The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
This is an image of God, all of the early images of God appeared this way. Long Pendulous Breasts, a Full belly, Full thighs and round hips. Why is THIS the face of God? Because THIS is an image of the Great Blak Mamma of Creation, of Fatty-Ma, of Fat-Her. Though the patriarchy has worked diligently to erase and suppress our awareness and remembrance of her, she lives on in statuary and monumental carvings. The first images of God looked like this. Note the tight coils atop her head, indicating her Ethnic Origins. This is an effigy of the Great Blak Mama of Creation. The more we distance ourselves from her image, the greater we see the hatred expressed to her daughters who look just like her. Today on Afro Punk I saw so many hateful comments directed at a black wombn who is fat. I felt compelled to speak on it. FEATURE: “Embrace Your Essence” - The Empowering Photo Series By Eva Woolridge Photography —> “I was surrounded by such beautiful women with such gorgeous souls, [But they] sometimes let their light dim because they constantly were trying to fit somebody else’s beauty standards.” When I see her? I am reminded of the Mother Goddess. (See first picture) I am reminded of Fatty-Ma aka Fatima. I am reminded of Fat-Her, Big Mama, A Wombn whose body has changed because she labored to bring future leaders into this material plane of force. Or, as one of our Fans said when we initially shared this image: "Yasss! Gracious Goddesses with hips that span continents and all manner of breasts that attract deceitful lovers and suckle ungrateful children...she is everything. I love her and I love you for SEEING her. ~ Aemeri Kenasen" And though I do not look like her, unlike far too many people; I am so secure in me that I don't need to tear down a fat woman. I want the rest of you to try the same. Or go on. Leave a comment and risk my demons destroying your newly minted 2016! Go on. I think it's high time we understand that the anti-fat black woman bs is actually anti Godis inherently. The first images of God looked just like a fat blak mama. Like the Fatty-ma of Creation. When people say "let's not encourage obesity" with each and every photo black wombn take in celebration of herself, it speaks volumes. Sistar, if you want to be more healthy, Angry Devas is going to help you out this year. 5 years ago I was 290, nearly 300lbs. Why? I was over eating, I was sad, I had no love in my life and most people only seeking to take or use me. I slowly but surly found a love and appreciation for myself. And I began to change how I approached living in my body. And I can and will help you too. This will be a FREE Dark Godis Health is Wealth initiative. 52 weeks of Fitness. Sign up for our
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022