war and religion. The female was the first slave of the male. Often a man kept a large flock of slave wives to perform all necessary chores. Organized religion, with its male-dominated priesthood, has successfully convinced woman that she must have committed some “basic sin” (Gen. 3:6) for which she must enslave herself to. the male: “Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over Thee”(Gen. 3: 16). Centuries of inculcation of this dogma have helped to make the female subservient to the dictates of the male. Through false medical and religious teachings on menstruation, the male-dominated society has managed to keep woman in a slave-like position by insuring her persistent weakness through biological ignorance. Men have claimed mental superiority because of a seeming deficiency in production of great works in philosophy, art or science by the female. There were times in history when women were not suppressed, and had equal cultural, educational and economic opportunity to achieve their potential. There are instances recorded where pagan women achieved high excellence and superiority over males. The Pythagorean school produced at least fifteen historically outstanding women. The last was Hypatia of Alexandria, who was murdered by a band of fanatic monks led by the jealous Cyrus, archbishop of Alexandria. The great Greek philosopher, Socrates, had studied under Aspasia, the young female Delphic Oracle. Ammian and Diodorus comment that the women of ancientGaul were stronger than the males and fought the Romans. Strobo mentions that Gallic women were taller than men. Skeletal remains proved them to be seven feet tall. Havelock Ellis remarks that all outstanding women in history were relatively free from menstruation. They either menstruated slightly or not at all as was the case with Joan of Arc, proven by medical records during her trial for witchcraft. The well-known ninety-year-old Frenchwoman, Ninon de L’Enclos, who continued to look like a young woman to the end freed herself from menstruation through a special diet. Wallace states: “Some females of robust constitution and right fiber are called viragoes. These, from constitution, menstruate sparingly or not at all.” It has been proven by Bernard, Ehret, Haig and other experimenters that a low protein vegetarian diet leads to a progressive diminution of the menstrual flow until it is replaced by a bloodless discharge as occurs in female animals. Through dietary control and avoidance of erotic excitation of the ovaries, this mucous discharge can also be made to disappear, leading to regeneration of blood, producing new body and brain cells. (242) In our culture many pathological states are considered natural ju~t because they are normal and prevalent. For example, it is “natural” to die from heart attack; doctors predict that by the year 2000 one of the most “natural” causes of death will be cancer. Actuarian reports state that to be at least 20% underweight increases health and longevity, however doctors and friends consider slim vegetarians sickly because they are not “normal” in weight. During menses it is considered “natural” to bleed, to have headaches, cramps and back pain; —168-- however, these problems seem to exist only in sickly females and domesticated or civilized animals and are non-existent in healthy primitives or wild animals.. LETTERS FROM GIRLS WHO STOPPED THE I have known many instances in which menstruation ceased in three to eight months after an improvement in diet. The following letters are representative of some new experiences for females on raw food diet. MENSTRUAL PERIOD IT IS NEVER PAINFUL, BUT OFTENTIMES I SIMPLY DON’T HAVE THEM. So I’m wondering whether it is normal for women to have menstrual periods? And what has been the experience of other women on raw food diets? (I’m 27 years old.) I remember Ehret talked of women ceasing to have periods. And another woman who lived for years on a raw fruit diet said she only menstruated once every 6 months. Donna W., Berkley, Feb. 72 Dear Viktoras: I wrote to you some time ago; at that time I was alarmed because I had missed three months’ menstrual and had only been eating basically raw foods for exactly that period of time. I have still not menstruated once since commencing this regime, I feel no monthly discomfort, physical or mental, to speak of and in general I can attest to the fact that MISSING PERIODS IS NO LESS THAN A JOY. However, I still wonder how easily I should accept this phenomenon, whether or not I SHOULD WORRY ABOUT EVER HAVING CHILDREN, whether I am going to experience some unforseeable malady in the long run. These are all things which my friends when hearing about my condition become alarmed over. I myself generally have belief that my body is doing better than ever but occasionally the words of these friends make me question again this peculiar diet. After so much anxiety and urging, I finally went to a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Stanford Medical Center in Palo Alto. There I had a kind of review with a Dr. L. to whom I mentioned the Hippocrates Health Institute and Professor Ehret. Having seen several other women with cases much like mine, and as he was in the process of writing a paper on the phenomenon, he was reasonably interested in my case. He either has written or will write to your Institute in Boston for further information. Of course in diagnosing me, he felt my diet was lopsided; but he also seemed to believe that I was in fine shape and there at least has been no damage incurred in the short run. Well, I could have told him that. He urged me to begin eating high protein foods and that if I did so I would most likely begin menstruating again, although spottedly at first. It was a harmless visit but I didn’t really learn too much. What I think I want to hear more than ever is that other women perform (or react) as I am and that I may still be able to reproduce. I have heard ‘you say that you know women whose flow ceased and that is mostly the reason why I am not very worried about all this. I’ll be interested to hear from you when your time permits. Sincerely, Mary R., Aromas, Calif., Dec. 1971 Dear Viktoras: Finally received a copy of Love Your Body. The book inspired me to get back to raw foods. Every day I freak out with one of your delicious recipes. It makes it so easy to stay on this “strange” diet. I have moved again and have new friends. They’re into yoga and meditation. I join them several times a week. They have seen your book (L.Y.B.) and were so delighted that someone can make the subject of nutrition so simple. I have been preparing some of your sauces with sprouts at the ashram. Now everyone wants your book. So cash enclosed, rush me two dozen copies. Life is one of change. WHILE WORKING AT THE INSTITUTE, I had withdrawn from dexaniil and other stimulants after 8 years of being hooked. I found that the raw food and juices provided me —169-- with more energy without the 5 p.m. letdown. Also, MY MENSES REDUCED TO A CLEAR, SCANTY FLOW, LASTING ONLY FEW HOURS WITH HARDLY ANY BLOOD LOSS. Those five months with you at Hippocrates were some of my most memorable moments into body and spirit awareness. After returning to secretarial work, I SLIPPED BACK TO EATING WHATEVER WAS AVAILABLE — generally one meal a day, using dairy products, fruit and vegetables and occasionally meat, plus lots of coffee and cigarettes. The loss of energy brought me back to the occasional use of dexamil. MY MENSTRUAL PERIOD BECAME DIFFICULT, LASTING 4 TO 7 DAYS. Five months ago, I took your advice and replaced dexamil and coffee with several cups of Ginseng tea. The results were marevlous — feeling high without letdown. Now I have even given up the use of the tea, except for special occasions. Since I returned to the raw life, I feel the new me. Presently, I’m preparing a photo portfolio — I think I’m ready for the fashion world. Summer is here and the raw food is easy. My period has practically disappeared. I hope I will be able to handle the diet in winter. Thank you for your kindness. Love, A.K. Results from considerable research do answer the questions these young women have asked: Is monthly bleeding natural? Can non-menstruating women become pregnant? Is cessation of menses due to good health or extreme poor health? How may menses be eliminated? The beginning of the menstrual flow occurs actually at the end of the menstrual cycle. It represents the climax of twenty-eight days, plus or minus, of preparation of the body for conception. The menstrual cycle is governed by hormones produced by the pituitary glands and the ovaries. Estrogen and progesterone are the substances that the ovaries naturally manufacture under the direction of the master gland, the pituitary. With ordinary amounts of these hormones in the bloodstream, the pituitary gland signals the ovaries to release an ovum every month at the midpoint between the menstrual periods. When hormone levels are a little higher, as in pregnancy, the pituitary does not direct ovulation. —170—-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? DO ANIMALS MENSTRUATE? Undomesticated animals do not menstruate, but they have periodic mating seasons known as heat, rut or estrus which usually occurs several times a year, generally in spring and autumn. In the normal state, during ovulation, the genital organs of females of lower animals are slightly congested and are moistened with mucus. However, after the non-menstruating animal is captured, the estrus becomes transformed into a bloody flow, manifesting as the menstrual hemorrhage. This results from an unnatural diet and artificial living conditions. This occurs with the cow, donkey, mare, bear, pig, cat, rabbit, dog and monkey. Monkeys menstruate five times a year. This has very little to do with fertility, since they rut only twice. The cow has a discharge, sometimes quite bloody, every three weeks; yet it ruts only once a year. MONKEY MENSES Dr. Rhodes, professor of obstetrics at the University of London, discusses the difference between menstruation and estrus. “The lining of the uterus is the endometrium, which is under the control of the hormones of the ovary. Since these are produced in waxing and waning cycles the endometrium waxes and wanes in time with the hormone secretions from the ovary. THIS IS TRUE FOR ALL MAMMALS, BUT ONLY IN THE PRIMATES IS THE PHENOMENON OF MENSTRUATION SEEN. This is the periodic shedding of the endometrium from the uterus which is seen as a bloody discharge from the vaginal orifice … the physiological significance of menstruation is not known . “In the lower animals estrus occurs in regular cycles depending on the species and its environment. The vaginal bleeding which is seen in the animals at estrus is not comparable to menstruation as bleeding is associated with ovulation in the estrus cycle, but the vaginal bleeding of menstruation occurs only after the death of the corpus luteum approximately fourteen days after ovulation. EVEN AMONG THE PRIMATES MENSTRUATION IS NOT UNIVERSAL AND.IN THE NEW WORLD MONKEYS OCCURS ONLY SPORADICALLY, BUT IN THE OLD WORLD MONKEYS AND THE ANTHROPOIDEA MENSTRUATION IS THE RULE.” A probable explanation for the difference in menstrual pattern of the Old and New World monkeys is that the monkey of the Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa) has been contaminated with processed food through many years contact with these civilized countries. The New World monkeys have had very little contact with factory-made food. Even now, the New World is far more uncivilized and primitive than the Old World. —171-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? Menstrual bleeding in Old World monkeys is associated with congestion in the arterioles located in the uterus lining. New World monkeys (Cebus, Ateles, etc.) have periodic cycle of bleeding, microscopic in nature and associated with minimal tissue loss. Goodman, Wislocki and Kaiser have pointed out that THERE ARE NO COILED ARTERIOLES IN THESE FORMS. Dr. Rhodes writes: “The spiral arterioles are the key to the phenomenon of menstruation for they have been observed to contract and relax in the few days before the menstrual flow. During contraction the endometrium blanches and during relaxation becomes congested. This observation was made by Markee . .constriction of the arterioles is intense and so probably leads to anoxia … the vessels break too and this is responsible for the bleeding.” (126). The spiral arterioles are equivalent to varicosities in veins, which result from ingesting mucus-forming processed foods. The Old World monkeys have ready access to this diet from their civilized cousins whereas the New World monkeys have to be satisfied with bananas. Gilman and Gilbert (202) showed that menstruation is not natural for the Old World monkey. They observed that when female baboons were fed on a vegetables only diet, menstruation cycles ceased. MENSES AS A TOXIC REACTION Dr. Bieler, in the informative bood, “Natural Way To Sexual Health” (125), discusses menstruation:“ The female suffering from a state of toxemia, with her liver failing to filter as it should, places a burden on the natural menstrual functions … this function is turned into a sort of garbage filter, resulting in chronic inflammation of the womb. “When toxic blood seeks an outlet through the womb via the menstrual function, the resulting inflammation and irritation to the delicate mucous membrane throws the organ into spasms which are registered as pain or cramps. If the toxin is milder or more dilute, the’ patient simply feels heavy or congested in her pelvis. Once the flow has started, nature pours out as much toxic material from the blood as possible. This in flames the deeper layers of the womb. What should be a normal. flow develops into a hemorrhage, sometimes lasting for days and reducing the patient to a state of anemia. The womb weakened after such chemical poisoning is easy prey to harmful bacteria (125, p. 174). —171-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? “Toxins that have been temporarily sidetracked into the body tissues and into such organs as the lymph glands, spleen, liver, subcutaneous tissues, skin, muscles, and bones are mustered and thrown into the bloodstream. They seek vicarious elimination through the menstrual flow. The patient feels heavy and congested in the pelvic area. There is a slight rise in temperature, which means that the adrenal glands have increased oxidation in an effort to burn some of the toxic material. The pulse becomes rapid; the palms sweat; nervousness and insomnia follow (125, p. 175). “The QUALITY OF THE MENSTRUAL BLOOD varies according to the chemistry of the toxic material. BRIGHT RED, profuse, odorless blood accompanied by severe uterine cramps comes from improper digestion of starch and sugar. The offending toxins are acids such as lactic, acetic, pyruvic, oxalic and formic which have not been completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. On the other hand, if the menstrual BLOOD IS DARK, odorous, clotted, and stringy, the toxins of protein indigestion or putrefaction are present. Eggs, cheese, and overcooked meat can cause the most offensive odors in the menstrual blood. Thus it is obvious that the womb, which nature selected as the organ of reproduction, can, under chemical duress, become an organ for the elimination of putrid waste (125, p.176). Dr. Schroyer, New England gynecologist, after studying dietary influence on menstruation and on the mucus discharge of Ieucorrhea, concludes (134) that both have their origin in the inflammatory condition of the uterine mucus membrane due to toxic condition of the intestines (autointoxication). Reynold and Kaiser believe that menstrual bleeding is due to excessive amount of protein waste in the lymph system plus the damage done to the lining of the uterus by putrefaction. Reynold suggests: “… that the bleeding is due to an inadequacy of endometrial lymphatic channels to provide a ready mechanism for the removal of the protein catabolites formed following withdrawal of metabolic support of the endometrium” (135). These substances, as expressed by Kaiser, “… remain in situ and cause further tissue destruction until the endometrium is shed down to the area maintained by the capillary bed of the basal arterioles” (13 1). MENSTRUAL LOSS OF ESSENTIAL BODY FLUIDS AND NUTRIENTS The male on attaining adulthood is concerned with maintaining body tissues built during the period of growth. However the adult female body is challenged with the increased demands of nutritional needs during pregnancy. In the human female, even in the absence of pregnancy, it has been estimated that replacement of the losses during menstruation may require the synthesis of tissue equivalent to 100% of her body weight (122). Among the nutrients lost are lecithin, calcium phosphate, sodium chloride, alkaline lactates, sodium bicarbonate, potassium chloride, cholesterol, albumin, mucin, vitamins A and E, amino acids. Dr. Frank, New York gynecologist, says that menstruation involves a very high loss of female sex hormones. In the menstrual blood there is six times the number of sex hormones concentrated than in blood in general circulation. This periodic loss of sex hormones in a period of thirty to forty years of menstruation brings on the menopause, effecting loss of youth (137). CESSATION OF MENSTRUATION DUE TO POOR HEALTH There are many cases where menstrual flow has stopped due to a highly toxic diet. The body is weakened to a point where it loses its ability to carry out the monthly cleansing process. As toxins —172-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? continue to build up, unless there is a change in life-style, the female will develop some chronic disorders. With cessation of menstruation during pregnancy, a toxic woman experiences many new discomforts when she is forced to hold onto her poisons. Morning sickness, edema, vomiting, dizziness and rapid breathing are some of the visible symptons. Toxins are excreted via channels other than the uterus, but pain and illness result when these organs are already overtaxed. When a woman never menstruates, it may be due to some malformation, such as an imperfectly formed hymen utresia of the vagina or imperfect development of the vagina, uterus or ovaries. It may be due to a general disturbance in the quality and quantity of nutrients as well as to disorders of the endocrine system, including ovarian tumors. Temporary cessation of the menstrual cycle may occur with a change in routine or in climate, a long journey (especially to ocean or mountains), change of residence from country to city or vice versa, extraordinary joy, grief, anxiety or exciting work, exams and study, entering a new occupation, financial troubles, a love affair, difficulty in home life, obesity (138). When the female starts to improve in health due to improved nutrition, if the disorder is not a structural one, she will start to menstruate, quite often profusely. As the months progress, menses will become painless. If the female is healthy enough, menses will cease. This time it will be to her benefit. CESSATION OF MENSTRUATION DUE TO SUPERIOR HEALTH Professor Evans, in experiments with animals, showed that by reducing the protein intake one can delay the appearance of the first estrus and lengthen the resting period between successive periods. Reduction of caloric intake leads to similar, but less marked results (123). In a detoxified woman, the bloodstream has all the material needed to build healthy tissue; as a result her uterus is made of strong tissue, and, with the monthly increase in blood pressure, blood will not be forced through the uterine tissue. The toxicity of menstrual blood has been well substantiated. Mach and Lubin (136) showed that the blood plasma, milk, sweat and saliva of menstruating women contains a substance that is highly toxic to protoplasm of living plants. This toxic substance is not present during the intermenstrual periods. The presence of toxic matter becomes obvious when one discovers that “during the first three days of menstruation the leukocyte counts in the discharge were generally higher … on the first days it was three times higher than normal values for venous blood.” Leukocyte count goes up only when there is poisoning of the body. If menstruation were a natural function, it would be present in all healthy women. However, investigations show that unhealthy women experience the longest menstrual period, and, as health improves, menstrual discomfort diminishes. If a woman has not degenerated too far, Comparing the modern woman to the less sophisticated one, we note that menstruation is less a problem among primitive peoples (124): “One is astounded at the apparent cleanliness of the vagina in Navaho women who know nothing of douches and personal hygiene. Few Navaho women wear undergarments and the great majority apparently do not use perineal pads during menstruation. Dr. Bieler, M.D., in his excellent book, Natural Way To Sexual Health, 1972, observes that: “Among one primitive people in the Australian bush country, WHO LIVE ENTIRELY ON FRUIT, THE MENSTRUAL PERIOD LASTS ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES; approximately a tablespoon of blood is expelled … The women of the American Indian of the Great Plains who lived on a simple diet and were exceedingly active, had a short uncomplicated menstrual period, scarcely noticeable” (125). —173-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? chooses her diet wisely, abstains from sexual activity, follows an exercise program in fresh air, menstrual losses will continue to diminish and, in some cases, disappear altogether. Dr. George Starr, M.D., claims menstruation is unnatural and pathological. He has cured thousands of women of this discomfort so that their periods were no longer bloody. He writes: “Nothing influences a woman’s monthly flow more than diet. Sometimes a woman who flows profusely can be cured entirely by cutting down the diet and living on raw food. Often persons will skip one or two months when changing from heavy cookcd food to raw food but they need not worry about it” (139). Havelock Ellis writes about a woman who suffered painful and profuse menstruation on a meat diet and found menstruation and pain almost completely vanished when she changed to vegetarian foods. Ellis quotes her: “Food too makes a difference. I find that if I take two meat meals each day during the previous twenty-four to twenty-eight days, the next menstrual shows more blood. On two occasions I have lived on a vegetarian diet for three weeks and the flow has decreased — almost ceased in fact.” Dr. Schroyer feels that to reduce and end these discharges (menstrual and leucorrheal) it is necessary to detoxify the blood and the intestinal tract, which is best accomplished on a low protein, strictly vegetarian diet. This leads to re-establishing the intestinal flora. Dr. Schroyer believes that menstruation is a product of pathological inflammation of the endometrium (mucous lining of the uterus) (134). This method of reducing menstruation works best in a female who lives in chastity, free from uterine hyperemia caused by sexual activity which can induce menstruation, regardless of diet. However, as she rebuilds herself nutritionally through the mucusless diet, and limits intercourse to a minimum, bleeding completely ceases. DIET, MENSTRUATION AND FERTILITY There are quite a few studies of recovery of the potential for reproduction after a period of inadequate nutrition. In protein-deprived adult male rats, the seminal vesicles soon returned to normal after the rats were fed a diet containing casein (1 27). Ovarian maturation and function inhibited by underfeeding was renewed by increased feeding, with a resultant return of reproducing capacity (128, 129). Dr. Alexis Haig writes on his experience with humans: “Excessive loss at the period has been greatly influenced by the patient going on a uric acid free diet. A remarkable and very interesting point with regard to one or two of the cases was the tendency for the flow at a period to be missed out all together. These last cases have since married and had children without any trouble. Can it be that by living on a more natural diet woman would have her periods correspond then with those of other mammals (which are bloodless)” (130). Dr. lsrael, M.D. writes that in his practice he has run into some cases where the females do not menstruate but do conceive. He writes: “It is absent in the few WOMEN WHO NEVER MENSTRUATE BUT NEVERTHELESS BEAR CHILDREN and show on repeated biopsies, cyclic endometrial changes identical with those of menstruating women” (131). Arnold Ehret claims that menstruation is due to a toxic condition of the blood. He found that a low protein diet, mainly raw vegetables and fruit, caused menstruation to take place at progressively longer intervals until it finally disappeared. Ehret writes: “If the female body is made perfectly clean through this diet, menstruation ceases … every one of my female patients reported their menses as becoming less and less then two, three, four month intermission, and finally disappeared.” —174-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? The following are studies of larger scope. “Severe general under-nutrition may produce amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation) and infertility. In Rotterdam during the period of gross malnutrition from Dec. 1944 to May 1945, fifty percent of the women had amenorrhea and the weekly conception rate fell from a prewar figure of 206 to 93” (132). However, the difference in fertility could have been due to war and the absence of men. Millis, in another study, found no evidence of reduced fertility in Singapore during a period of general under-nutrition in 1947 (133). The conclusions one can draw from these two studies is that general undernutrition does not necessarily lead to infertility. As a matter of fact, a diet adequate in vitamins, minerals and sunshine, though low in protein, fat and carbohydrates, can provide all nutrients needed for the birth of healthy children. The Hunzas, Georgians and Equadorians who eat a diet low in protein, but otherwise adequate, have been around for thousands of years and show no loss in fertility. MENSTRUATION, FERTILITY AND WAR Whitacre and Barrera state: “During war and in other situations where starvation conditions existed, amenorrhea is common” (138). Hommberg found that before the war, out of 1356 patients observed, only 9 percent of the cases were amenorrhea. In 1917 there was a rise to five percent and in 1918 to nine percent. German physicians attributed this to “defective nutrition, underfeeding, physical starvation, exposure to cold and wet, enforced celibacy.” Rubner, in his report on under-nutrition in Germany during the World War blockade stated that on reduced rations, (31 gm. protein), a cessation of menstruation occurred with many women. Strickel found that, during 1917, cases of amenorrhea were seven times more frequent at Charite Frauenklinic, Berlin than before the war. MENOPAUSE If a woman has taken steps to stop the monthly loss of body fluids at an early enough age, the ovaries will continue to function throughout life with reproductive capacity persistent into centuries. In a healthy woman, menopause occurs, if at all, quite late in life. Dr. Bieler writes: “The normal menopause in the healthy woman is almost symptomless. But the toxic female who has had relief from the burden of her poisons through menstrual channels truly suffers as a whole series of new ailments arise: menopausal hot flashes, extreme nervousness, headache, arthritis, neuritis, gastric and intestinal indigestion, weakness and prostration, irritating vaginal discharge, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath” (NATURAL WAY TO SEXUAL HEALTH. p. 176). “For the patient suffering from milder di~turbances of menstruation and menopause, much relief can be offered … by limiting the diet for one or two days just before the period begins. Urine tests will indicate whether the toxins are protein or starch and sugar related. If the latter, then the appropriate antidote is an acidic cleanser consisting of diluted fruit juices taken every hour. If protein acids are the offenders, an alkaline base such as diluted raw vegetable juice or vegetable soup (without meat) is prescribed” (p. 180). —174-- WHAT IS MENSTRUATION? 103 CARPENTER, E.B., “Clinical Experiences With Chlorophyl Preparations with Particular Reference to Chronic Osteomyelitis and Chronic Ulcer” Am. J. Surgery, 77: 167, 1949. 104. CARLESON; GARSYEN; “Septofyllin (chiorophyl preparation) Especially in Chronic Leg Ulcer,” Nord. Med., 47: 412, 1952. 105 JUUL-MOLLER; MIKKELSEN, “Treatment of Hypertension and Crural Ulder with Chorophyllin,” Ugesk. Laeger, 114:1726, 1952. 106. RAFSKY, KRIEGER, “Treatment of Intestinal Diseases with Solutions of Water Soluble Chlorophyl,” Rev. Ga.stroentOlOgy, 15: 549, 1948. 107. PALUSCIA; POLLOTTEN; “Chiorophyl Therapy” Lotta. Contra. Tuberc. 22: 738, 1952. 108. “Results of Chlorophyl Therapy,” Bull Assoc. Franc Pol’etude due Cancer, 24: 15, 1935. 109. 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AuthorDeva Fiyah is a Priestess, Anthropologist, Feminist, and Feminine historian. She has helped women from all around the world, actualize their Goddess Power, with Healing, Retreats and Courses in Self Mastery. Archives
May 2019