The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
My husband grew up watching his mother struggle. He watched his father be insufficient. He watched his brother cry himself to sleep at night because he was hungry. It stuck with him. It made him the man he is today. He survived his childhood, his mother's foolish breeding choices and got to work.
He then put a plan in action to always be bringing in more money for his family. The wonderful thing is, even if we should part? He will continue to care for me, protect me and provide for me. I do as I please in this marriage, he still supports me and invests in me. He only asks that I not prevent him from providing for me and protecting me, no matter what happens. This is what a real masculine does. I never saw this level of investment or protection before in my life. The level of devotion.... I put him to the test. In the most ugly of ways. Still, he remains committed to being The Masculine Devotee of THIS Godis. Admittedly? I grew up with yellow lunch slips. I grew up without enough food or clothes. I grew up with the struggle of an idiotic black mother who ALLOWED herself to be impregnated by a dysfunctional nothing ass black male, 4 times. Not only did she allow this She sought it out. He never had a choice. She told us this herself. She told me "you all were my choice! Your father never had a say." I go in on bottom bytches because I was raised by one lol. I know exactly how you foolish women think. Keep this in mind when you try to tell me sob stories about your idiotic decisions with men. I've no empathy for you. When I met my husband? I didn't know how to be taken care of. I didn't know how to get out of a man's way doing what he should do. I didn't know how to allow him to cherish and provide for me. I felt like I was going crazy. I really did, it was a crisis of identity. The wo-man my mother raise me to be vs the Godis I Am. Mama lessons told me "don't ever rely on a man" because mama bred with addict peen. She didn't have to. She chose it, she had a proposal from a man who worked and owned land. She turned him down and bred my daddy sperm. I could have been borne to a Black Masculine who owned land and boats too. Mama chose the drunkard who smoked crack and barely took care of his 6 children by his at the time wife. Mama Lessons nearly destroyed my life. I had to invest in a different way of thinking and living. That wasn't easy either suga. It has taken many classes, personal development, mentorship and more. You won't get out of this just reading books. I keep telling you all that and women keep balking lol. Practical application has to happen. In my class, Mama Lessons I will be discussing some crucial life lessons. How to win, despite your mamas lessons and teachings and how to ditch the negative programming you learned or picked up from your mother. This is a 3 module class covering 3 different areas we need to address for freedom and healing. Sign up here:
Celebrating the Divine Feminine In us all today. I awoke this morning and went into Meditation on Female Sexuality and Female Sexual autonomy as we each usher in this New Age (to us lol) of Feminine Honor, Respect, Wisdom and Gnosis. The unfortunate piece, is we have all been cultured and conditioned in a functioning and thriving system of patriarchy. This patriarchy has divorced our loving connection to the Divine. And most especially, the Divine Feminine within us all. So what do we do with that? Our beloved Suns, Brothers, Husbands, Lovers have been tragically divorced from their own Inner Feminine gynergy. This is the basis of all male oriented issues (this divorce of themselves from the Divine Feminine Internal.) Whether those male-oriented issues are those of abuse of women, to the fragmentation's of their mental/emotional/spiritual self; the physical representation of the masculine is, tragically, lost even to himself. Our beloved dawtas, Sisters, Mothers and Lovers have, accordingly, been tragically divorced from their Feminine. When men aren't connected to, seeking to honor, or even possessing a worshipful state of mind toward the Feminine; they work overtime to keep the Divine Feminine small. In fact much of what we perceive of as feminine are actually the result of fragmentation and out of balance operations. These things are the social, spiritual, and economic consequences of being female in patriarchy. The Earth Angels have descended here in the Form of our Starseeds. We have come to this Planet to usher in the new consciousness or rather, helping humanity to re-member, to call BACK the fragments, of who we truly are. And as we embark upon this Soul evolution Journey, we are to emerge with greater Honor, Love and Respect for the Feminine at large. Including, honoring the expectations, boundaries and Sovereignty of the Divine Feminine in the Female Form. Through this act of Honor and Reverence? Our Divine Masculine is free to emerge from the hyper-masculine/diminished masculine persona presently occupied. When the Divine Masculine Ascends from the disposition of hyper-masculine/diminished masculine; the former need to (and thus the actions intending to) keep the feminine wounded thus small enough to fit into his patriarchal anti-feminine world, cease. We might never live to see this, en masse, but by Goddess we can certainly learn to tolerate it less and to recognize it before it happens. Our male counterparts and our female cohort must alchemize the two gynery/energies to be in Wholeness/Oneness. In fact, in the movie The Matrix? This is what we saw with the characters of Neo and Smith. Neo was the "light" masculine. Smith was the "dark" masculine. And in the end? They were "One." The overcoming of one pole was possible ONLY through a Mergence or Re-convergence energy. They faced one another and Neo was the One who realized that he was simply fighting himself; as the light masculine and the dark masculine are pos/neg charges within us all. Remember, there is medicine and poison to all things; which serve the purpose of aiding our health and wealth centers of being. To keep us in the flow and out of stagnation; for that which does not grow is dead. Channeled Message from Enki, the Masculine: Re Integrating this energy in our daily awareness is the key to success! Click here to sign up for our 3 day teleconference: |
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Most ancient cultures knew that women could reproduce “the old way”. Ancient patriarchs who built the world of separation - them and us, rich and poor - also knew about it and, in order to assert their power and dominion over everything, destroyed all knowledge of it. The great library at Alexandria, for example, was burnt to the ground by early Christians because it contained recorded texts of the secret history of women’s gift of parthenogenesis. The burning of this great library, it must be remembered, coincided with the rise of Christianity. As the worship of a male-centred God rose to power, Goddess was beaten down in equal measure. Early Christianity’s unrelenting destruction and dismantling of paganism and the worship of Goddess, (it still continues today), was patriarchy’s answer to rendering womankind “amnesiac”. If women themselves had no knowledge of their magical power to procreate, they would see men as necessary and as co-producers, sexually speaking.
Only the patriarchs who built this world of illusion know the truth, though: the average man on the street has been domesticated into believing that women are powerless. To the few hundred embittered and insecure males who control everything, women - contrary to the myth they got started - are not powerless at all, but all powerful. The few hundred males who run the planet are only too aware that women are the secret power behind everything. They know about “the old ways” in which women could “dream in” a new-born. They keep the ancient knowledge deeply hidden and distract the world from the truth through false myth and disinformation. Pandora’s Box does not contain “all of mankind’s ills”, as they would have you believe. Pandora’s Box is a metaphor for the potent magic held within a woman’s womb - the magic that contains both egg and seed to create a new life. Pandora’s Box is the holy grail of reproductive power – it represents the essence of what it means to be female. It represents the power within every woman to become union consciousness itself, and be a channel through which a being of the highest order can enter.
6 is the Sacred Number of the Mother. The 666 "mark of the beast" is the Code of our Dark Mother the Divine Dark femin9. As that Triple Dark 6 when added becomes the Divine Dark 9.
1 The Dark Mother represents wise conscious indulgence, instead of subconscious fearful abstinence!
2 The Dark Mother represents a life dedicated to ones own vital existence, instead of one filled with concern for the spiritual and emotional pipe dreams of self and others!
3 The Dark Mother represents Undefiled Wisdom and Dark Gnosis in application to oneself, instead of hypocritical self‐deceit and repetitive negative self-aggrandizement!
4 The Dark Mother represents kindness to those who are deserving by display of their reciprocity, instead of love wasted on ingrates thieves and losers!
5 The Dark Mother represents Restitution and Compensation in vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek and hoping they "get theirs!"
6 The Dark Mother represents the abundant extension of responsibility to the responsible, instead of over concern for lazy shiftless psychic/emotional/financial vampires!
Angry Devas © 2014
6 is the Sacred Number of the Mother. The 666 "mark of the beast" is the Code of our Dark Mother the Divine Dark femin9. As that Triple Dark 6 when added becomes the Divine Dark 9.
1 The Dark Mother represents wise conscious indulgence, instead of subconscious fearful abstinence!
2 The Dark Mother represents a life dedicated to ones own vital existence, instead of one filled with concern for the spiritual and emotional pipe dreams of self and others!
3 The Dark Mother represents Undefiled Wisdom and Dark Gnosis in application to oneself, instead of hypocritical self‐deceit and repetitive negative self-aggrandizement!
4 The Dark Mother represents kindness to those who are deserving by display of their reciprocity, instead of love wasted on ingrates thieves and losers!
5 The Dark Mother represents Restitution and Compensation in vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek and hoping they "get theirs!"
6 The Dark Mother represents the abundant extension of responsibility to the responsible, instead of over concern for lazy shiftless psychic/emotional/financial vampires!
Angry Devas © 2014
Baby mamas often have more privileges afforded to them than Women who were smart enough not to breed. I remember being a junior in high school and Massachusetts had this program where welfare mothers got free cars if they jumped through this or that hoop. I remember saying "here i am. Smarter than these baby mamas, more savvy, greater intelligence. I am in college, i didnt throw my life away on the fuck games men play. But these women get cars for being foolish whores and i have to figure it all out myself. Why do we reward the most lazy, shiftless, undeserving wenches? And leave the Smart women to languish." 18 year old Deva was a real tough cookie. Ouch.
Flash forward a year later, i am working full time and going to school. Because my baby mama sister was allowed to stay home and raise her child. And i HAD to leave the home and work to get to school. No financial support to the daughter who actually was doing something more than being a black mans hump rag. I couldnt even get my mother to sign the damn FAFSA. Which i needed since i was still under the age of federal majority. The Federal requirements to qualify for being an Independent Student Back in 2006 were:
Otherwise? You need your parents to submit their information and your financial aid award is based on their financial accomplishments. my mother bred with a bum bastard addict so, there was no one but her to turn to for help or with needs like this one. My mother REFUSED to submit simple tax information for my FAFSA. Now we arent talking about co-signing loans or anything big, just tax ID info. She refused to simply hand me the info to plug in myself! I was willing to do the data entry, she wasnt willing to grant me access to college. But she was willing to play grandma-baby-daddy and housed my baby mama sister, helped that fool with paying for everything for my niece. which meant i had to apply for private loans to go to college, anyone who did time in the "higher education system" knows these loans are more risky and cost higher in interest etc.
My mother grew up in a community of black women that devalued black womanhood outside of its capacity to be a broodmare; then abandoned those women when they accepted/succumbed to their predestined fate. Black womanhood isnt allowed to be ambitious and savvy until after she has busted out 2+ children. Then we say "yeah girl! Go on to school! Get yo degree on!" But if she does so BEFORE being reduced to some mans hump rag and broodmare? She is a bitch, selfish, evil, hates children etc. we basically bully black women into mediocrity. Then judge them when they land there. We privilege, aid, support, endorse the most foolish decisions and punish the wisest ones. And these black women lurk everywhere. Its not just your mama and auntie. It is the BWE, the metaphysical community, and the magical community as well. Well populated with b-lack women who mule and encourage a permanent posture of black community mule as the default position of black womanhood.
Oh. And my mama? Well to this day she sees no problem with having beaten into my head "get pregnant you are on your own" while coddling my idiot sister who was hot in the ass and wouldn't listen to Sound Wisdom much less apply it. It is no secret that i am Gifted as a Clairvoyant and I openly Embrace being The Controversial Oracle. My sister was forewarned and ignored the warning. She became pregnant 2-4 weeks after i warned her about her boyfriend. Everyone in the family knew, she still got and gets the support. And she, like most baby mamas, deserves none of it.
Why do black mothers punish daughters for success or wanting to succeed and reward the failures (the baby mamas)?
Yes. It is black mothers jealousy that her daughter didnt repeat her stupidity. Oh black mamas say do better. But they punish you when you do. And they privilege the foolish siblings and hand them what should be going to you. My mentor says: "help is always given to those who do not need it." Which tells me, spiritually, baby mamas don't need help. If they did neeeeedddd it? They certainly wouldn't receive it! Usually it is those who do not need assistance who are granted said assistance.
Anyway, it was during this time period that this one 40 (FORTY) year old baby mama on my job would always try to argue with me (she found Devas back in da day Blog lol) about how unfair my beliefs were. It isnt fair to say that women with children are poor only because they were foolish and had babies they couldn't afford. It isnt fair to say that women can and must control their own pussy and fertility. I was the "privileged" one, she balked. It was me who had the easy life, she balked. Yes. Baby mamas pride themselves on being a mule. They also assume that women who were wiser and didnt breed have "easy lives" or "no problems." I just never understood why women who sport-fuck their way into obscurity should be rewarded or helped at all? What makes your value greater than someone who doesnt have babies attached to their womanhood, sexuality, identity and worldview? Why is motherhood the default privileged position afforded to women no matter how degraded (baby mama) the form of motherhood is? You ruined your own life. Why do you deserve any consideration? Why weren't you thinking about these things before you decided to let one slip past the goalie?
It especially bothered me, as a teen, how women get sympathy for being willing baby mamas. When women who are victims of harsh crimes and experiences get shamed. I never understood that. Still don't. The baby mama on my job kept saying "its divisive to think this way." Honeybee, we are always divided. My tax dollars feed your children and and keep the heat on in your house.What is more divisive than you getting to be an absolute fool, and also having access to benefits i dont qualify for, but that i am expected and forced to fund and supply for the enjoyment of you and your children?
I remember having to choose between having heat in BOSTON during winter and having my books for school. While the baby mamas of Boston got fuel assistance and the gas company by designation of the LAW cannot cut her power because of her children. Are women who breed some how more worthy of humanity and consideration than women who were smarter and didn't? Do women who have been broodmares deserve heat more than women who have not? Do women who are broodmares deserve college assistance while the smart women who didn't sport fuck herself into neediness does not? The entire system would seem to be established that way. To reward mediocrity and willful stupidity, over ambition, drive and tenacity.
1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.
9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.
10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.
14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.
18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:
25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:
27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.
28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I had a former friend decide that instead of adding services to her business to increase her profit margin, it would be best if she went and applied for assistance. I couldn't even fathom how that was considered as an option until i learned that she was already on a state supported crutch. Once you begin sucking on State Teat, you become dependent and brain dead. No creative energy or spark at all. When she told me that i just shook my head and ended the call. We didnt speak for months either. That is how disgusted i was with the willing subscription to lack. Sucking State Teat renders women foolish, needy, unable to self start, lacking creative ambition and a reduction in her confidence in her ability as well. It completely diminishes their inspiration to better themselves. the State Teat Sucking breeds a mentality of entitlement and a near permanent poverty Mindframe. I'm no republican either, before you cry your damn liberal tears! I am a "BeSmartican" and always have been.
Women need to just start being honest with themselves. And we who were far smarter than the rest? We who are not broodmares?
1. The genesis of Contemporary Black FeminismBefore looking at the recent development of Black feminism we would like to affirm that we find our origins in the historical reality of Afro-American women's continuous life-and-death struggle for survival and liberation. Black women's extremely negative relationship to the American political system (a system of white male rule) has always been determined by our membership in two oppressed racial and sexual castes. As Angela Davis points out in "Reflections on the Black Woman's Role in the Community of Slaves," Black women have always embodied, if only in their physical manifestation, an adversary stance to white male rule and have actively resisted its inroads upon them and their communities in both dramatic and subtle ways. There have always been Black women activists—some known, like Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Frances E. W. Harper, Ida B. Wells Barnett, and Mary Church Terrell, and thousands upon thousands unknown—who have had a shared awareness of how their sexual identity combined with their racial identity to make their whole life situation and the focus of their political struggles unique. Contemporary Black feminism is the outgrowth of countless generations of personal sacrifice, militancy, and work by our mothers and sisters.
A Black feminist presence has evolved most obviously in connection with the second wave of the American women's movement beginning in the late 1960s. Black, other Third World, and working women have been involved in the feminist movement from its start, but both outside reactionary forces and racism and elitism within the movement itself have served to obscure our participation. In 1973, Black feminists, primarily located in New York, felt the necessity of forming a separate Black feminist group. This became the National Black Feminist Organization (NBFO).
Black feminist politics also have an obvious connection to movements for Black liberation, particularly those of the 1960s and I970s. Many of us were active in those movements (Civil Rights, Black nationalism, the Black Panthers), and all of our lives Were greatly affected and changed by their ideologies, their goals, and the tactics used to achieve their goals. It was our experience and disillusionment within these liberation movements, as well as experience on the periphery of the white male left, that led to the need to develop a politics that was anti-racist, unlike those of white women, and anti-sexist, unlike those of Black and white men.
There is also undeniably a personal genesis for Black Feminism, that is, the political realization that comes from the seemingly personal experiences of individual Black women's lives. Black feminists and many more Black women who do not define themselves as feminists have all experienced sexual oppression as a constant factor in our day-to-day existence. As children we realized that we were different from boys and that we were treated differently. For example, we were told in the same breath to be quiet both for the sake of being "ladylike" and to make us less objectionable in the eyes of white people. As we grew older we became aware of the threat of physical and sexual abuse by men. However, we had no way of conceptualizing what was so apparent to us, what we knew was really happening.
Black feminists often talk about their feelings of craziness before becoming conscious of the concepts of sexual politics, patriarchal rule, and most importantly, feminism, the political analysis and practice that we women use to struggle against our oppression. The fact that racial politics and indeed racism are pervasive factors in our lives did not allow us, and still does not allow most Black women, to look more deeply into our own experiences and, from that sharing and growing consciousness, to build a politics that will change our lives and inevitably end our oppression. Our development must also be tied to the contemporary economic and political position of Black people. The post World War II generation of Black youth was the first to be able to minimally partake of certain educational and employment options, previously closed completely to Black people. Although our economic position is still at the very bottom of the American capitalistic economy, a handful of us have been able to gain certain tools as a result of tokenism in education and employment which potentially enable us to more effectively fight our oppression.
A combined anti-racist and anti-sexist position drew us together initially, and as we developed politically we addressed ourselves to heterosexism and economic oppression under capItalism.
2. What We BelieveAbove all else, Our politics initially sprang from the shared belief that Black women are inherently valuable, that our liberation is a necessity not as an adjunct to somebody else's may because of our need as human persons for autonomy. This may seem so obvious as to sound simplistic, but it is apparent that no other ostensibly progressive movement has ever consIdered our specific oppression as a priority or worked seriously for the ending of that oppression. Merely naming the pejorative stereotypes attributed to Black women (e.g. mammy, matriarch, Sapphire, whore, bulldagger), let alone cataloguing the cruel, often murderous, treatment we receive, Indicates how little value has been placed upon our lives during four centuries of bondage in the Western hemisphere. We realize that the only people who care enough about us to work consistently for our liberation are us. Our politics evolve from a healthy love for ourselves, our sisters and our community which allows us to continue our struggle and work.
This focusing upon our own oppression is embodied in the concept of identity politics. We believe that the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression. In the case of Black women this is a particularly repugnant, dangerous, threatening, and therefore revolutionary concept because it is obvious from looking at all the political movements that have preceded us that anyone is more worthy of liberation than ourselves. We reject pedestals, queenhood, and walking ten paces behind. To be recognized as human, levelly human, is enough.
We believe that sexual politics under patriarchy is as pervasive in Black women's lives as are the politics of class and race. We also often find it difficult to separate race from class from sex oppression because in our lives they are most often experienced simultaneously. We know that there is such a thing as racial-sexual oppression which is neither solely racial nor solely sexual, e.g., the history of rape of Black women by white men as a weapon of political repression.
Although we are feminists and Lesbians, we feel solidarity with progressive Black men and do not advocate the fractionalization that white women who are separatists demand. Our situation as Black people necessitates that we have solidarity around the fact of race, which white women of course do not need to have with white men, unless it is their negative solidarity as racial oppressors. We struggle together with Black men against racism, while we also struggle with Black men about sexism.
We realize that the liberation of all oppressed peoples necessitates the destruction of the political-economic systems of capitalism and imperialism as well as patriarchy. We are socialists because we believe that work must be organized for the collective benefit of those who do the work and create the products, and not for the profit of the bosses. Material resources must be equally distributed among those who create these resources. We are not convinced, however, that a socialist revolution that is not also a feminist and anti-racist revolution will guarantee our liberation. We have arrived at the necessity for developing an understanding of class relationships that takes into account the specific class position of Black women who are generally marginal in the labor force, while at this particular time some of us are temporarily viewed as doubly desirable tokens at white-collar and professional levels. We need to articulate the real class situation of persons who are not merely raceless, sexless workers, but for whom racial and sexual oppression are significant determinants in their working/economic lives. Although we are in essential agreement with Marx's theory as it applied to the very specific economic relationships he analyzed, we know that his analysis must be extended further in order for us to understand our specific economic situation as Black women.
A political contribution which we feel we have already made is the expansion of the feminist principle that the personal is political. In our consciousness-raising sessions, for example, we have in many ways gone beyond white women's revelations because we are dealing with the implications of race and class as well as sex. Even our Black women's style of talking/testifying in Black language about what we have experienced has a resonance that is both cultural and political. We have spent a great deal of energy delving into the cultural and experiential nature of our oppression out of necessity because none of these matters has ever been looked at before. No one before has ever examined the multilayered texture of Black women's lives. An example of this kind of revelation/conceptualization occurred at a meeting as we discussed the ways in which our early intellectual interests had been attacked by our peers, particularly Black males. We discovered that all of us, because we were "smart" had also been considered "ugly," i.e., "smart-ugly." "Smart-ugly" crystallized the way in which most of us had been forced to develop our intellects at great cost to our "social" lives. The sanctions In the Black and white communities against Black women thinkers is comparatively much higher than for white women, particularly ones from the educated middle and upper classes.
As we have already stated, we reject the stance of Lesbian separatism because it is not a viable political analysis or strategy for us. It leaves out far too much and far too many people, particularly Black men, women, and children. We have a great deal of criticism and loathing for what men have been socialized to be in this society: what they support, how they act, and how they oppress. But we do not have the misguided notion that it is their maleness, per se—i.e., their biological maleness—that makes them what they are. As BIack women we find any type of biological determinism a particularly dangerous and reactionary basis upon which to build a politic. We must also question whether Lesbian separatism is an adequate and progressive political analysis and strategy, even for those who practice it, since it so completely denies any but the sexual sources of women's oppression, negating the facts of class and race.
3. Problems in Organizing Black FeministsDuring our years together as a Black feminist collective we have experienced success and defeat, joy and pain, victory and failure. We have found that it is very difficult to organize around Black feminist issues, difficult even to announce in certain contexts that we are Black feminists. We have tried to think about the reasons for our difficulties, particularly since the white women's movement continues to be strong and to grow in many directions. In this section we will discuss some of the general reasons for the organizing problems we face and also talk specifically about the stages in organizing our own collective.
The major source of difficulty in our political work is that we are not just trying to fight oppression on one front or even two, but instead to address a whole range of oppressions. We do not have racial, sexual, heterosexual, or class privilege to rely upon, nor do we have even the minimal access to resources and power that groups who possess anyone of these types of privilege have.
The psychological toll of being a Black woman and the difficulties this presents in reaching political consciousness and doing political work can never be underestimated. There is a very low value placed upon Black women's psyches in this society, which is both racist and sexist. As an early group member once said, "We are all damaged people merely by virtue of being Black women." We are dispossessed psychologically and on every other level, and yet we feel the necessity to struggle to change the condition of all Black women. In "A Black Feminist's Search for Sisterhood," Michele Wallace arrives at this conclusion:
We exists as women who are Black who are feminists, each stranded for the moment, working independently because there is not yet an environment in this society remotely congenial to our struggle—because, being on the bottom, we would have to do what no one else has done: we would have to fight the world. [2]
Wallace is pessimistic but realistic in her assessment of Black feminists' position, particularly in her allusion to the nearly classic isolation most of us face. We might use our position at the bottom, however, to make a clear leap into revolutionary action. If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression.
Feminism is, nevertheless, very threatening to the majority of Black people because it calls into question some of the most basic assumptions about our existence, i.e., that sex should be a determinant of power relationships. Here is the way male and female roles were defined in a Black nationalist pamphlet from the early 1970s:
We understand that it is and has been traditional that the man is the head of the house. He is the leader of the house/nation because his knowledge of the world is broader, his awareness is greater, his understanding is fuller and his application of this information is wiser... After all, it is only reasonable that the man be the head of the house because he is able to defend and protect the development of his home... Women cannot do the same things as men—they are made by nature to function differently. Equality of men and women is something that cannot happen even in the abstract world. Men are not equal to other men, i.e. ability, experience or even understanding. The value of men and women can be seen as in the value of gold and silver—they are not equal but both have great value. We must realize that men and women are a complement to each other because there is no house/family without a man and his wife. Both are essential to the development of any life. [3]
The material conditions of most Black women would hardly lead them to upset both economic and sexual arrangements that seem to represent some stability in their lives. Many Black women have a good understanding of both sexism and racism, but because of the everyday constrictions of their lives, cannot risk struggling against them both.
The reaction of Black men to feminism has been notoriously negative. They are, of course, even more threatened than Black women by the possibility that Black feminists might organize around our own needs. They realize that they might not only lose valuable and hardworking allies in their struggles but that they might also be forced to change their habitually sexist ways of interacting with and oppressing Black women. Accusations that Black feminism divides the Black struggle are powerful deterrents to the growth of an autonomous Black women's movement.
Still, hundreds of women have been active at different times during the three-year existence of our group. And every Black woman who came, came out of a strongly-felt need for some level of possibility that did not previously exist in her life.
When we first started meeting early in 1974 after the NBFO first eastern regional conference, we did not have a strategy for organizing, or even a focus. We just wanted to see what we had. After a period of months of not meeting, we began to meet again late in the year and started doing an intense variety of consciousness-raising. The overwhelming feeling that we had is that after years and years we had finally found each other. Although we were not doing political work as a group, individuals continued their involvement in Lesbian politics, sterilization abuse and abortion rights work, Third World Women's International Women's Day activities, and support activity for the trials of Dr. Kenneth Edelin, Joan Little, and Inéz GarcÃa. During our first summer when membership had dropped off considerably, those of us remaining devoted serious discussion to the possibility of opening a refuge for battered women in a Black community. (There was no refuge in Boston at that time.) We also decided around that time to become an independent collective since we had serious disagreements with NBFO's bourgeois-feminist stance and their lack of a clear politIcal focus.
We also were contacted at that time by socialist feminists, with whom we had worked on abortion rights activities, who wanted to encourage us to attend the National Socialist Feminist Conference in Yellow Springs. One of our members did attend and despite the narrowness of the ideology that was promoted at that particular conference, we became more aware of the need for us to understand our own economic situation and to make our own economic analysis.
In the fall, when some members returned, we experienced several months of comparative inactivity and internal disagreements which were first conceptualized as a Lesbian-straight split but which were also the result of class and political differences. During the summer those of us who were still meeting had determined the need to do political work and to move beyond consciousness-raising and serving exclusively as an emotional support group. At the beginning of 1976, when some of the women who had not wanted to do political work and who also had voiced disagreements stopped attending of their own accord, we again looked for a focus. We decided at that time, with the addition of new members, to become a study group. We had always shared our reading with each other, and some of us had written papers on Black feminism for group discussion a few months before this decision was made. We began functioning as a study group and also began discussing the possibility of starting a Black feminist publication. We had a retreat in the late spring which provided a time for both political discussion and working out interpersonal issues. Currently we are planning to gather together a collectIon of Black feminist writing. We feel that it is absolutely essential to demonstrate the reality of our politics to other Black women and believe that we can do this through writing and distributing our work. The fact that individual Black feminists are living in isolation all over the country, that our own numbers are small, and that we have some skills in writing, printing, and publishing makes us want to carry out these kinds of projects as a means of organizing Black feminists as we continue to do political work in coalition with other groups.
4. Black Feminist Issues and ProjectsDuring our time together we have identified and worked on many issues of particular relevance to Black women. The inclusiveness of our politics makes us concerned with any situation that impinges upon the lives of women, Third World and working people. We are of course particularly committed to working on those struggles in which race, sex, and class are simultaneous factors in oppression. We might, for example, become involved in workplace organizing at a factory that employs Third World women or picket a hospital that is cutting back on already inadequate heath care to a Third World community, or set up a rape crisis center in a Black neighborhood. Organizing around welfare and daycare concerns might also be a focus. The work to be done and the countless issues that this work represents merely reflect the pervasiveness of our oppression.
Issues and projects that collective members have actually worked on are sterilization abuse, abortion rights, battered women, rape and health care. We have also done many workshops and educationals on Black feminism on college campuses, at women's conferences, and most recently for high school women.
One issue that is of major concern to us and that we have begun to publicly address is racism in the white women's movement. As Black feminists we are made constantly and painfully aware of how little effort white women have made to understand and combat their racism, which requires among other things that they have a more than superficial comprehension of race, color, and Black history and culture. Eliminating racism in the white women's movement is by definition work for white women to do, but we will continue to speak to and demand accountability on this issue.
In the practice of our politics we do not believe that the end always justifies the means. Many reactionary and destructive acts have been done in the name of achieving "correct" political goals. As feminists we do not want to mess over people in the name of politics. We believe in collective process and a nonhierarchical distribution of power within our own group and in our vision of a revolutionary society. We are committed to a continual examination of our politics as they develop through criticism and self-criticism as an essential aspect of our practice. In her introduction to Sisterhood is Powerful Robin Morgan writes:
I haven't the faintest notion what possible revolutionary role white heterosexual men could fulfill, since they are the very embodiment of reactionary-vested-interest-power.
As Black feminists and Lesbians we know that we have a very definite revolutionary task to perform and we are ready for the lifetime of work and struggle before us.
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Never Share Ur Secrets with Anyone.
This can be Self-Destructive,
Perhaps the most Important Advice in Life.
🐊 Never Tell Ur Problems to Anyone.
20% will not Care
80% will be Glad that U have Them.
🐊 Life is similar to Boxing Game.
Defeat is not Declared when U Fall Down.
It is Declared when U Refuse to Get Up.
🐊 Always WRONG PERSONS Teach the
That is called LIFE EXPERIENCE.
🐊 Faith is taking the 1st Step,
even when U dont see the whole Staircase.
🐊 Keep Ur Face to the Sun,
& U will not see the Shadow.
🐊 Everything is Valuable only at 2 Times:
1: Before Getting It.
2: After Losing It.
🐊 2 Things brings Happiness & Success
in Life:
1: The way U Manage
when U have Nothing.
2: The way U Behave
when U have Everything.
🐊 2 Places are most Valuable in the World:
1: The NICEST Place is to be in
Someone's Thoughts.
2: The SAFEST Place is to be in
Someone's Prayers.
🐊 'FEAR' has 2 Meanings:
1: Forget Everything & Run.
2: Face Everything & Rejoice.
Choice is Ours.
🐊 ATTITUDE at its Best:
"My BACK is not a VOICE MAIL.
Kindly Say whatever U have by FACING ME".
🐊 What is SUCCESS ?
SUCCESS is, when Ur Photo's are Uploaded on 'GOOGLE' instead of FACEBOOK.
🐊 'EGO' is the only Requirement
to Destroy any Relationship.
Be a Bigger Person,
Skip the 'E' & let it 'GO'.k
I am not a pigeon. Pigeons represent the home and hearth. Pigeons are very sacred representations of Mother and Nurturing. And it isnt my Primary Totem.
My Totem is the Hawk and Falcon. They See best from a Distance, they are Distance hunters. They have VERY keen eyes and see the shyt coming. They have no attachment to the message as delivered.
And this is our lesson! Hawk Eyed People have to learn that the message means nothing to us but everything to the one hearing it. We have lost our way, or we would recognize young Hawk when we See it.
The lesson is, temper the heat of the message with the Heart of the Matter. We will make many stumbles along the way. Have you ever watched a baby Hawk learn to fly? I bet not. If so, Hawk Spirited folks would make more sense. They Wobble. Up and down. This is to teach them that they can DIP and soar. They have to learn that FIRST! Because, unlike other birds, they are Natural Borne Hunters. This is how they Live. So baby Hawk dips and bobs. Getting used to its weight and its wings. They become skilled and gifted very quickly this way.
Nature is amazing! If you shut up you can learn so much!
I dig the hawk. In fact this regal bird hangs out in my consciousness as both a guide and messenger. But I am certainly not a special "chosen few" by the hawk. I know this because I get a staggering number of emails from folks around the world telling me they've been graced by the hawk either physically or energetically. These emails go on to report the hawk consistently exhibits a bold presence, leaving a lasting impression upon those they've visited.
It makes sense. The hawk is a prevalent raptor, with widespread populations and a diverse array of preferred habitats. With an average 3+ foot wingspan, measuring in at two feet tall, piercing eyes and lethal looking claws, the hawk is an impressive figure. To be visited by it is bound to stir awareness, get one's attention and make one start asking questions about symbolic hawk meaning.
I can't attribute the hawk's healthy populations and frequent appearances as the exclusive reason for so many stories emailed to me about profound encounters with the hawk. There's more to it than numbers. I mean, there are millions of squirrels running around the world, but I don't get weekly emails about meaningful encounters with them like I do the hawk.
So what is it about the hawk that touches so many people? I suspect part of the reason is the hawk's companionable partnership with humans as early as the 600s, BC. This relationship is falconry, an ancient art of symbiotic synchronicity between human and raptor.
It's not just falcons that are used in falconry; hawks were, and still are trained today. In fact, there's a big debate in the realm of falconry about hawks vs. falcons. Which raptor is the best? Hawks have been championed as the best in the sport due to their off-the-charts intelligence, and wicked-keen eyesight.
Debate aside, there's no argument about the hawk's intelligence, eyesight, and a natural partner to mankind.
I'd like to explore the idea of partnership in connection to the symbolic hawk meaning.
Namely, falconry is more than a sport - it's a bond between human and raptor. Originally, it was a means of survival and defense for humans. Hawks were trained to catch prey and return it to their handler. This enabled humans to have another source of food, which (particularly essential for the desert-dwelling Bedouins). Hawks were also trained to attack enemies, and thus served as a serious defense system.
The process of training a falcon or hawk is a process in which handler and hawk develop an intense relationship. Ideally, a mutual respect is met between human and hawk. This is not unlike the ancient relationship between humans and dogs.
Over the course of a few millennia, the relationship between human and hawk becomes an engrained evolutionary phenomenon. Hawks (more than humans, I think) retain the cell memory of their bond with humans. At least, this is my theory backing the frequent visitations of hawks to humans, and their often profound effect on us. Like dogs, hawks inherently know they've shared a bond with humans since ancient times. They retain this connection, and with it, they retain the concept of providing and protecting humans as a latent objective.
Symbolic Hawk meaning is rich and varied, but it's more distinguished characteristic is focus. I think focus is another reason why the hawk is such a regular visitor to humans.
At the time of this writing (2013), our world is more complicated than ever before. Every moment is plugged up with countless distractions that were a non-issue as short as 50 years ago (much less 100 years ago). I believe the hawk is aware of humanity's modern tendency (and habit) of becoming distracted. In essence, I believe hawk visitations are a clear sign for us to become more focused. The hawk encourages us to suspend the habit of distraction, and become more aware of the present moment.
We've talked about two prime symbolic traits of the hawk: Partnership and Focus. Here are a few more highlights of character the hawk offers us...
Symbolic Hawk Meanings
- Vision
- Power
- Energy
- Rebirth
- Strategy
- Intensity
- Attention
- Protection
- Teamwork
- Intelligence
- Concentration
These attributes are clearly seen throughout history. And since I've talked long enough about my own discoveries about hawk meaning, this is a good time to explore hawk meanings from cultural, mythological, historical perspectives.
Hawk Meaning as a Soul-Carrier
Got soul? You betcha. So does the hawk. Historically, there is a broad association with the hawk and human souls.. Specifically, its keen concern with the soul's journey in the afterlife. Here are some examples of how the hawk demonstrates it's got soul...
- Valkyries transformed into hawks, swooped down onto Norse battlefields and carried souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla (see more under "Valkyrie" entry below).
Souls of emperors were illustrated flying from the earth into the heavens in the form of an eagle. Hawks would fly with their souls and take them to be with the gods at the time of their death in ancient Rome.
Charon, god responsible for navigated souls in Ancient Egyptian beliefs. Charon was a hawk-headed boatman who ferried souls across the river Styx. He was originally known as Khu-en-ua, and later morphed into Charon during the Hellenistic era.
Horus, sun god of ancient Egypt, was also connected with souls. As in ancient Rome, the hawk was released during at the death of important figures (like pharaohs) to show the soul being released from the mundane into the afterlife. See more about this under "Horus" entry below.
Native American wisdom of the Plains region in North America held the belief that the hawk embodied the souls of ancestors. Ancestral soul-hawks were known to be invoked by warriors for the purpose of receiving tips on how to be better fighters and hunters. In essence, braves would receive ancestral "downloads" from spirit hawks.
Aztecs in Central America held the hawk as a divine liaison. As an intermediary, hawks were like traffic cops between the gods and the souls of the newly deceased. Hawks were also messengers of the gods in Aztec wisdom.Learning about which deities are connected to a bird, animal or insect is highly revealing about the character of that creature. I find this aspect of animal totem research to be fascinating. We can learn a lot about our totems by the gods and goddesses they hang out with. Here are a few deities associated with the hawk...
Hawk Meaning Associated with Mythological Gods
As Greek sun-god, it makes sense the hawk is one of his sacred symbols, because the hawk is a solar bird. Meaning, the hawk is affiliated with the sun, which gives it Apollonian qualities such as: Radiance, Clarity, Intelligence, Growth, and Healing. As sun symbols, Apollo and hawk are symbolic of renewal, as the sun rising each day is iconic of daily rebirth every morning. Apollo, and his companion the hawk were also considered to have powers of protection, and were called upon to shelter Greek citizens from harm.Horus:
Egyptian sun god, the peregrine falcon is often associated with Horus, but so too was the hawk. Hawk and Horus have specific connections with death ceremonies. According to historical accounts, a hawk was released at the time of interment to illustrate the flight of the soul through the realms of the afterlife. This hawk-release was typically performed for royalty, and definitely for pharaohs. In this facet of cultural belief, as with Norse, the hawk is a representative of the soul.Valkyrie:
Although not goddesses, they were immortals. Beautiful, bold, warrioresque women of Norse mythology, Valkyries gave vital assistance to Odin. Their primary function was to return the souls of fallen warriors back from the battlefield and into the Norse 'homeland', Asgard. The hawk is connected to Valkyries because these immortal women were reputed to be shape-shifters. Valkyries preferred to take on the form of swans, crows, horses guessed it...hawks when morphing from human to animal. They transformed themselves mostly to disguise themselves and slip through enemy lines in order to gather up the souls of their brethren in arms who had been slain. In this light, the hawk is symbolic of transformation, and by association with Valkyrie shape-shifting, receives the title of "protector of souls". We also pick up on that strong element of partnership with the hawk allowing these Norse beauties to take their form and return fallen warriors back to Hall of the Slain (Valhalla).
Hawk Meaning as an Animal Totem
Hawk totems are extraordinarily effective at protection. They are kind of like raptor-angels. They keep watch over those who hold an affinity for them (and vice versa). They tend to arrange energy in such a way so that danger or bad choices are either made known to their people, or are avoided altogether.
If the hawk is your totem, you are extremely perceptive. You see things others miss. Your vision goes beyond the physical too - you have a knack for seeing into the souls of people you deal with. You might call it a gift of intuition.
You just have a sense, or an 'aerial view' into what is going on in the hearts of people. This is a great trait, but the downside to hawk people with this gift is that you tend to be way too forthcoming with your observations. Being naturally direct and candid personality types, hawk-people will make pointed statements about very sensitive issues that they've picked up by their powers of perception. Word of advice: Be delicate and diplomatic with your deductions.
Perhaps it is their unyielding honesty that makes hawk-people admirable partners. People who have hawk as their totem make outstanding mates, friends, co-workers, lovers, sister, brothers etc. They are loyal, honest and direct. Typically, you always know where you stand with a hawk-person, and others find this refreshing in a world of mind-gamers. Hawk-partners are also very protective, and will defend their compatriots to a fierce degree.
Those with the hawk as their totem are also visionaries. They look above the problem (another 'aerial view'), for solutions. They are expert problem solvers because they aren't part of the problem - they aren't stuck in the issue. Rather, they rise above it, and in an elevated state they are able to see answers most might overlook.
Hawk-people are very sharp, witty and intelligent too. This of course helps in addressing daily challenges, and further secures them as a 'great catch' in partnerships. There's a downside though. Sometimes hawk-folks get big for their britches, and have a bit of a superiority complex. It's easy to understand. These are regal people with confidence, acuity, drive and focus.
They are often over-achievers, and accomplish amazing tasks. Nevertheless, if you identify with these traits, it might behoove you to come down from the heavens and spend a little time on land. Being humble, and practicing humility is one of hawk-people's greatest challenges.
Every bit of the list applies to we Indigo StarWalkers of today. I am so thankful to have met those along the way who know the Indigo Ray and could help me better understand myself. I am more grounded and centered. Knowledge is power. And having an understanding of who you are; that is also validated and reflected back, is powerful. It is life changing, when you have confirmation and affirmation of your being.
One of the very best things about the confirmations?
Its totally the "me too" reassurance. :)
Are you an Indigo?
“Indigo children” is the name given to the new type of human being born in this generation. Displaying amazing feats of intuition and intelligence beyond their years, these indigos have started to become a much more common concept within the spiritual community. This is a list developed by play therapist Jan Yordy, a former elementary school teacher and child counselor who has been working with parents and children for 25 years.
As we go over the list, see if you resonate with any of these traits:
1. May be strong willed independent thinkers who prefer to do their own thing rather than comply with authority figures/parents
2. Have a wisdom and level of caring beyond their youthful experience
3. Traditional Parenting and discipline strategies don’t appear effective with these children. If you try to force an issue, a power struggle is the typical outcome.
4. Energeticly, Indigos are vibrating at a much higher frequencey so they can get scrambled by negative energy (human or machine)
5. Emotionally they can be reactive and may have problems with anxieties, depression or temper rages if not energetically balanced
6. Are creative right brain thinkers, but may struggle to learn in a traditional left brain school system
7. Often Indigos are diagnosed with ADD and ADHD since they appear impulsive (their brain can process information faster) and they require movement to help keep them better focused.
8. Indigos are very intuitive, and may see hear or know things that seem unexplainable.
9. Indigos have more problems with food and environmental sensitivities, since their system is more finely tuned.
10. When their needs are not met, these children seem self centered and demanding, although this is not their true nature.
11. These children have incredible gifts and potential, but they may be shut down when not properly nurtured and accepted
THIS is what an indigo child looks like in action!
"All truth passes through three stages.
First, it is ridiculed.
Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhaue
Are you a truth sayer?
Do you like to tell the truth?
Do you think truth has fractions?
The Lord spoke to me and said, “Arise and break this generational curse!” He was speaking about the mass number of single mothers who raise their sons to fail in life. Let me start by saying, there are good single mothers in our society and I applaud those women. They work tirelessly, with little or no help, to see that their children are provided for and well rounded.
The sacrifices they make for their families cannot be measured in any lifetime. This clarion call is not about those women. This is about the numerous modern day single moms who set their sons on a sure path of rebellion, disrespect and dishonor
1. Do You Poison Your Son’s Mind Against His Biological Father?
Some women knowingly and intentionally perform this evil scheme. Others do it unintentionally. While boys are young, this vengeful act seems harmless, but as they grow older, they develop bitterness against their fathers. This root of bitterness, (See Hebrews 12:15 and Romans 3:14) will manifest itself in other areas of these boy’s lives. They play out their parental distress by becoming overtly rebellious, joining gangs, committing crimes and engaging in other self-destructive activities such as domestic violence and homosexuality.
As Founder and CEO of Mastering Manhood, I constantly meet men who were turned against their biological father by their moms. I have listened to men tell how they thought about killing their dads or wanting to hurt him just to get even for being abandoned. In many cases, their dads did not abandon them. Some of these mothers refused to allow the child to interact with his father as a way to punish the boy’s father. These mothers were being plain evil by fueling poisonous lies of child abandonment.
If you are a single mother, don’t speak offensively about your child’s father to your child. Even if it is true! You may be angry at him for not marrying you or for breaking up with you, or for whatever reason. But you must understand; by poisoning your child against his dad, you are accomplishing two damnable feats. You are embedding:
2. Do You Instill In Your Son: “The All Men Are Dogs,” Mentality?
- A spirit of discord into your child’s heart
- a spirit of hatred and malice into your child’s heart
You may hate the father of your child. You may hate all men. You may feel justified in your malice because of how men have treated you. However, all men are not dogs! Good men do exist! A portion of the men who become dogs were trained to be that way by their disgruntled mothers. These boys listen to their moms speak hypercritically, denounce and condemn all men until they develop a disparaging complex about being a male.
Once those seeds are planted in their impressionable minds and hearts, these boys lose hope about being an honorable man. Their mother’s words become a prophetic utterance. Albeit a negative one. Single moms, you must find ways to encourage your son and put a stop to words and actions that dismantle his vision of being a decent man. All men are not dogs!
3. Do You Play The Dating Game?
As a single mother, you cannot afford to play the worldly dating game of love, sex and relationships. When you become a revolving door for hordes of males, you indoctrinate your son to systematically devalue and disrespect the female gender. By watching an assortment of males freely enter into and abruptly exit out of your life, your son learns firsthand how to become a playa player, pimp, baller and shot caller.
As he witnesses your failed relationships, tears of regret from your manifold sexual liaisons and learns how you were dumped, played, dismissed and disgraced at the hands of detestable males, his conscience becomes desensitized to the well being of all women. As you play the dating game, you persuade your son that males were called to be pimps.
As a single mother, if a man refuses to respect you as a woman and honor the fact that you have a child, he is not worthy of your companionship. You need to know that a man should not date you if he is not prepared emotionally, psychological, physically and financially to take on the responsibility of raising your child. It is an absolute waste of your time for you to date or court a man who:
As a single mother of a boy, you are largely responsible for how your son will treat the next generation of women. Take that charge serious. Don’t set your son up for sure relationship, marital and manhood meltdown. Set before him an example of honor, respect and virtue.
- Doesn’t want children
- Doesn’t like children
- Is averse to raising another man’s child
- Is not interested in getting married
- Has it made clear that his objective is to dishonor you sexually
4. Do You Engage In The Sleepover Trap?
Time and time again, I meet single mothers who allow men to spend the night, move-in or do long-term layovers. When boys see their moms engaging in such shameful activity, they become indoctrinated to see women as sex objects, booty calls and casual sex partners. Especially when they catch mommy in bed or on the couch with strange flesh.
5. Have You Made Your Son The Man of The House?
As cute as it may seem, your son IS NOT the man of the house. He is your child! Most single mothers will never understand the psychological damage they cause by anointing their sons to be the man of the house. By falsely convincing their boys that they are men, these single moms pigeonhole their adolescents into a pressure-based environment God never intended for them to be in.
Many of these undeveloped boys feel such emotional duress, that they resort to doing the unthinkable to meet their mom’s fanatical demands of manhood. These teenage boys freely talk about selling drugs, robbing people, car jacking and committing other crimes to take care of their household. It is not their household! Nor is it their responsibility. Never call or christen your son to be the man of YOUR HOUSE! For the love of God, he is not YOUR HUSBAND, he is YOUR CHILD!
6. Are You Feminizing Your Son?
To feminize means to cause a male to assume feminine characteristics. The way single mothers feminize their sons is by doing things such as:
Single mothers who allow or inspire their sons to engage in activities that cause him to be feminized are partly responsible for the mass number of passive and effeminate males in our society.
- Having him with them while they go shopping for women’s clothing
- Taking him to the beauty salons while they get their hair and nails done
- Having him in the bathroom and bedroom while they primp and pamper
- Buying him feminine toys such as girl’s bikes, dolls, etc.
- Providing him with feminine clothes, makeup or accessories
- Involving him in feminine activities
- Calling him cute, primping and pampering him
- Piercing his ears and giving him earrings
- Belittling or minimizing male-female gender differences
- Bringing feminine or homosexual males into his life or presence
7. Are You Training Him To Be a Man?
Get this irrefutable truth engrained into your mind and heart as expediently as possible. A woman cannot train a boy to be a man any more than a man can train a girl to become a virtuous woman. A man has his limits when it comes to raising and training girls.
He can read a thousand books and attend countless lectures, but he will never be able to fully understand or explain to a girl what PMS is, a woman’s hormones or what to expect when she gets pregnant. Most men won’t even attempt to broach subjects such as a woman’s broad range of emotions and feelings, her weight or looks, tampons or why women break out and cry at certain events and situations. It takes a woman to talk to a girl about those critical facets of her life.
In the same token, as a woman, there is only so much that you can instill in or teach a boy. Accept that fact and do not try to cross your boundaries. There are certain things that boys need psychologically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally, that you as a woman will never be able to impart to them. You will never understand or be able to help your son understand:
Like most females, you will spend an eternity scratching your head trying to understand why men gravitate towards brute competition. Since you will never comprehend these masculine things, you will never be able to properly communicate them to any male. Including your son!
- Masculinity
- Testosterones
- The male ego
- A man’s penis
- Why men are territorial
- Why men love a good battle
- A man’s need to conquer
- A boy’s rites of passage
Leave the manhood training to the men!
8. Are You Emasculating Your Son?
Some single mothers ruin their sons by emasculating them. To emasculate means: 1. To castrate. 2. To deprive of strength or vigor and to weaken. These single moms accomplish this catastrophic emasculation process by:
9. Have You Made Your Son Into a Momma’s Boy?
- Impeding the boy’s natural gravitation towards things that boys love to do, (i.e. rough sports and aggressive play)
- By constantly scolding, condemning, yelling and screaming at him. This commonly used tactic erodes a boy’s self-confidence
- By being a domineering or overbearing mother. These single moms not only bruise their son’s male ego, but they mutilate his male identity and condition him to be a cowardly passive male
- Constantly seeing his mother crying or throwing temper tantrums. When a boy sees these seemingly harmless emotional outbursts, he becomes conditioned to respond to the issues and pressures of life in the same manner as his mom.
I constantly meet single mothers who delight in the fact that they are raising momma’s boys. Let me put things into proper perspective by first defining what a momma’s boy is. He has been raised and taken care of by his mother. She has dressed him, cooked his meals, did his laundry, put a roof over his head, babied and spoiled him since birth and still does so… although he is a grown man.
She has come to his rescue, fought his battles, spoken up for him, lied for him, blamed others for his sins and protected him from harm and still does so… although he is a grown man. She has bought his shoes and socks, paid his bills, bought his groceries and got him out of jail and other jams and still does so… although he is a grown man.
In their strange and contorted mother-son relationship, neither of one them is willing cut their now grotesque umbilical cord. By the way their mothers have raised them, these males have been indoctrinated to believe that women exist for the sole purpose of serving and taking care of men. They have no problem with moving in with a female and sitting at home, watching television while their wives, girlfriends and baby’s mothers work two and three jobs to pay the bills.
Their understanding is, “What’s the problem? That’s what my mom did and that’s what women are supposed to do!” When it comes to marriage and relationships, I advise all women to avoid momma’s boys. One way or another, these males are going to cause you heartache. Especially if you attempt to snip their umbilical cord. Single mothers who truly care about their son’s future will not raise their sons to be momma’s boys!
10. Do You Avoid Finding Strong Male Role Models For Your Son?
By having no strong male role models in their lives, boys are prone to gravitate towards:
- Having a distorted sense of self-worth
- Feeling irrelevant in our society
- Rebelling against authority
- Being passive males
- Having a deep sense of vulnerability
- Wondering about their legacy
- Not respecting the female gender
- Not understanding, respecting or embracing manhood
- Not understanding, respecting or embracing marriage
- Not understanding, respecting or embracing fatherhood
Published 8/10/2013
The first law of nature is self preservation. The Second is know thyself.
She came to set the captives free! The Spirit of my foremothers with me! Freedom fighters in all times!
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Ut Oh, she's Blogging again! Hide yo kids! Hide yo WIFE!
Something Maya Angelou's Death helped reveal to me: Maya needed to be taught how to communicate after having been raped. I am observing, in myself, this very same need being developed. I am a very BLESSED MESS, and I own it! Unlike most women who parrot regurgitated jizzm, I own my Mess! Now, I ceased writing at all after having been raped a few years ago. I couldn't do it, it literally hurt me to write, to communicate. I am, right now, reteaching myself how to communicate with others. But, clearly, as is evidenced, MOTHERS are interested in RAISING daughters to be the help while LOVING HER SONS. Because not one ounce of compassion, or consideration, has been extended to me.
Nor will it be, because Mothers of Sons are the enemy of women. Especially raped women. We all have to contend with "you can't hate all men cuz one or 5 or 8 of them raped you," as they say. They are willfully invested in keeping Daughters Small and Silent they are willfully invested in the forgiveness myth. Because if women cease relating to men? Their sons will have NO cattle to prod and breed. They cannot stand our (the daughter's) truth, which is why we have to push all the more to express it and NEVER accept the abusive mother's word for it! Reject her! Reject her lordship over you, mother is a product of patriarchy and she is the gateway/gatekeeper of the patriarchy. Pearls of Wisdom come from anywhere, and if you let her, these broodmares of patriarchy will credit your Pearls and your Wisdom to another. It is the way of these people, rob the daughter to make room for the "son of man" and his mama. Even still, these broodmares of patriarchy have many great pearls if you sift through all the sinking sands.
Part 1 New Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 2 Find Additional Pop Culture Podcasts with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio | Part 3 Current Pop Culture Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with TripleDarkGodis Radio on BlogTalkRadio |
Forgiving others does NOT bring you peace. I get that this is the popular doctrine, but I am here, as an Indigo, to challenge the status quo and what we have accepted as normative.
When one forgive's a person for wrong-doing or harm done and they repeat the behavior requiring your forgiveness all you have done is left yourself open to deeper greater hurt and trauma. The expectation that someone, who has already shown you who they are and most often repeatedly, will suddenly cease doing what has hurt you is the basis of our present conceptualization of forgiveness. I have heard it said that "forgiveness is for you not the other person" and all types of regurgitated soundbites invented to sell an idea and popularize a concept.
When has what is "popular" meant what is right? Haven't we proven, time and again, throughout historic cultural shifts, that which is popular is often problematic?
I want to challenge us to think about forgiveness in a new light. What if, instead of forgiving the aggressor/abuser/asshole in our lives we forgive OURSELVES for granting ACCESS to the people who disrespect/harm/deny your Beingness? When you CEASE to permit them access to repeat their offensive behavior, you remove yourself from active participation in their lack of respect for you. You prioritize your integrity and needs above the appearance of a union or relationship or circumstance. Appearances and illusions rule our world and way of connection, so I get that it is a powerful illusion to bust up and be freed from. But challenge yourself. See how it helps you to grow!
The healing needed after someone you love, respect, honor has hurt, disrespected, betrayed you is easy to come, once you have REMOVED the source of infection/harm from you.
No one rubs floor dirt into an open wound! Sensible folks will clean out the wound and bandage it to keep it safe from infection. When you have been wounded, do not rub floor dirt into your wound. And do not leave it open. Seek closure and allow yourself the full recovery you are entitled to as a child of the Universe.
Writing is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3
Witty, Wise, Fierce, Fiyah Personified! This Bitch Godis everything you feared, all you wish to avoid, and everything about yourself you hate or wish ya could be. ;)
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Female Complicity
Female Complicity
Female Expression
Female Sexuality
Fe Male Vs Wombn
Fe-Male Vs Wombn
Male Sexual Terrorism
Mother Is The Root
Mothers Fail Sons
Mothers Of Sons
Mothers Of Sons Are The ENEMY Of Women And Girls
No Verbal Blow Jobs
Patriarchal Divisiveness
Penetration As A Political Weapon
Policing Female Existence
Politics Of Expression
Sexual Abuse Survey
Sexual Violence
Spiritual Self Defense
The Penis Is A Weapon Of Mass Destruction
White Man B*tch
Womb Hatred