The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
The solution is simple. But women dont want solutions. They literally want to argue with black men. I recognize this. See, you ever fuck a man... Then watch him act like a straight up Asshole? What did you wanna do, back before ya knew betta? You wanted to claw his eyes out. He had no respect for what you offers. You were enraged and started talkin shyt. To expel, to exorcise that nigga up out ya system. Except, black women, non-stop, every damn day Want To argue with black men. Moreover, they have given birth to sons. Yet STILL bytch about black men and what he is or aint doing. Its an addiction. I remember, at the height of my HATRED for black men, i wanted to and did argue with them. I couldn't seem to STOP myself from ARGUING with these mf beasts. Any thread i was on? I would absolutely go the hell off and cuss em up one side and down the other! Accordingly? I was ENRAGED to see that black women:
And i realized.... Black women, at large, arent really ready to change. They dont want to change. I began saying that, that black women themselves dont want to change. I also, back in 2010, began saying: stop having sons. One of the most present parrotlets of my "stop having sons" doctrine, opposed it then. She said: "black women will always remember their sons as lil boys. As adorable, loving, chubby faced children. So they (she included herself as she is a mother of a son) will never stop having sons" And accordingly, to that sister and all like her, you all will fail. By the time i was 9-10? I was candidly aware that mothers of sons are the enemy of all women. From having been beaten to the ground at 9, so the boys could feel my budding breasts, to mothers bringing their little rapists in training into female only spaces like the bathroom, women with sons are the problem. Their entitlement to intrude on women and girls space is dangerous. When their sons act on his inherent rapist instincts, she will retort "boys will be boys" or blame the attire of the female victim of his Sexual Terrorism! Mothers of males are the ENEMY of all women! They alone are the gateway and gatekeeper of patriarchy! We who have no male children? We actually have a shot at this sovereign thing. No divided loyalties. Accordingly, this is for women who havent already been colonized by men and patriarchy. To save our Daughters from the curse of the mother. Yes motherhood is a curse upon women, in a thriving patriarchal structure. So we Wombn who are Sovereign and not conquered broodmares of patriarchy have to maintain and sustain that God Power Within. The Angry Deva has always had a private group of women she works with. In my Private forums, we discuss: Black Wombn Sovereignty Black Female Value Black Wombn's Spirituality! The Value/Cost of Birthing Black The value/cost of birthing for black men The risks associated with relating to black men and women The fact that most black people are simply slaves and ignorant slaveship at that. Ways out of the trap Mental spell breaking And more. The Angry Deva's High Priestess of In-Formation is not open to all. But those who inquire (inbox or website only) will be considered. The message aint for everyone. The method either. Not all will be saved. Many are called, few choose to answer the call. Blame it on the Black Woman: |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022