The Angry Deva's Blog
Veneration of the Dark Godis is Veneration of the Whole Wombn. Our Power is in Darkness, but first wo-men have to leave our patriarchal conditioning behind - leave the father's house and his rules! Embrace the Way of the Womb!
#ControversialOracle #TheDivineFeminine If (black) men want Feminine Black women, they have to stop being pussy hounds. If Black women want to see more Feminine Wombn and greater sisterhood, they have to stop raising daughters and loving the sons into being pussy hounds! You cannot both PREY on the Feminine and expect her to yield to you. This lack of basic honor is one of the worst aspects of Patriarchy and Patriarchal Maleness itself. Men, and society, demand that Wombn be soft, yielding, sensitive and Feminine; yet men attack women as "too sensitive" or "weak" for not tolerating abuse. The reason I systematically deny access to men on the Angry Deva's Fan page: Men do not honor or respect the Rules of Engagement. Men refuse to acknowledge or honor the fact that all Men are Created equal, and all Wombn are Sovereign Creatrix Gods. Men reinforce how they are all the same, as it pertains to their desires, sexuality and basic behavioral patterns; yet they do not honor that sameness in women. If the Aspects of the Feminine are constantly abused by men, yet expected of women, an imbalance is created and disharmony ensues, aka Patriarchy. Men refuse to be humble and controlled in the presence of the Feminine, they instead become manipulative, lording, controlling and abusive to the Sensitive Yin energy of the Feminine. Make no mistakes about it, Pumpkins, The Yin/Feminine is so very Delicate, it is very easy for the Yang to abuse, degrade, and rape this sensitive energetic force in us. I am highly sensitive, and thus deeply protective of my own Feminine. I know we live in a world of hyper-masculine beasts, who lack the temerity to be Divine Masculine in Motion. I was EASY in my Feminine, until my mother moved us into a neighborhood of black men. It was when i moved to Black Boston, that i had to learn how to walk and act and carry myself in a more Masculine Manner. Prior to that, I grew up in an ethnic european neighborhood filled with Greeks and Irish Catholic folks as well. I grew up in Jamaica Plains, we are a Crunchy Granola, Tree Huggin, Picnic having bunch of folks. In JP, if ya saw trash, it was usually an accident and you just picked it up and put it in the bin. Black Boston, Dorchester to be more exacting, was littered with trash, too much trash to pick up or reform. The type of very visible trash (both discarded containers, and discarded humans as well) that depresses the atmosphere. I grew up in a place where we spoke to our neighbors, moving here meant all black, dark clothes only, baggy clothes, carrying a weapon and being on your guard all the time. But Pink has ALWAYS been my favorite Color! Period! And i LOVE My Feminine. But Pink has ALWAYS been my favorite Color! Period! And i LOVE My Feminine.
I simply am tired of her being preyed on by animal negro males. I got tired of my "Good Morning" greetings being met with stalking, grossly inappropriate commentary and even molestation! I got sick and fucking tired of black men abusing me and my feminine. It hurt to constantly be viewed only as prey. Black men exist solely to reduce the Divine Feminine. They are reductionist in their ways, never adding to only taking away from. They do not value the Feminine or Protect and serve the Feminine as they should. This is the ONLY CAUSE of "masculine women." If not for the FACT that patriarchal dogs attack Feminine Wombn, there would be no hyper-masculine females. Yep. I said it. It is only the pain caused by man/male/boy that creates this. This is true even for me!
In fact, i can DEPEND on the FACT that the Moment i am Sitting Comfy in my feminine, some black ass negro male will pop up to try and get his dick in. (See last weeks show!) I did not grow up in a place where men were dishonorable, disrespectful, entitled rapist animals. All of these things were visited upon me by black womens sons, when we moved in to black neighborhoods.
SO, be patient with me, please. Because, when i went in on the mothers of black sons, i felt entitled to. Since the Mothers of Sons entitlements to bring beast males into this world; meant i had to suffer so much and my feminine has suffered so many abuses and harms as well. It has not been easy, putting myself back together. It is easy for none of us! We all are doing the very best we can, wanting to remain soft and yielding in a world that views softness as weakness, yielding as conquered and loyalty as slavery. How are we to Truly Honor the Feminine?
How do we Stand in our Feminine, when the entire world has been trained that we are ok to be abused? How do we Stand in our Feminine when they all expect us to be mules?I asked that question, and I have been connected with Sisters who are very comfortable in their Feminine Glory. Together we are 'Alchemizing,' because it is only The Divine Feminine who can raise the Wounded Feminine and Diminished Masculine to Divinity in Motion. <3 I wanted to share this with you. Sign up for:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Angry Deva'sWriting is my Joy and Pleasure. I've been writing creative pieces, analytic pieces and empirical pieces since I learned how! I use my pen and prose to expose people to things they either don't know or never thought of. I am political, analytic, critical all things that Virgo/Gemini is. The Logos is the Eros to me. <3 Archives
March 2022