The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
Dear black women:
You are NOT a feminist because you spend all day "calling out misogyny." What you are is a pandering woman who is using feminist theory to pander in a new way. Let's look at the definition of pander: Pander: To gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire, need, or habit or a person with such a desire, etc.). Got it? You are gratifying and indulging him. His hatred of you and desire to dominate and control you is being fed by you indulging in and enabling his presence. Want to know why I ban men who come here to gas-light and disagree and "not all men" all over everything? Because I am not a pandering woman. I know that they don't need to be educated on how to behave, they either get it or they deserve a 21 gun salute to the peen! Men who have to be trained how to not rape, how to not dehumanize their God? Need to be eliminated. Not educated, certainly not pandered to. You are not radical or a separatist. You are hurting, frightened and in need of healing. You deserve to express yourselves, but do not delude yourself into belief that this is feminism. Or even black feminism. Being pro-black woman is certainly possible without having to demonize black men. Of course they fall short of the mark of Masculinity, of course they are problematic. Of course they are the primary abusers of black women. Let's focus on solutions to make black women less willing to collude or comply with their degradation. Let's focus on upward mobility for black girls! Let's focus on OURSELVES And getting that much needed healing. Invest in yourself and stop investing so much word sound power into nothing ass males who enjoy consumption of your indignation and rage. They get a hard on with all your "feminist" screeching about misogynoire... And you aren't helping your sisters. We know black males are our primary attacker, rapist, murderer. What you are doing is feeding the victim mentality of black women for likes. Do you even have the means or ability to help them heal after you get them riled up? We never want to discuss solutions. Or address how black women are complicit with their own oppression by loving and reproducing the very men who hate them. It's time to address the ways we give up our power to vampires, losers and thieves. #DevaCares © Deva FIYAH and Angry Devas, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Deva Fiyah and Angry Devas.
A lesson for black women from the Book of Ciara: "If you want a Better Future, you must get you a Russel." Ciara was a lot like my middle sister. Two parent, middle class home, raised among people who act like they are humans. Raised in neighborhoods where people owned their homes and had an invested interest in the community. One day, my middle sister meets some bum bastard negro male. He is from no where and nothing and no one. Daddy shot him into his mamas coch and left, mama raised them in the projects. They were all trash, all her sons were trash looking for a good girl they could destroy with their sperm. He met my sister at mc Donald's. They were both seniors in high school and she had what I call ghetto envy. It's what happens when you are raised to be human in a black community and family vs raised to be a "real nigga" who is "down." Usually all the "real nigga" types tell you how not black you are. If you speak English properly, if you desire education and marriage, you aren't black. My little sister allowed the futureless black girls and boys around her to talk her out of her value. I never did. Anytime someone pulled that crap on me? I would clap back. "Better to be a "white girl" than a cum dump." That tends to shut people the hell up! Especially other black women who exist to keep you in the trap honey. You have to put them back in their place, which is beneath you and not at your side. Well my sister fell in with the crowd. I warned her too, "this little bastard never had a family. His father saw he was worthless and bounced. His mother is broken, she has 4 sons and no husband. That is a defeated woman! They will never understand you or respect you. They view you as food, they hate you because you come from better circumstances and background. They look at this house we RENT and see us as rich because they live in the projects. You need to be careful." Like most females, she was incredibly stupid and in love to boot. after her high school graduation, I told my sister she needs to get on the pill and that I knew she was having sex with that negro. She tried to play innocent but I just gave her The Look. She already knew she couldn't lie to her Oracle Big Sister, but she tried anyway. Lol She ignored my warning and was pregnant 3 weeks later. He put her thru hell. 5 months into her pregnancy he ran to jail. Black men commit crime to go to jail when the pressures of life are too hard. These people enjoy being there why else would they not keep their nose clean? I've never been arrested or in jail because well I don't break the law! Black men enjoy prison and even brag on how much time or how many times they have been. It's not like they tend to have their own anything. They tend to live off of other women's productions, mama or baby mama or side ho, their 3 hots and a cot come with how good they are at gaming on women. Until they go to jail, then it's promised to them. Free gym, usually have Internet and cable n shyt. They live good, if you listen to the way they brag on doing a bid. He went to jail for 2 years. Wrote all manner of threatening letters to her. Threatened to cut my niece up "like they do little BYTCHES in Africa" when he got out and more. We suffered so much because a little black gem had ghetto envy and let a nothing ass negro talk her out of her raising. Just like Ciara did with Future. If my sister wasn't in the slums seeking Husband Material........ Black woman, we cannot afford to go slumming. When we do?? We end up pregnant and then we breed with slum quality sperm and produce slum quality children. Women are the choosers, and every child is not a blessing. Most children are the product of piss poor planning on the mothers part. Best believe the men all plan to impregnate you. All! Wanna know why it's all? Because this is patriarchy and men are irresponsible with their genetic waste material. If men didn't intend to impregnate you they would take control of where they leave their genetic waste material (sperm). Future is a type, he represents the bum negro male. He represents the type who views black women as a series of holes to insert himself into for his sexual release. They hate women but love women's sexual services. He represents an over abundant breed of black masculinity, the toxic masculine. Russel is a type. He represents the Divine Masculine male. The type of man who was raised to form a family and to be a protector and supporter of women and children. He represents a dying breed of black Masculinity, Healthy Masculinity and Divine Masculinity. This? This Russel Wilson Ciara engagement is the Cinderella Story. The Prince Charming, who saw past the bum and the baby and saw to the Value of her Godhood. This is NOT the typical story... This was achieved by the Principles of DARK Marriage, and it is my Honor to share this with you sisters. In my Dark marriage class, we will be discussing so many different things on the Dark Divine Feminine and the Spirit of Success! Its not too late to sign up. A memory just came back to me... my gosh as if I were right there re-living it. The year was 2010, we had just left court. I was drained so bad I almost passed out, I was just learning how to really get good at shielding a large group of people with JUST my own energy to protect and cover them. which I did that day, for mama, my sister and our lawyer. The day my sisters baby daddy took HER to court for child support.... on their then 2 year old, that he had never seen... cus his ass ran off to jail while her mama was 5 months pregnant. I remember being angry with my sister for not heeding my warning. The damn Prophet is NEVER received at home, and that makes life unnecessarily HARD for the family. hard heads and jealousy that YOU aren't The One. Anyway, we won, of course. I consulted with the Demons of the Court House, sent my Legions out ahead of me to make that contact. I remember falling into the car and just crying. I sobbed, I wailed I didn't even mean to or want to. It was just all that energy needing to get OUT some kinda way, and it needed it faster than I could get home and ritual it out. My sister hugged me and said: "Cree its over" and I remember looking at her and saying, "its over for me, but your journey just begun sis." I had a vision, in all that weeping, that this was the last act I would perform for my family. That they would be on their own after that, because the Spirits around me had Other and more Important work for me to do. I wept bitterly, for the energy, for the departure to come, for how ugly it would all be before it ended. I spent the 3 weeks after that day, professing my love for my sisters. I gave them gifts that were enchanted to protect them, to strengthen them, to lend them a lil of my Love when I couldn't be there. And then.... tragically, painfully, reluctantly, I walked away from my family. It was the hardest order I ever had to follow, but it made complete sense. The Prophet is Never received at home. I know why they sent this back to me... and I am thankful. Life lessons. TRUST your Vision, even when you do not like what you see. Your eye will not LIE to you baby. Finding our Path is challenging, without a lil help along the way.#DarkBitchTip #NSFW or Children If you're having sex with a man and sucking his phallus? You should never cry broke. How the hell do you have a man you are allowing access to your YONI, to your Throat Chakra and you can't ask that man for $5? You're struggling to scrounge up $50 for something you desire? Gtfoh! Welcome to Dark Marriage Boot-campDark Marriage Boot-camp is about to begin. The Wife is the FIRST PIMP! The HO goes out to get yo money and bring it back for you. Black women lose spreading our legs to men who can give you nothing! Or feeling guilty about asking help or support from a man whose phallus you *suck* and whose penis you receive into your Heaven's Gate. In my Dark Marriage Bootcamp: •You gain access to my private group. •4 Weekly 1 on 1 sessions on Hieros Gamos •Weekly Rituals •Phallus Worship Mastery Course •Snake Charmer Mystic Lessons •Sex Magic Lessons •Pussy Privilege Activation and more. Early bird gets the worm! You all Know I am a different type of teacher, and I keep it absolutely real. Phallus Worship should MANIFEST YOU MONEY, or why do it? **Sign up Below!!Sorry to burst your bubble about what love really is... but ^^this is all it is. This is why you feel soo good, and also why it wears off, even though you have liars who say it is easily maintained. NO it is NOT. Love is not a feeling, it is a chemical imbalance. This chemical equation, when truly imbalanced, becomes schizophrenia. That is also something you see happen in "loving" relationships. Mania, Rage all that. its the chemical switches in your brain suga and that is all. Couple that with the FACT that blunt force trauma to the S3 nerve (the Pelvic or Sacral Nerve), which is suffered in heterosexual penis in vagina "sex" causes DAMAGE to the Amygdala and Hippocampus. This trauma travels from the yoni, up the spine hitting ALL your vital organs before resting in the brain in the Amygdala and Hippocampus. The Amygdala is the integrative center for emotions, emotional behavior, and motivation. The Hippocampus is the part of the brain appears to be absolutely necessary for making new memories. If you didn’t have it, you couldn’t live in the present: you’d be stuck in the past of old memories. Now you see why "love" destroys so many, and why so many people continue to believe in and chase it. They are ADDICTED to the chemical imbalance and have a cultural norm that says it is healthy to be addicted to these chemicals aka "wanting to fall in love." There are many traumas we suffer, and ignore, which is unfortunate. Healing and Gnosis are so much better. We will be discussing this and more in my new class on Dark Marriage. Enjoy the Video introducing the Class!
I am successful in life because I learned by age 14 that anyone who failed where i endeavored to succeed was disqualified from advising me. The first time I established this as a boundary was in church. Some woman who was a two time baby mama, was attempting to preach abstinence to we young women. This woman got pregnant, while being a leader in our church, and went away for a few weeks just to return with a baby and no explanation. She was sat down for a few weeks, YALL who were raised in church remember how the Mothers would sit a Heffa down and make her ass atone for her foolishness. Well after her atonement, she decided it was time to come back n teach we youth. I told her she was out of order seeing as she had two bastard out of wedlock children and was also in a leadership position over we youth. The broad got mouthy with me and tried some "there but for the grace of god It could be you" speech. The grace of God had nothing to do with you spreading your legs to some man who isn't your husband and getting pregnant by him and then bringing his bastards into this world. I pushed back and took it to the elder Mothers. This is back when the mothers of the church were Elders. Not just old people in fine hats.... She was indeed promptly sat down and not allowed to engage we youth anymore. How dare SHE fail at life and then think she was qualified to tell us what to do. Far too many women do this. They think they give good advice and that their advice is valid because they failed in the area they are advising you in. Smh all my life I have seen women act out of order this way. You have no business, but you think you can advise me on business. You live in the projects, but you are going to tell me about saving. The father of your bastard doesn't care if it is alive or dead, but you are going to tell me about the value of motherhood... And how wonderful it is. Have a seat. Have a stadium of seats. Chile, a bum on the streets cannot give me financial tips or stock tips. No cum filled male can advise me on how to be a woman, I ain't a STEVE harveyite like too many lost women who value failure loser males opinions. And no baby mama, no bastard child maker, can tell me shyt about anything other than how to be a baby mama with bastard illegitimate children running around creating a bad name for the entire race. Too many of our "sisters" just want someone who makes them feel good about the failure decisions they have made with degenerate and DBR maledom. When the men say women need to choose better they balk and act as if the choice to not fuck Bum males is so hard. When women say that women need to choose better we are being judgmental and negative. No one wants to do the hard work and ask the hard questions for true restoration. And you better believe, we who are childfree are judged by the breeder class for not making the same foolish choices they have. This is the greatest draw on black sisterhood. We have mothers of black males not wanting to admit their collusion with patriarchy In Birthing males. These same mothers then create pages that bytch all day about the very males they gave birth to. You have single mothers who do not want to admit that their choices resulted in raising their children in extreme poverty (what we called working class is now the working poor. As anyone who doesn't have $500,000 per child is not really providing for them.) and we have many impressionable young women. Women who the breeders claim they want to help, yet we who are not breeders know this is a lie by the pressure they attempt to place us under for not making their foolish choices. I can laugh I. The face of a breeder woman, but when I was a girl I felt pressure to heed their failure advice. Many women SAY they want sisterhood. I say keep your curse. You do not need sisters. You need a wake up call and to deal with the shyt life YOU created dealing with the bums who pumped you full of babies. This page is a safe haven for women who do not like or care for children and who do not want anything to do with them or the needy weak women who create them in insane circumstances. We are always lambasted or called crazy for seein what you choose to ignore. And I do not care what ignorant deductions women come to about it. #LateNiteChat
#MateSelection #DarkMarriage There is so much black women do not know about mating and relationships. Black women are still choosing men based on love and emotion and not based on practical or logical reasons. As such, most never get married or their marriages end in divorce. Black women are terrible at mate selection. This ugly truth is the very reason we have 73% of all black children borne out of wedlock with no protection. The government is about to make it impossible for such women. And I aim to help women know how to avoid this new trap. The #1 indicator of poverty is motherhood. Globally. There is a reason for this fact.. Marriage, like all social and goverental institutions of patriarchy, has some dark origins and has shifted in perception over time. Used to be only slaved women were married. Slave marriage was more about bondage and property. Then only noble women could be married. (Noble marriage was more about legally binding wealthy women as property to poor men. Remember it is marriage and matri-money. Or it was.... More on this in the class.) Now any broad who can find a man to drag before a priest or magistrate can get married. When I first came on the scene, this was what I taught on and talked about. I stopped because bitterly single black women kept on with the inane rhetoric. We want to hear from slave women how marriage works. Women who pretend and feed our love of the fantasy. We want the Disney version. We buy into it so easily, then miserably pretend to keep up appearances. Women who are in lasting unions tell a different story, we chose the man for a reason and not a season. Black women fear a sovereign married woman who isn't beholden to her man. It simply does not compute that a woman is her own independent person and the marriage, while loving and supportive, is not her identity or her damn life. Lol I actually laugh at and pity women who live the other way around. They have no life in their eyes, they are drained and they lie. They lie their ass off about how wonderful that draining existence is. I ain't buying it. I ain't sellin it. One of the things I consistently heard back in The day, and still do, is how I do not act like a married woman. I had a lesbian say to me that, most married women live with their husbands penis on the tongue. She can't talk without referencing her man some way or another. And she believes she isn't Tryina brag, but she is. I agree with her, as I have observed this of my hetero sisters too. YALL just cannot get with any woman who doesn't live on her knees giving that verbal blow job to men, just for him being a man. You were taught wrong or nothing, so I do not fault you. I fault your mothers not raising Sovereign Gods in you, or your genetics for making you that way. We GODIS know the intimacy and true power of a blow job. It is a very personal act of Power, to play a sweet song upon his saxophone. That is Phallus Worship, and it is energy as well! You are receiving all his power into your oral/throat chakra! Let's be real about this shyt! This is an act of POWER! And it is done with and on purpose my dears. Verbal blow jobs are the same. You cannot both desire sovereign women as sisters and colleagues while talking against pandering and you publically act like a pandering "slut" without some opposition. That verbal blow job is pandering it's very much so gonna piss women off and then you will complain about "jealousy." But they cannot shoot what they cannot see. Ijs wisdom speaks, do you listen? Energy is energy. And people are people whether we like it or not. The Dark doesn't care about your emotions, it deals with what is or is not. I never wanted to trade on my borrowed male privilege. I never had to do it to bolster the importance of my work or message unlike the rest of these women. My voice is power-filled on its own. My voice is anointed and always has been. Women whose voices aren't powerful need men to empower their words. Since men represent power in this system that power-less women created. This is how it has always been under their rule, this is why women created The Lord. I saw so many BWE pages talking marriage. One of my fave blogs from back in the day was Halimas "date a white guy" blog. I loved it because I was discussing marrying men who believed in family, investment, financial solvency and a legacy to pass down, and she kept telling us black men ain't it. That was a DARK eye opener. And I intend to discuss this in class. I consistently ran/run into black women with "good" black men. Yeah you have a good man when you shackin with your family, when you struggle on how to grind, when you HAVE to work so you and Ya children eat hs quite the catch. SARCASM. You just have a nigga who doesn't beat you yet, but soon emotionally and financially the whippings will begin. You mothers of children choose men for you. Based on how he makes you feel. Foolish. You choose for your children. The emotional and financial whippings will soon come. Smh You can't see it now though, because he is a 25% improvement on yo ex. This is what men are and do and all woman think they have a good one, till the representative departs and the real man is left behind. Then, after all your "vetting" after all your careful picking, what the hell do you do? We will discuss this in class. Now... 😈 What married woman is working outside the home on something that isn't her own independent business? See Yall got the game messed up and all this DARK ISH will be discussed in class. Most will cover up and only share the Good. I intend to tell you the real and discuss character and spirits. Vs emotions and he smell so good. Black women are delusional and lack discipline. Which is why I am not accepting just anyone for this class. We are going to discuss what Marriage and Wifery really is from a spiritual perspective. For those who want to thrive based on what is real not fake ass morality. Dark Marriage, Hieros Gamos in true. Not what the patriarchy will let you find on google. Lol Ignorance abounds and is easy to access. And I will share with you exactly why most marriages end in divorce. Sisters on my mailing list check your emails. I am teaching this class on Dark Marriage and how to remain Sovereign in marriage. Again... This is a by invitation only class. I am not accepting just anyone and it has a quota. |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022